Speaking the truth.I'm proud of all who are against homophobia. It's controversial here but your stance is worthy, right, and deserves acceptance. There's only one AJ worthy of love here, and that's Lee/Brooks.
If I'm not mistaken he's also said that it's the only "bad word" he feels comfortable saying in the ringSomeone give me the whole backstory on the AJ Styles homophobia thing. I feel like I'm missing pieces. The only thing I've seen is the clips of him using the f word in the ring a long time ago. If that is it, couldn't that just be all the promoter and not him? I'm curious if there is more to cause the IWC to latch onto this story so hard.
- US Title run and midcard run John Cena has been the most entertaining Cena in years. Dude put in work.
- Roman has improved to being servicable in the ring, but he still has a long ways to go. His character and mic work still suck and the booking for him is still awful.
- Finn Balor is a star waiting to happen but he needs a more climactic finisher
- Kevin Owens should headline a WrestleMania
- Balor getting hurt and KO getting the Universal Title was the best thing for that title
- Seth Rollins needs to fuck off from the main event picture for a while
- Crash Bandicoot was the PS1 era Sonic the Hedgehog; a console mascot that was always overrated as fuck
- The real best Batman movie is Batman and Robin.
- NVM is pissed right now because of that last truth bomb
Finn and Seth are that much better than Roman. They are on separate tiers.
It's always a snitch!
Might have been the Great Minion War. The one that sent it over the edge was a TNA gif of Tommy Dreamer using a Minion in a match.
This is all traced back to the hashtag #thankyoubootaaay
- Seth Rollins needs to fuck off from the main event picture for a while
The whole Shield needs to tbh. If you're completely soured on giving Reigns the belt at long last, okay, but the other two are just as overused/overvalued. If you're canning one from the picture for at least a couple months, can them all. Don't halfass going fresh, go the distance.
If it completely fails, it completely fails, but at least this way you can't do New Guy vs Seth or New Guy vs Dean or New Guy vs Reigns, have it bomb, and always blame the New Guy for the failure.
- The real best Batman movie is Mask of the Phantasm
- NVM is pissed right now because of that last truth bomb
I know it shall set you freeThis thread hurts me.
The truth hurts but what is the truth?
The whole Shield needs to tbh. If you're completely soured on giving Reigns the belt at long last, okay, but the other two are just as overused/overvalued. If you're canning one from the picture for at least a couple months, can them all. Don't halfass going fresh, go the distance.
If it completely fails, it completely fails, but at least this way you can't do New Guy vs Seth or New Guy vs Dean or New Guy vs Reigns, have it bomb, and always blame the New Guy for the failure.
It's so terrible. Russo went balls out, so did that slimy piece of shit next to SchiavoneOh my god, Russo and these commentators are killing me at Bash at the Beach 2000. All of this shooting and insider lingo. Amazing. And to think I thought nothing would top Michael Buffer calling Jeff Jarrett "one of the biggest stars in the universe."
If I'm not mistaken he's also said that it's the only "bad word" he feels comfortable saying in the ring
....that said he's said "sheeeeeeeeiiiiiit" in a Cena match recently so who knows
He hasn't had any Brock "I don't like gay people" moments (that I know of) as much as southern/jock/Christian ignorance
Gonna be saying this Sunday, btw
You'll never be free!
He's not. I'm gonna go whole hog irl and bet that he'll tap in the most humiliating way possible, tap to strikesI don't think Punk's even making it out of round 1, honestly
Someone give me the whole backstory on the AJ Styles homophobia thing. I feel like I'm missing pieces. The only thing I've seen is the clips of him using the f word in the ring a long time ago. If that is it, couldn't that just be all the promoter and not him? I'm curious if there is more to cause the IWC to latch onto this story so hard.
I know it shall set you free
He's not. I'm gonna go whole hog irl and bet that he'll tap in the most humiliating way possible, tap to strikes
Nah it's all shield or nxt darlings. As much as I want those two to get the big push, I'm afraid it won't happen.Www needs to push Big E and Rusev
Rusev has a monster babyface run in him
I'd mark out for one final Kane world title run.
He can beat Finn so only he can claim to be the true Demon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7ti--42l7Q from last year
And as Brian said, he's publicly said he doesn't want or like to swear on camera, yet has used the other f word numerous times with cameras rolling. At some point he clearly doesn't consider it bad to say, and there's only one reason for that
Yeah, I'm sick of the Shield guys hogging the main event at this point. Ambrose needs to drop the title fast because #AustinWasRight and Ambrose is super half assing it. Rollins needs to get the fuck away from the main event picture for a while because, kayfabe, the dude keeps losing world title matches lately. And Roman needs more time in the midcard to grow.
Considering how shallow the main event picture is The Shield guys aren't going anywhere.
Basically I nominate pushing Sheamus.
No one's replacing Seth
he'll make sure of that
He had his shot at Jericho and he blew it.No one's replacing Seth
he'll make sure of that
Legit question - Does anyone here think Punk is actually winning?
Legit question - Does anyone here think Punk is actually winning?
Legit question - Does anyone here think Punk is actually winning?
Do I want him to win. Yes
Do I expect him to win? No
But we are in the year of the upset
He should be the underdog.
Unless Punk is packing crazy power in his hands or he is a savant in the guard he's going to lose.
Yes. I think he's been training hard and Dana put him in a winning condition. People are shitting on him based on a god damn gif of an uppercut from 2 years ago, it's ridiculous
I have zero doubt in my mind, he's winning
The word being so commonly used has definitely removed the connection for a lot of people, generally it's the same thing as people saying things are "gay" when they mean they're stupid. Doesn't excuse it and that connection is a whole other issue, but a lot of people just use it as generic insult without thinking about what they're actually sayingHe IS from the south. He was probably raised around people who used it and doesn't think of it being as bad of a word. Again, using a word on a live mic is different from cameras picking it up unintentionally.
I'm not trying to come across as defending the guy, I'm just trying to understand the accusations. I would drop him as a favorite if I saw something that was a smoking gun that said he was a homophobe, but I have yet to see that smoking gun.
So, as someone unfamiliar with Finn's NJPW work, was he better in ring NJPW? He has a cool look, and his entrances are pretty cool, but I don't think I have ever seen him have an amazing match. They're largely just competent. Anyone have any suggestions for great matches from him?