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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?


Wrestling is hot again brother!

edit: also

According to ShowBuzzDaily.com, this week’s edition of WWE Smackdown Live, featuring a main event of Dean Ambrose vs Baron Corbin, averaged 2.835 million viewers. This week’s number is up 4.46% from last week’s show, which averaged 2.714 million viewers.

This week’s WWE Smackdown Live ranked #2 for the night in viewership, and is the best viewership number the show has drawn since the live draft special on July 19th.

I used a .gif from an old cartoon so you'd get the reference. Something like Spongebob might confuse you.

Sigh, I know the exact episode this is from.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Is he talking about KO's casual promo style? Because I agree. He needs work.

Basically he's complained about Owens look or whatever a billion times and is salty people are getting in his face about it.

"Ok bro, I am bombarded with the Kevin Owens people. Can I just say this? Let me just say this because we are going to talk about this for a while, ok? Listen, I’m going to say this once: If you are one of these idiots who actually believe that Kevin Owens actually won a scripted, fake wrestling match on TV yesterday, let me tell you a few things; 1) Please don’t tweet me for a couple of reasons, because you’re going to tweet me, I’m going to read your tweet, and I’m going to think to myself, what kind of jacka** is this that actually thinks Kevin Owens won a match and then I’m going to block you because I can’t wrap my head around that level of stupidity, I can’t. If you actually think Kevin Owens won a match last night; I don’t care if you’re 2, I don’t care if you’re 4, I don’t care if you’re 8, I don’t care if you’re freaking 80; if you actually believe the guy won something, I can’t wrap my head around that; so a couple of things: don’t tweet me, here’s another thing, I don’t want you to listen to this show. If you are one of these people that Kevin Owens won a match yesterday, and shoved it up my backside because he is the WWE Universal Champion and I said this about him, and I said that about him, please don’t listen to this show. I don’t want you insulting the intelligence of my show, so please, if you are one of those people who fall into the category and you know who you are, don’t listen to my show. If I have to sit here and tell you wrestling is a Work, and nobody wins or loses their matches. If I actually have to tell you that and you are over the age of 5 years old, please, please don’t tweet me, don’t listen to this show; disassociate yourself with Vince Russo, I’m irrelevant, I am all those things you say I am, please, please don’t listen to the show. Guys, if the [San Francisco] Giants go to the Playoffs this year, and they lose, I will be upset, if anybody out there honestly believes for a second that I care that Kevin Owens is the WWE Universal Champion. Do you understand that in about a month, our promotion here, Rocky Mountain Pro is going to be on national television in about a month. That is what I care about, that is where my energy is. Do you think for one F’N second, I care about Kevin Owens being WWE Universal Champion? For you to think that I actually care about this, please, if you fall under one of these categories, don’t listen to this show, just go away from me.

