What's fire paper? >_>I've beaten the game 6,000 timesand that motherfucker has given me trouble every single time. Fuck BloodStarved. I recommend using fire paper and stocking up on antidote.never drew a dime
Oh, yeah. If you're an ECW purist, that would probably suck. It bothers me more with the WCW themes because I'm more familiar with those.Sans-licensed music on the Network? Yes. It's been stripped of half of it's personality as a promotion.
I don't see the issue with propping up the business with guys who may "only" 5 years left in the tank. That's a lot of time you can use to build up the next class of young guys, and really, it's fine to even make some guys in his late 30's your biggest star.
Why did you stop during the Fortune storyline? I googled and see it's Horsemen, Jr. which, of course, sounds great to a fantasy booker such as myself.What's considered its darkest days? I watched from the Fox Sports era up til the Fortune storyline I think and got bored up until the Matt Hardy storyline.
so paige and del rio didn't get popped for molly?
wwe just really, really, really wanted to break them up?
I expect things to be better! It should be better.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRZqtmGjlF4
Sunny, I'm going to miss you. Remember us fondly for the next year
...except where most of Kane's and Big Show's output has been objectively bad over the past 3 years...at least. Guys like AJ are objectively good workers and stars.The issue I have is when the same people who say the type of thing in your post ("there's nothing wrong with propping up with the business with guys who are only going to be around a few more years or who are old") are against people who aren't their favs for entirely hypocritical reasons ("fuck Big Show, screw Kane, they're old, hogging the spotlight, and aren't going to be around much longer #PleaseRetire")
Friend, I am anticipating the shit out of the inevitable Kane vs Samoa Joe 3 stages of hell match.The issue I have is when the same people who say the type of thing in your post ("there's nothing wrong with propping up with the business with guys who are only going to be around a few more years or who are old") are against people who aren't their favs for entirely hypocritical reasons ("fuck Big Show, screw Kane, they're old, hogging the spotlight, and aren't going to be around much longer #PleaseRetire")
Joseph Park? No fucking way... Hardy continues to dazzle and surprise
Best Picture winners are typically shitty so sure
Birdman over Whiplash what the fuck
That's the truth right there - there are two sides, for sure, and we'll likely see only one, and there'll likely be exaggerations.
Didn't know if her name carried any actual weight to it due to her WWE time. What female promotions are the biggest in the UK?
That actually sounds hot af if Kane isn't too old and busted.Friend, I am anticipating the shit out of the inevitable Kane vs Samoa Joe 3 stages of hell match.
Bo-lieve dat.
DELETEand there are people in this thread who think matt hardy isnt wrestler of the year
That has to be a record!Del Rio's walked out of 3 companies in the last calendar year (LU and AAA in late 2015, WWE now)
The ending to the Lupus/Trauma match is really sweet despite having this
In it.![]()
His girlfriend unmasks him and then he proposes to her
That has to be a record!
Good way to burn bridges but Alby is still so popular there, they're fine with it. I don't think he really did anything wrong when he left so, they'll be happy to have him back. I wonder will he go back to roh and do something again. I enjoyed his small run.There were territory guys who did that in a month. Hell, in lucha, almost everybody has jumped back 'n' forth between AAA and CMLL multiple times.
I miss those late 90s/early-mid 2000s wrasslin' crowds, now it's just largely families who'll just sit on their hands or just parents let their snot nosed kids make noise.
...except where most of Kane's and Big Show's output has been objectively bad over the past 3 years...at least. Guys like AJ are objectively good workers and stars.
Honestly, the only bad thing I have to say about TNA this week is that Michael Bennett is just awful. Best weekly show of wrestling this week, for sure.