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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?




And with that, Bash at the Beach is dead. And Hogan's WCW run is over. What a wacky event, with glimmers of promise here and there. I would've liked for Booker T to win under different circumstances, but he seemed really happy so whatever. I should check around and see if he's talked about the event.


If HHH wasn't punished after the Curtain call and wins the King of The Ring and Austin never gets the promo and the momentum coming out of it to feud with Bret....

Does WWF even exist today?
If HHH wasn't punished after the Curtain call and wins the King of The Ring and Austin never gets the promo and the momentum coming out of it to feud with Bret....

Does WWF even exist today?

Good question. I think they would go down. If it wasn't for Austin, there would be no DX and now Monday Night War.
If HHH wasn't punished after the Curtain call and wins the King of The Ring and Austin never gets the promo and the momentum coming out of it to feud with Bret....

Does WWF even exist today?
What kind of hypothetical is this?

Triple H is the one who killed WCW. Didn't you watch the buildup to Wrestlemania 31?


It's pretty quiet in here. Wouldn't have anything to do with that Free Porn Day thread in OT, right?



Good question. I think they would go down. If it wasn't for Austin, there would be no DX and now Monday Night War.
DXs importance is so fucking overrated outside of the Mike Tyson build.

In not even sure Bret comes back in 1996 if he is working with one of HBKs lackeys instead of Austin.

Who knows if Austin gets that push and somebody like Rock was getting help from Bret at the time right?

For as much as HHH and his Chyna replacment claim to have beat wcw had Vince went with him the company would either be dead or unable to make enough money to justify going public.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yep, the Curtain Call is monumentally important. But not for the reason you'd assume.

HHH still had McMahon's ear though. The entire time through HBK and then after he left...but what would have been there?

Bret still had business left with HBK of course. That was the original go to match after all at WM 13. Logical match at 14 after 13 fell through as well.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Austin might have been able to do it, but he did get two extremely lucky breaks to really make him a star.

1. KOTR 1996 because of the Curtain Call.
2. WM XIII because of HBK losing his smile.

Those two events made him a star.


Austin might have been able to do it, but he did get two extremely lucky breaks to really make him a star.

1. KOTR 1996 because of the Curtain Call.
2. WM XIII because of HBK losing his smile.

Those two events made him a star.
I think his big break was that Bret Feud.

He floundered a bit after the King of The Ring promo despite that being the match that lit the fuse.

The break about HBK was him injuring himself in that taker match.

A drugged out HBK with all of the pull he had and pull HHH had (espically with Steph in the background trying to court him) Austin would have lost that belt simply because Vince would have been scared of HBK going to WCW. Its why HBK still had a job and was backstage and shit until the day of the last Nitro.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
No way, it's clear after WM 13 that Austin is the next big thing in wrestling. HBK couldn't have done jack to stop that.


No way, it's clear after WM 13 that Austin is the next big thing in wrestling. HBK couldn't have done jack to stop that.
I'm saying I don't know if Bret resigns that deal if his first program wasn't with somebody whom he respected.

HHH gets that King of the Ring push and maybe it's similar to Reigns or Diesel in that Vince doesn't give up.

No Austin shining moment
Maybe no Bret
Possibly no Rock
And at best HHH would be the heel and turn on HBK or something.

Hell Zach can remind everyone what a shot champ he was in 1999 and 2000 before Foley put him on the map. He was still getting things like the licensed music and shit other guys didn't have Vinces ok with.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I 100% agree with him. People would have ate that up and he would have gotten over off of just that walkout. Instead he has to come out to a song that's "harder" because UFC is hardcore, man. (Except Miesha Tate who comes out to a Katy Perry song).

that's cause she's a hot chick


I 100% agree with him. People would have ate that up and he would have gotten over off of just that walkout. Instead he has to come out to a song that's "harder" because UFC is hardcore, man. (Except Miesha Tate who comes out to a Katy Perry song).

I think that's the point. Dana doesn't want Gall to be more over than Punk.


Austin might have been able to do it, but he did get two extremely lucky breaks to really make him a star.

1. KOTR 1996 because of the Curtain Call.
2. WM XIII because of HBK losing his smile.

Those two events made him a star.

Eh, KOTR was special because of the awesome promo he gave more than anything else. He could have always given a good promo. Austin definitely would have made it happen. And KOTR wasn't something that immediately made him into a star. It was a slow rise. On Summerslam 1996, they were still sticking him in a match on the pre show.