Let me tell you what putting the belt on Kevin Owens achieves does for the WWE, and what it doesn’t achieve for the WWE as a whole. First of all, I’m not in the locker room, so I don’t know the landscape of the locker room, nor do I care, I’m not one of these idiots who is on the phone with moles everyday to find out what time Vince McMahon takes a dump. I don’t care, I don’t care what the people in the WWE are doing. It’s of no interest to me, but if you want to look at maybe some of the reasons why. Maybe what was going through the mind of the WWE, from a business perspective, we’ll look at that, but I’m also going to look at the other side of it. From a business perspective, let’s look at the four guys that were in the match. First of all, the way they look at Big Cass, Cass wasn’t ready, he has his whole career ahead of him, yada yada yada, whatever bro. If Cass isn’t ready then he shouldn’t be on the main roster number one, number two I said yesterday on the Relm Network and RussosBrand.com, if they really wanted to do something with Cass they had an opportunity to do something for him last night. I’m not saying put the belt on him, I’m saying, let him go to the final 2, let Triple H screw him, they could have elevated him to a whole other category and they didn’t. Him being in that match didn’t elevate him no matter what they want to tell you. So, Cass is out, and next you look at Seth Rollins, who the list of who this guy has hurt inside the ring grows week by week really can’t reward a guy who is hurting other guys. Let’s look at Roman Reigns; as much as Vince McMahon would have loved to, you can’t reward a guy just coming off failing a Wellness Policy test, so that leaves you with Kevin Owens. So now, what that does now is that it sends a message to the locker room, well you know, Rollins is hurting people, Reigns failed a drug test, guys, if you are a good soldier like a Kevin Owens, you too can become WWE Universal Champion. That is the message they are trying to send to the locker room. I get all that bro, I get it, I understand it. Here is the payoff: Kevin Owens is now the hood ornament of your company. Do you want to drive around with Kevin Owens sitting at the hood of your car? I don’t. Basically bro, at the end of the day, this is what you have to do; it’s very simple: Put Kevin Owens in the John Cena role. It’s that simple. We’re going to put Kevin Owens on Good Morning America, we’re going to put Kevin Owens in commercials, we’re going to put Kevin Owens in movies, we’re going to put Kevin Owens on the Kids Choice Awards, on MTV, it’s that simple. He’s the hood ornament of your company. Would I make Kevin Owens the hood ornament of my company? No, I would not! I don’t see Kevin Owens sitting next to Kelly Rippa. I don’t see that. If you disagree with me, I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me. But, you’re replacing John Cena is what you are doing, which is preposterous. That is absolutely freaking ridiculous. Then I hear things like; oh, says the guy who put the belt on David Arquette. First of all, David Arquette was more over than Kevin Owens will ever be. Casual wrestling fans and casual wrestling viewers in general knew who David Arquette was. That’s first of all. Casual viewers have no idea who Kevin Owens is, and every time he comes out, literally they’re like, who is this guy? So, that comparison is ridiculous. Another thing I hear is; oh, says the guy who was going to put the belt on Tank Abbott. Well, I was going to put the belt on Tank Abbott because of the circumstances in the match, and oh by the way, Tank Abbott was a legitimate shoot fighter, and he knocked people out for a living and the way the story was written out made sense, so who knows, maybe he would of had the belt for a week. Also, understand that booking came from me being backed in the corner and everybody being hurt and something had to be done with the circumstances I was dealt with. Regardless, it doesn’t even matter, I look at the list this morning bro, here are guys that have never been the WWE Champion. People want to know how far wrestling has fallen. We have Dean Ambrose as one champion, and Kevin Owens as the other. You want to know how far wrestling has fallen? Razor Ramon/Scott Hall was never a WWE Champion, Jake the Snake Roberts was never a WWE Champion, Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig was never a WWE Champion, King Kong Bundy was never a WWE Champion, Rowdy Roddy Piper was never a WWE Champion. I can go on and on and on, Kevin Owens is the WWE Universal Champion, and you’re going to look me in the eye, if you call yourself a wrestling fan and understand anything about wrestling, you are going to look me in the eye and tell me that the wrestling business is not at a rock bottom, and you’re going to sit there and tell me that the wrestling business doesn’t suck? When, so many people were over, that a Roddy Piper couldn’t even be a Champion? Or a Curt Hennig couldn’t be a WWE Champion? You’re going to sit there and tell me how over wrestling is? Give me a F’N break, but for the record: I don’t give a crap if they put the belt on Heath Slater. If they put the belt on Heath Slater tomorrow, I don’t care. It’s not my company, it’s not going to affect my life. So, for you idiots that are tweeting me that actually think I actually care? Guys, please stop, because every time I get one of these tweets, I cannot fathom the person on the other end who the other person on the computer is. I cannot wrap my head around your level of stupidity, so I don’t know what you are accomplishing tweeting me that Kevin Owens is now the WWE Champion."



I have Headmasters but am so afraid to watch it. It's the English subtitles version and even with that I know it's going to be awful

From what I remember having watched it all a few years ago: It starts off pretty awful, gets actually quite good for the middle, then devolves into crap again by the end. The deus ex machina ending has to be seen to be believed.


Do you guys like Resident Evil 4? Thinking about replaying it. Haven't touched it since it first released and didn't know it was so well regarded.

I only ever played & completed the Wii version with the sublime motion-aiming. It may not look as shiny as the new HD versions, but it's the one to get if you're able to.


Good Art™
The whole thing with Owens being a "fan", being fat, being this or that, not being the usual WWE champ...

If the WWE doesn't see this has to be used to make him the biggest underdog antiauthority face since Bryan/Foley/Rhodes... they are really blind.

Look it's already working and it can actualyl give wwe press, if they're smart about it

I'm always the first of the page!!! I must be the champ of GAF


Owens would be a great spokesman for the company.

