I'm a casual fan of other sports but they're really just there to distract me until football season starts again. I enjoy watching the NBA playoffs but I don't really have a team (pulling for Memphis, though), and the occasional NHL playoff game is pretty fun to watch as well. I used to love baseball as a kid but these days I find it pretty boring. I think the game of soccer is really cool (FIFA is amazing) but I hate how the best leagues are set up, and the MLS doesn't really interest me because of the huge gulf in talent compared to the Euro leagues. The World Cup is awesome, though.I added the '' to make it seem less mean.
Do you all guys follow other sports besides football?
I just called the Fins irrelevant and you're not even gonna say something mean back? You're too nice.
Also, I'm willing to say that LeBron is the best in the game today and the way he stepped up last year and got them the title earns him some respect, buuuuuuut I still want them to crash and burn in the playoffs again, although that seems highly unlikely.
Do you all guys follow other sports besides football?
Do you all guys follow other sports besides football?
I'm a casual fan of other sports but they're really just there to distract me until football season starts again. I enjoy watching the NBA playoffs but I don't really have a team (pulling for Memphis, though), and the occasional NHL playoff game is pretty fun to watch as well. I used to love baseball as a kid but these days I find it pretty boring. I think the game of soccer is really cool (FIFA is amazing) but I hate how the best leagues are set up, and the MLS doesn't really interest me because of the huge gulf in talent compared to the Euro leagues. The World Cup is awesome, though.
You added thebecause you knew it was true and you felt kind of bad for saying it. It wasn't to be nicer, it was to ease your guilty conscience! That at least tells me that there is still a remnant of an untainted soul behind that Pats fan exterior though, which is a plus.
Dutch, even though you're a Pats fan, I'll still let you buy me diner or Taco Bell.
Meh, it's kinda hard to argue about that, we had be fairly irrelevant in the last decade or so. I guess I could say at least we don't have asterisks next to our SB wins, but that's so old it doesn't do anything to me.
As for LeBron, he clearly is. I just never liked him, not as a Cav not as a Heat player. Clearly a brilliant player. I also don't like Wade so I guess that helps overall.
Eurofootie, basketball, rugby, some baseboru but not so much, all apart from football of course.
Do you all guys follow other sports besides football?
Toronto sports fans are such masochists.It is known I only follow the worst franchises.
Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Raptors, Toronto Maple Leafs, Cleveland Browns.
I did follow Spain during the last big soccer event; the Euro Cup?
I'm not a big soccer fan but I'm trying to learn it so my nephew has someone to talk to about it. He's a huge fan and loves to play but his parents don't care much about the sport at all.
It is known I only follow the worst franchises.
Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Raptors, Toronto Maple Leafs, Cleveland Browns.
I did follow Spain during the last big soccer event; the Euro Cup?
I'm not a big soccer fan but I'm trying to learn it so my nephew has someone to talk to about it. He's a huge fan and loves to play but his parents don't care much about the sport at all.
It's from Glee of course.
I didn't know Dutch hated Spain.![]()
It's from Glee of course.
I didn't know Dutch hated Spain.![]()
I just followed them for that tournament was all.![]()
I should push your nose in your pee, kitty.
Does it make it okay if I say I also was able to get with a spanish chick because I was following the team?
Does it make it okay if I say I also was able to get with a spanish chick because I was following the team?
I'm a novice! I didn't know!
The only way to atone is cheering for Germany next time.
Lesson 1: The Dutch are your enemies.
Lesson 2: "Ohne Holland fahr'n wir zur WM!"
Lesson 3: This is the only moment where you cheer for the Dutch:
I just had to use the Content Advisor to block GAF on IE after I used it to circumvent the StayFocusd extension on Chrome :-/
I'm a lost cause.
I just had to use the Content Advisor to block GAF on IE after I used it to circumvent the StayFocusd extension on Chrome :-/
I'm a lost cause.
Block it in your hosts file. Then no browser can get to it.
But then I can't get to it :-D
With StayFocusd, I can limit it to a certain amount of time per day.
And I'm hoping I won't have to resort to getting banned again. It's getting embarassing.
Yeah, I've fought with it from time to time. Ultimately Gaf isn't going anywhere, so it will be here when you're done with the important stuff.
That beard is quite impressive, I wish I had one.So who gets to shave the beard off Kave's kitty avatar when the Leafs lose? Should we draw straws?
Didn't de Jong break two legs of opposing players in a season or something? He just aimed to high in that match vs. Spain. He could've taken out Iniesta and Casillias.
All I can hope is that the Borussia Poles play half-way decently on the national team. Or rather, the rest of the team should adapt to their level of play at Dortmund.
What are the odds you guys are qualifying for the WC ?
Do not like!
Still 1 more month until qualifying starts up again... Friend of mine and I are thinking of flying down to Brazil next year for the WC.
Wow, that would be pretty badass. Have you ever been to Brazil before? Seems like an amazing place to visit for such an event. How sure is it that the Yanks qualify? if they don't I'll allow you to root for the men in Oranje.
(If you have questions about Brazil, I'm kind of an expert since I played Max Payne 3).
What really pisses me off thinking about world cups is that the locations of all the coming WCs fucking suuuuuck! Fuck you fucking corrupt ass FIFA! I really wanted the World Cup in 2018/2022 to be in the US, so I could go there.
But nooooooooo, lets spend a shitton of money on terrible stadiums in ducking Qatar, even though they came out the worst in every rapport. Good thing they have a lot of money.
Never been to Brazil before. Will be interesting.
USA in qualifying so far has been mediocre, but the plus side is that everyone else has been mediocre. 4 points in 3 matches for the US, with the Hex leader with 5 points. Getting a draw in Mexico was huge. The June matchdays will be be big because there's 3 of them in a 12 day span
I'm standing here wearing a shirt in the rain.
Come at me bro.