Although it of course catapulted him, Austin was already becoming popular before WM XIII. That's what made the double turn possible. It would have just taken longer.
Nothing groundbreaking in the Observer this week, but here are a few tidbits:

The company did athletic testing for all its trainees this past week at the Performance Center. They tested their wrestlers on 60 yard sled shuttle springs, overhead medicine ball tosses, trap bar deadlifts bench pressing for reps (Niko Bogojevic who appears on NXT house shows did 45 reps with 225 pounds, which is very impressive. I believe when Brock Lesnar did his testing for the NFL he did 42 reps at 225 just for a comparison). Riddick Moss, who formerly played linebacker at the University of Minnesota, finished first overall among the guys, with Patrick Clark of Tough Enough placing second and Mada (who was a pro basketball player before going on Tough Enough) placing third. On the women’s side, the recently signed Bianca Blair, a track star at the University of Tennessee, placed the highest, with Ember Moon second and Mandy Rose third. So Rose is both athletic and has the bikini champion body and the looks. Just by her look alone, if she can wrestle decently, she’ll have a good shot at being a star.

Although not announced there has been internal talk regarding a second annual Dusty Rhodes tag team tournament

Harper has just started training for his comeback after major reconstructive knee surgery. Not sure of when the return will be, but it’s coming up fairly soon

There was more than one performer that were very upset with the Banks promo and the idea of it. The feeling was that it was bad taste because they tried to use the emotion of the Bryan promo, which it was a takeoff of (one veteran also brought up the Edge situation) and tried to work what ended up being a bad angle off of it. The feeling is the Bryan thing was real, really too real, and happened too short of a time ago and it cheapened it by trying to copy it for an angle, not to mention how bad the Banks angle turned out. Even though there was no promo, another name mentioned was T.J. Wilson (Kidd) who hasn’t been able to return for more than a year after breaking his neck. Wilson and Bryan were both very well liked across the board by the talent. Obviously some will note that WWE already did this with Mark Henry, but the difference was that Mark Henry’s situation was a fake retirement, but not regarding an injury. It’s the fact that career ending injuries are a very sensitive subject to those who are friends of those injured.

The idea right now is to do Takeovers in conjunction with the big four events. Since they have been running on a schedule of four Takeovers a year, that would either move them out of Full Sail (since Mania is in Orlando, Orlando will get at least one guaranteed NXT Takeover show) or they’ll have to add shows

And a sizeable update on the Paige situation:

The situation with Paige is up in the air right now as far as whether she’s coming back or not. At this point she is still on the roster but not wrestling due to a suspension, which ends in less than two weeks. On the podcast MSL & Sullivan, with MSL and veteran wrestler and booker Kevin Sullivan, Sullivan said, “Mark Carrano, who fans might know from Total Divas, kind of like the office liaison guy, approached Del Rio and Paige individually and harassed each of them about their relationship. It was indicated that the office wanted them to sever their romantic relationship.” MSL then said, “A lot of people speculated if this was the reason (the company) spit them up in the draft and that’s definitely what happened. The company did not want them together. They split them up in the draft by design and they threatened to fire Paige if she didn’t break up with Del Rio.” WWE has denied the story, as a WWE publicist said to Cheap Seats, “I can tell you that isn’t true, both your question about harassment and the threat of being fired.” There is also a claim that Del Rio called Carrano on the subject and Carrano went silent in the conversation. It’s hard to believe anyone in WWE would say anything directly like that to Paige. As far as the idea both were talked to about it, that’s possible as the story was they were like high schoolers when they together backstage. As far as what words were actually used and how they were interpreted is the question. The story is that Paige has gotten legal representation and at press time nobody seems to know whether she’ll stay or go. WWE has outright stated that the allegation of Paige being threatened with being fired by Carrano if she didn’t break up with Del Rio is not true. The reality is they were put on different brands when everyone in decision making power knew full well they were a couple and it’s impossible to believe them being a couple wasn’t figured into the decision. Carmella and Cass were as well but that was different in the sense they wanted to get Carmella over as a wrestler on her own and not part of the Enzo & Cass team so there was a business reason and that decision was made months ago when they didn’t bring her up as part of the act. But to outright say if you don’t break up with your boyfriend you’ll be fired, that’s more questionable. It’s just difficult for me to believe someone in that position would ever say that because of the legal implications. Between her suspension and Del Rio leaving you know the situation would be tenuous anyway, but this being said only makes it more difficult for both sides, but she has not officially at least left the promotion as of press time and is still under contract for a number of years. In fact, at press time, WWE has not even acknowledged that Del Rio is no longer with the promotion which is surprising since the belief was it would be acknowledged by now.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Austin literally was not going to be on the WM card.

