how can anyone think Jericho needed the win more than AJ
post-2005 Jericho has been great with promos and being backstage, he doesn't need to win a match ever again because no one actually cares about in-ring Jericho anymore
He lost to Fandango at a WM. He needs all the wins he can get. He badly needed to repair his status. And I think he has repaired it. Now he's someone that everyone takes more seriously. It's not weird anymore when he beats Enzo or Nevelle clean. When he's fighting Seth, they look to be at about the same level. That wasnt the case in his last run. He could be a plausible world champion now if they wanted to go with that.
I fear for what Data might be capable of if Tana main events again
This dude main evented one of the big 4 PPVs for the perceived A brand title. Anything can happen
The only thing he's main evented was Raw...which was a better match thanks to The Big Dog.
Sell was alright, but look at the strength of Roman Reigns!i mean that sell was pretty good
please stop bullying Finn, I can't take my flawed favs taking all this heat
Welcome to the club, uce.i mean that sell was pretty good
please stop bullying Finn, I can't take my flawed favs taking all this heat
This is the first year the old guard seems to be fading out of the Mania spotlight. Sure, we still have Lesnar, Cena and Triple H all gunning for Mania matches, but no Taker, no HBK, no legends shoehorned in at the last minute to fill a card void of talent. There is finally a roster of guys booked at the top who can carry this company if given half a chance.
i mean that sell was pretty good
please stop bullying Finn, I can't take my flawed favs taking all this heat
Gimme a city.
Data West and I are going to meet up halfway and work a match.
an auto-run Mario game
He shouldn't win, he shouldn't be in matches, he should be a manager
I still fucking HATE Jericho as a wrestler, I just like his current shtick and I don't get how anyone wants to see him wrestle anymore
In typical Nintendo fashion, they went with the inferior platform too
He turned babyface.
Reigns would immediately become one of the best heels this past 5 years if he went heel. I mean, we saw how the Usos were when they turned. A heel Reigns is money.
Great pick. Lexi Alexander spends a lot of time getting things right and is an incredible director. Great pick for that. She's so good. Also did Punisher War Zone, the best representation of Frank Castle, uh, ever really.Director Lexi Alexander is working on Crossface, the biopic of the Benoit tragedy