Preach it!Birdman over Whiplash what the fuck
I'm still immensely heated about this.Best Picture winners are typically shitty so sure
Birdman over Whiplash what the fuck
Preach it!
Fave Five BP winners of the 2000s:
Return of the King
No Country
12 Years a Slave
The Hurt Locker
And the Fuck-off Five:
A Beautiful Mind
Slumdog Millionaire
You ARE the table if you don't like Whiplash.So you're saying I should watch this Whiplash business, eh?
I'm fine with The Departed. I don't think it's really a great movie, but it was Marty's time, and there have been far worse legacy wins.No lies detected. Also, what you think of The Departed for BP? Personally, I think Gangs of New York should have won.
Birdman over Whiplash what the fuck
Gangs is such an amazing fucking movie.No lies detected. Also, what you think of The Departed for BP? Personally, I think Gangs of New York should have won.
Ember Moon is dope but that finisher of hers needs to be saved for big moments only.
I haven't even seen Gangs of New York!
Amadeus has been on my watchlist for, like, 35 years.
Definitely. I wonder how people would take her just using the stone cold stunner as her normal finisher.Ember Moon is dope but that finisher of hers needs to be saved for big moments only.
Look if we're just gonna gab about fucking movies here then I'm gonna make it legitimate and say I just re-watched The Wrestler, after seeing it when it came out initially when I was a fully lapsed fan of a good 8 years at that point.
Seeing it through the lens of an active wrestling fan, and someone who has been backstage/worked on shows, meet n greets etc - I've gotta say, it's pretty damn good. Sure it's a bit bleaker than is realistic - they could've toned that down a bit. These guys don't have to live in trailers and work at the deli - but the actual wrestler oriented stuff was cool. And fuck, Marisa Tomei. She might be the most beautiful woman who has ever lived, in my opinion, and is beautiful well into her 40's and to hell with it, 50's as well.
Hey, Snowman Prophet of Doom, I watched Meshes of the Afternoon yesterday. Wanna jack me off?
God, THAT was an amazing short film. I remember wanting to see it so badly when the back of a Godflesh album had an image from it, back in the early 90s. It looked so cool. Did not disappoint.Hey, Snowman Prophet of Doom, I watched Meshes of the Afternoon yesterday. Wanna jack me off?
I can read between the lines, you minx.masturbatory
There's not much better for fans who grew up on Hulk/Andre than digging through the past and seeing how fucking great Andre was before WWF. It really is amazing, and he wasn't just giant, he was born to be in this kind of business. He was goddamned fantastic, fun to watch, and he had fun doing it. Quite the different (and better!) picture than the one that WWF paints. I watched Canek beat the shit out of him a couple times. Really good.Possibly the earliest footage of Andre getting slammed;
That was against Strong Kobayashi from 1972. A very un-Andre match, with the giant doing a cowardly heel bit, taking off turnbuckle pads, distracting the ref, feigning injury and begging off, etc.
One must cleanse the palate, my love.Last movie I watched was The Rock. I'm just a sucker for Michael Biehn
him and Emilio Estevez are my dude crushes. I watched My Beautiful Laundrette before that. You know, natural movie progression.
Better: The Green RoomLet me get you on a good movie, Zach.
Dead Man on Campus
Weird the crowd isn't dead
Nah. Fuck that guy. I can accept the fact it kinda makes me a bad person. I know it's the not so mature way to go.You're better than this, Mahonay!
I mean, I had the same thought, but still. Take the high road, daddeh!
The crowd is more fire up than 99.9% of today's WWE matches.