And yeah, the KOTR 1996 stuff was a slow build...that only happened because of the exposure he got there. The feud with Pillman. The program with Bret. Is Austin even big enough to fight if he hadn't been KOTR? Does SS 1996 even happen?


Hard work breeds opportunity.

For Stone Cold, it was never a question of if. You can look at King of the Ring and why a spot there opened or in any given PPV really...the point is he was next in line. A similar situation just unfolded recently before our very eyes at Summerslam with Finn getting hurt and plans ramped up to get Owens into the spot light.

The decision to put the belt on Owens did not happen over the span of a week, guys. WWE was in a spot where they had to accelerate plan B.

The other thing is: there is no luck, right. because when you are given a moment to shine, you either deliver or dont. It's one thing to be handed a silver platter and an entirely different one to see if you're able to hold it up.
This is the McMahons we are talking about.

All that matters is if they can get a TV deal to keep them afloat and the rest is Vince putting out his vision for a product.

Austin may have gotten the spot at Rumble but without that promo and his merch selling plus Vince being forced to put out content people liked as opposed to what he wanted because of the competition Austin broke through.

The second Vince could get that belt off Austin and onto HHH he did and the company's presentation since that Summerslam has been all about Vince, steph, HHH, and even to some extent Linda's political future.


Even if SS96 didn't happen, with his change of character (that he came up with on his own) and speaking ability, it was only a matter of time. It's not like if he had come in a year later in 1997, he wouldn't have been a huge gigantic star. Come on, this is like Kurrgan. Eventually his talent and determination would have shined through. I think very little would have been different if HHH had won KOTR instead.
Carmella and Cass were as well but that was different in the sense they wanted to get Carmella over as a wrestler on her own and not part of the Enzo & Cass team so there was a business reason and that decision was made months ago when they didn’t bring her up as part of the act.

....then why not give her a character that wasn't tied to their act? Obviously now they turned her but still


Fair enough. I can only imagine had Austin not been hurt, how he would have adapted to that different landscape. I wonder how he would have fit in today.

Man, it is easy for me to forget just how short his tenure in the WWE really was.
Idk Austin refused to job to HHH because he wasn't ready And I don't blame him for that( in fact his many guys in the roster today would tell Vince they don't or won't job? Taker might be the only one of them left)

WCW and ECW were bound to fail due to internal issues but had the WWF not had Austin or had HHH in that spot maybe the WWF collapses with them.


Fair enough. I can only imagine had Austin not been hurt, how he would have adapted to that different landscape. I wonder how he would have fit in today.

Man, it is easy for me to forget just how short his tenure in the WWE really was.

He would have taken his ball and went home.

Remember, Austin was there for the HHH show in 2002. He wasn't adapting well to that different landscape.

"The show is going to revolve around HHH and I'm going to be thrown to Brock on a random Raw? Fuck you idiots."


The important thing about that 2001 HHH was he refused to turn face despite WWF needing one with the invasion.

He knew that Austin would probably have to get a win over him and after that PPV match he had with him before mania 17 he wasn't ever going to let that happen.

I'd love to really understand what HHH was thinking or how he looks back at him booking himself like that and seeing the company fall from popularity after so many left in 2004.

I bet you he points to that mania 21 program and buyrate but what's the point of being champion when you can bookyourself as it? Look at that program he had with Orton that main evented that shit show of a wrestlemania. In any storytelling way Orton should have been the champ but HHH just had to check that box of defending at mania despite being so old at the time.

I'd like to believe he changed when he built up NXT but we still get him putting himself over. Maybe that's just for shareholders for when he plans to become CEO but it comes across sad in the big picture.

What other writers direct themselves to always look good or come out as strong / "cool" in movies?


I wish TJ Perkins would use something other than a knee bar as a finisher.

Him or Noam Dar need to change their finisher.
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