One good thing came from Raw.
Watching the evolution of punk finale.
Punks striking still doesn't look great and everything I've seen of gall looks like an improvement over his amateur and UFC fights.
Not to mention he's going to be in a world of hurt when Hall throws his first elbow.
Let's do this?! It'd be great.Bayley saddled with Nia?
Nia can't suppress her nice demeanor, no matter how hard she tries. I say turn her and make her head of a women's stable or team. Make her be that motherfucker you don't want to anger. Have her be Bayley's guardian angel.
she's so bad at everything that isn't "getting people to love her"
Honestly I hope for his sake he stays away unless he somehow gets a Brock deal where he practically controls his dates and his booking.does phil come crawling back to vince by this upcoming mania? or the next one?
These women are out to get Rollins. He's always in some shit and let alone a week after that Big Cass comment.
Is that a doggie biscuit?
Nia needs to be released and see if she's actually worth her salt where she'd have to prove it.
No amount of Performance Center coddling is going to give her a personality or any kind of 'aura'. They'll just tell her to scowl more and it won't do anything. It's why I'm glad Scott's son went to NJPW first before going to NXT.
Lol she's part of the Anoa'i family. She's not going anywhere regardless if she's actually qualified enough to have a position on the roster.Nia needs to be released and see if she's actually worth her salt where she'd have to prove it.
No amount of Performance Center coddling is going to give her a personality or any kind of 'aura'. They'll just tell her to scowl more and it won't do anything. It's why I'm glad Scott's son went to NJPW first before going to NXT.
You know, given how half a year ago she was awful at selling normal hits, I'm glad Charlotte's selling nowadays is just her flopping over the place like her old man even when barely grazed like she was here.
Then she comes back and creative and writers still fucking suck?
The Heyman approach might be needed. Hide the negatives, push the positives.
The glimpses I've seen of Punk's training, he looks so fucking slow.Watching the evolution of punk finale.
Punks striking still doesn't look great and everything I've seen of gall looks like an improvement over his amateur and UFC fights.
Not to mention he's going to be in a world of hurt when Hall throws his first elbow.
That's not true. But that gif was a poor display.
Yikes. She's terribly boring as is but I was content with just thinking she was Good But Boring, except for that shit finisher. Might have to reconsider.
She's not athletic enough or strong enough to compensate for coming off as not mean, and she's not mean enough to compensate for the lack of athleticism or strength. She's just a tall, very heavy woman.Nia needs to be released and see if she's actually worth her salt where she'd have to prove it.
No amount of Performance Center coddling is going to give her a personality or any kind of 'aura'. They'll just tell her to scowl more and it won't do anything. It's why I'm glad Scott's son went to NJPW first before going to NXT.
I'm not saying you are wrong but I'm not sure if her situation is all her fault.Nia needs to be released and see if she's actually worth her salt where she'd have to prove it.
No amount of Performance Center coddling is going to give her a personality or any kind of 'aura'. They'll just tell her to scowl more and it won't do anything. It's why I'm glad Scott's son went to NJPW first before going to NXT.
if Seth was in that gif, we'd have 4 pages of people talking shit about him by now. She always gets a free pass, ALWAYS
She has the worst finisher in the business
she's not the best in the ring
her gimmick is literally John Cena's
I hate the idea of Bayley's fanboys more than I hate Bayley
Bo dominated his squash match more than Nia and Braun.
Bo dominated his squash match more than Nia and Braun.
if Seth was in that gif, we'd have 4 pages of people talking shit about him by now. She always gets a free pass, ALWAYS
She has the worst finisher in the business
she's not the best in the ring
her gimmick is literally John Cena's
I hate the idea of Bayley's fanboys more than I hate Bayley
I'm not surrounding you are wrong but I'm not sure if her situation is all her fault.
Seth Rollins
About to hit 3 continents & 4 countries in 5 days on this @WWE #globalnavigation tour. Stoked to see everyone in London, Manila & Shanghai.
Watching the evolution of punk finale.
Punks striking still doesn't look great and everything I've seen of gall looks like an improvement over his amateur and UFC fights.
Not to mention he's going to be in a world of hurt when Hall throws his first elbow.
It's nice that they've been doing collections, but they have a long way to go to make great ones. There's a hidden gems collection that hit today that looks pretty interesting to me. I'd love to see some collections curated by wrestlers themselves, like Kane's Favorite Kane Matches, or Daniel Bryan's Favorite Tag Team matches.I put on the the network last night and saw that it had a collection of greatest matches ever. It was like Flair vs Steamboat, Flair vs Funk, HHH vs Undertaker, lol, Has this thread talked about that?
There was also a collection of old DX moments and Austin/McMahon moments. That looks really cool and useful for people who weren't watching back then. There needs to be more of that. They could show many entire rivalries in that format. There should be Shawn/Jericho and Bret/Austin collections. I wish we could easily make our own collections to show to people. I would make a Jericho in WCW collection.
I would LOVE to see a legit Vince McMahon's Favorite Debuts. I wonder what he loved. God, and with commentary...that'd be so good.
Also I wouldn't say the Bayley to Belly is the worst finisher in the business. Not when Big Show's KO punch is still a thing.
Lmao, this happened? If so I need to watch the Hulu version and hope it wasn't cut.Did Bo Dallas actually come out all serious with signs and squash a jobber or did I have some kind of fever dream?
Uhhh... I feel bad for you. Not because you don't like Bayley. That's fine. But some of your criticisms are disputable, and you're acting like they're not. Because "Bayley's fanboys". I mean, that's kind of a non-starter. There is no discussion to be had there.
I strongly dislike the finisher Roode used at TakeOver. Weak as fuck looking.Also I wouldn't say the Bayley to Belly is the worst finisher in the business. Not when Big Show's KO punch is still a thing.
The women taking the move just go rag doll when she does it so it looks a little stronger.Honest question: is there anything different about her belly to belly suplex that warrants elevating the move to finisher status?
Honestly I hope for his sake he stays away unless he somehow gets a Brock deal where he practically controls his dates and his booking.
One thing about that series is he has no reason to be mad about life when he has somebody as supportive as AJ in his life. She comes across like a saint and is probably the only thing that keeps punk from pulling a Martin Lawrence.
Honest question: is there anything different about her belly to belly suplex that warrants elevating the move to finisher status?
Honest question: is there anything different about her belly to belly suplex that warrants elevating the move to finisher status?
but they are fanboys. That's t he definition of a fanboy, you're a fanboy. She never gets shit ever, she's always the best, she's always perfect, it's always about the booking/her opponent/the weather
Honest question: is there anything different about her belly to belly suplex that warrants elevating the move to finisher status?
I strongly dislike the finisher Roode used at TakeOver. Weak as fuck looking.
but they are fanboys. That's t he definition of a fanboy, you're a fanboy. She never gets shit ever, she's always the best, she's always perfect, it's always about the booking/her opponent/the weather