he's my hometown boy and even I am bored with him
explain his gimmick to me
what was his NXT gimmick?
Aside from the injury, why isn't Sami Zayn over as a top babyface?
fucking abysmal booking mate
he's my hometown boy and even I am bored with him
explain his gimmick to me
Aside from the injury, why isn't Sami Zayn over as a top babyface?
he's my hometown boy and even I am bored with him
explain his gimmick to me
he's my hometown boy and even I am bored with him
explain his gimmick to me
You think Stone Cold Alicia Fox gives a damn who she pisses off?Well Alicia's reaction was fine because you would think she wouldn't want to piss off a supposed monster heel.
Like, forcefully nice.He's a nice dude that dances awkwardly to ska music and is good at the wrestles.
Did I mention he's a nice dude?
You don't go into a ring with Ahmed Johnson expecting to stay injury free. He was getting talent popped before Seth Rollins was old enough to watch sports entertainment.It's a miracle he never killed anyone with this considering he botched it 50 percent of the time.
It is a pretty Ahmed(tm) thing to do.Ahmed doing the move and then walking around taunting instead of going for a pin is killing me
he's a nice dude, who doesn't like Kevin Owens and he gets injured a lot
it's the weakest gimmick of all time. There's your answer
that was his gimmick in NXT and it provided two of the best storylines they did in their best period
that was his gimmick in NXT and it provided two of the best storylines they did in their best period
Sami's gimmick is he got the best match out of Nakamura so far and fuck you.
Owens murdering Sami Zayn twice?
Everything works in NXT because the writing is good and they focus on storylines, it doesn't get lost in a 3h show. I'll give you that, it has a lot to do about the booking
If Nia was an actual heel she'd be pissed rather than looking like Alicia spilled a drink on her.
She has that "this wasn't part of the script" look on face.
Sami can be instantly redeemed with a Rumble win this year, especially if Owens is still champ.
that wasn't even Nakamura's best match THIS YEAR dawg. January happened
his climb to the top against Neville, one of the bext NXT slow burns.Owens murdering Sami Zayn twice?
that wasn't even Nakamura's best match THIS YEAR dawg. January happened
Sami can be instantly redeemed with a Rumble win this year, especially if Owens is still champ.
Sami/Neville was a brilliant feud and story all around.I actually think the Sami/Neville story in NXT was better than Sami/Owens in NXT.
I actually think the Sami/Neville story in NXT was better than Sami/Owens in NXT.
Stop find it hilarious that Miz cuts the promo of his life and gets stuck with Dog Ziggler
Ambrose proved everything right about what he said about Ziggler in the build-up to their match at Summerslam and how he's gonna fade back to the background once he gets his ass kicked. Then he also gets his ass kicked by AJ.Stop find it hilarious that Miz cuts the promo of his life and gets stuck with Dog Ziggler
You mean AJ got the best out of Nak America, palSami's gimmick is he got the best match out of Nakamura so far and fuck you.
That main event match.
I was right about them not explaining what's going on with HHH right away.
Aside from the injury, why isn't Sami Zayn over as a top babyface?
Might be an old Wrestling Round Table or a Table for 3. Don't remember Raven being on any of those, so maybe it was an ECW doc?Where is that sit down with Raven, Foley, and RVD talking about hardcore wrestling at? For the life of me, I can't find the full thing on the network.
That's how dark matches work, it doesn't matterSo post-Raw.
Rollins comes out to help Reigns get rid of Jericho and Owens.
Then Reigns spears Rollins.
Your top face everyone.
Where is that sit down with Raven, Foley, and RVD talking about hardcore wrestling at? For the life of me, I can't find the full thing on the network.
Hardcore Championship dvdWhere is that sit down with Raven, Foley, and RVD talking about hardcore wrestling at? For the life of me, I can't find the full thing on the network.
So this is the inspiration for Hell in a Cell or what? I've heard a lot of hushed, excited whispers about this in the last few days but not a lot of details. A tape thought lost forever? Ellering had it but forgot to tell everybody?
Might be an old Wrestling Round Table or a Table for 3. Don't remember Raven being on any of those, so maybe it was an ECW doc?