- He believes in family. He's married to the love of his life, has 2 kids and would do anything for them. His entire character's built upon providing for his family which is something people can relate to especially a company like the WWE which is "family-oriented" or at least they try to be.
- He looks like someone you'd literally see in a bar beating someone's ass rather than a bodybuilder. People can believe he'd be champion in the US given his look. You mean to tell me a guy like Owens, a guy we've all seen around town, is champion compared to someone like Reigns, a guy who most of us can't recall, well, I've never seen anyone who looks like Reigns around town beating ass, Owens? Guys like that exist. I don't know about you all but someone like that being champion brings more realism to it/
- He's a great talker, great worker, unique look in general. He's got his own thing.
- He can play any role you need him to play. Tough, asshole, prize-fighting heel. Whiny cheating heel. Family man babyface. Underdog anti-Authority figure. Commentator. Whatever you need him to do he can do it.
- Works well with others. A great thing about a champion is that he makes others look good. Look at Ambrose, he makes his opponents look great (Corbin last night). Look at Styles, he makes his opponents look great. Owens does that as well. A champion is the linchpin to the entire operation. They're used to help others as well as themselves and that's basically been one thing that separates him from most in this company.

Why wouldn't he be on talk shows? He's a great representation of "ok this isn't your older cousin's WWE, this is new WWE" and they need that.


Basically he's complained about Owens look or whatever a billion times and is salty people are getting in his face about it.
Who is a worse face of the company family man Kevin Owens who happens to have a gut or the constantly booed, wellness policy violator Roman Reigns?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Owens would be a great spokesman for the company.

- He believes in family. He's married to the love of his life, has 2 kids and would do anything for them. His entire character's built upon providing for his family which is something people can relate to especially a company like the WWE which is "family-oriented" or at least they try to be
- He looks like someone you'd literally see in a bar beating someone's ass rather than a bodybuilder. People can believe he'd be champion in the US given his look. You mean to tell me a guy like Owens, a guy we've all seen around town, is champion compared to someone like Reigns, a guy who most of us can't recall, well, I've never seen anyone who looks like Reigns around town beating ass, Owens? Guys like that exist
- He's a great talker, great worker, unique look in general
- He can play any role you need him to play

Why wouldn't he be on talk shows? He's a great representation of "ok this isn't your older cousin's WWE, this is new WWE" and they need that.
But he doesn't look clean.
Who is a worse face of the company family man Kevin Owens who happens to have a gut or the constantly booed, wellness policy violator Roman Reigns?

Hey, man, Roman's come along way.

2 months ago there wasn't anything you could put before his name to make him interesting. Now he at least has "wellness policy violator"
Why is ANYONE listening to Russo? It's like people getting worked up over shit Cornette says.

Who is a worse face of the company family man Kevin Owens who happens to have a gut or the constantly booed, wellness policy violator Roman Reigns?

Both are fine for the company. You pointing to Roman's wellness violation as if the WWE didn't let Hogan and everyone else continue to be faces while dealing with the steroid shit in the 80s/90s.
What did Cornette say about KO that he needed to change?

Because going by what he said about Generico, he ended up being right. And he still pushed Steen despite any misgivings he had with him.
What did Cornette say about KO that he needed to change?

Because going by what he said about Generico, he ended up being right. And he still pushed Steen despite any misgivings he had with him.
Get in shape if he wanted to be a star and make it.

He also told him no one wanted to see a wrestling champ in a t shirt and basketball shorts.


Why is ANYONE listening to Russo? It's like people getting worked up over shit Cornette says.

Both are fine for the company. You pointing to Roman's wellness violation as if the WWE didn't let Hogan and everyone else continue to be faces while dealing with the steroid shit in the 80s/90s.
Those guys could get the intended audience reactions at least. Don't get me wrong though Reigns can be the guy too.

Anyone see that ESPN reporter giving out to KO's son on twitter. Worked into a shoot.
KO looks like he's in character rubbing it in Finn's face and Finn is completely happy to have his rival from NXT win his belt he vacated.

Fucking Demon King


Good Art™
KO looks like he's in character rubbing it in Finn's face and Finn is completely happy to have his rival from NXT win his belt he vacated.

Fucking Demon King

KO looks like he's fucking happy to show his belt to his best pale honestly. And he doesn't give a shit about kayfabe, again!
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