I think even he realized it when he started using the superkick as his true finisher lately.Worst current finisher on the main roster is probably...
No, it absolutely IS the Zig-Zag. Worst finisher and it isn't even a contest.
I think even he realized it when he started using the superkick as his true finisher lately.Worst current finisher on the main roster is probably...
No, it absolutely IS the Zig-Zag. Worst finisher and it isn't even a contest.
The one Reigns does that's more of a sitdown Razor's Edge is pretty fucking awesome looking. A million times better than his spear.I like a good sit-out power bomb. Batista had it right.
I like a good sit-out power bomb. Batista had it right.
The face of the company wins with a fireman's carry.
I think even he realized it when he started using the superkick as his true finisher lately.
Charlotte is dangerous in the ring, look at how she injures Bayley here
i love you guys but...
there is zero chance punk ever returns. i think you all underestimate how toxic that relationship between him and the company was even after his exit.
Don't get me wrong, i would mark the fuck out to the point that it freaks my wife and kids out, but it isnt happening.
Just dropping an opponent from the powerbomb position looks like absolute shit, but maybe that's just me.Kevin Nash has a great powerbomb
it's also the safest powerbomb in pro wrestling and it fits his character completely.
I feel like I remember Rings of Saturn always getting a big pop too.As far as submission finishers go though, Rings of Saturn was also one of my favorites. Saturn never did it lazy, always thrashed about and that gave it a lot of credence. I believed he was hurting them.
As far as submission finishers go though, Rings of Saturn was also one of my favorites. Saturn never did it lazy, always thrashed about and that gave it a lot of credence. I believed he was hurting them.
Punk's relationship with WWE isn't even remotely as toxic as Bret Hart's relationship with the company was. And Bret came back.
if Seth was in that gif, we'd have 4 pages of people talking shit about him by now. She always gets a free pass, ALWAYS
She has the worst finisher in the business
she's not the best in the ring
her gimmick is literally John Cena's
I hate the idea of Bayley's fanboys more than I hate Bayley
Okay. That makes sense.The women taking the move just go rag doll when she does it so it looks a little stronger.
I also still have a problem with Coup de Grace, I still don't get it. It looks so gentle and weak
It's how he got his title match against Ambrose.I don't watch TV but has it actually finished a match yet?
It's also wholly unbelievable against most of the roster. KO isn't throwing Orton in the air. Not his fault though. Most wrestlers couldn't effectively make that move work against most others. Just powerbomb dudes.pop-up powerbobm is easily the worst powerbomb
no buildup. powerbomb shouldn't be some dumb 'outtanowhere' move
I don't know if I agree with this in the slightest and, realistically, I don't think Punk is comparing this ordeal to that of Bret's anyway.
Vince had a weird father-son dynamic with Punk even if he fucked him around booking wise. Vince would take him back in a second.Vince is already on record as saying he'd welcome Punk back if Punk wanted to return. And, as long as Vince is alive, Vince will trump HHH. Personally I think Punk will come back at some point and I bet he'll take one of those cushy part-timer contracts and get a Mania main event just to prove a point.
Cat was out of the bag last night but Mr Gallagher announced he's coming to raw!
Pretty much my feelings with Ambrose's rebound lariat. If you knock the guy back against the ropes, know what the fuck he's gonna do.My only problem with the Pop Up powerbomb is that it's telegraphed to hell. Every time Owens throws someone into the ropes they should be doing everything they can to block that.
Nah, his charisma will override that immediately I feel.One of the best guys at CWC, but I don't know how's the crowd not going to immediatly relate him to the Vauds and dismiss him for that.
I mean Irish Whips are a big part of every match, so it's somewhat believable they'd hit the ropes like they normally do.My only problem with the Pop Up powerbomb is that it's telegraphed to hell. Every time Owens throws someone into the ropes they should be doing everything they can to block that.
One of my highlights of Raw. That attire was horrible though.Did Bo Dallas actually come out all serious with signs and squash a jobber or did I have some kind of fever dream?
Yeah the pop-up powerbomb looks pretty weak and is very unconvincing as a finisher.
The Bullfrog Splash would be an excellent finisher for Owens methinks
I think the slam itself is dope.My only problem with the Pop Up powerbomb is that it's telegraphed to hell. Every time Owens throws someone into the ropes they should be doing everything they can to block that.
I mean Irish Whips are a big part of every match, so it's somewhat believable they'd hit the ropes like they normally do.
Well this is the same world where people always stand up after receiving a second clothesline from John Cena despite there being 14 years of video evidence for what comes next.Yeah but he throws people into the ropes in a very specific way to set up that move. It's never a standard irish whip.
what the fuck is this
Best part of last night's show by far:
Remembering they have more than 4 women (and one of them is A 3:16) was great last night.Best part of last night's show by far:
It's a miracle he never killed anyone with this considering he botched it 50 percent of the time.Ahmed Johnson's Pearl River Plunge/Tiger Bomb is one of my favorite moves of all time.
Ahmed Johnson's Pearl River Plunge/Tiger Bomb is one of my favorite moves of all time.
Aside from the injury, why isn't Sami Zayn over as a top babyface?
Definitely wasn't planned. Her and Alicia both looked stunned that it hit her straight in the face.If Nia was an actual heel she'd be pissed rather than looking like Alicia spilled a drink on her.
She has that "this wasn't part of the script" look on face.
Aside from the injury, why isn't Sami Zayn over as a top babyface?
Definitely wasn't planned. Her and Alicia both looked stunned that it hit her straight in the face.