please stop talking about oooh aaahhh man
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Read all of Jojo Part 4, waiting for my neck to not kill me any more.
Best jojo arc
WrassleGAF sure loves to spend time wondering why a weaker and less technical version of Steve Blackman is not getting over.
Punk will main event the Tokoyo Dome friends
Still got £10 riding on Punk winning. As I didn't watch through his tenure at WWE, I have no smarky-thoughts one way or the other regarding the guy, I just hope he does well.
Plus I don't want to lose NVM and I'm hoping wish-magic will work.
WrassleGAF sure loves to spend time wondering why a weaker and less technical version of Steve Blackman is not getting over.
Couldn't hold D'Lo's jock strapRoman Reigns would have been D'Lo Brown in the Attitude Era.
Here's a topic of conversation: Dragon Gate ROH tour/Mania weekend shows/BOLA excursions ruined indie wrestling forever.
Roman Reigns would have been D'Lo Brown in the Attitude Era.
If Vince goes to punk and tells he will main WM I think there a good chance he will return for that. The money would be icing on the cake.
What happens if NVM wins? I've attempted to ignore his excessive posts about the bet until now.
(Take that, NeoGAF Vince McMahon!)
(I wonder what NVM's real name is. I wonder what all of your real names are...)
Did someone say Steve Blackman??
Couldn't hold D'Lo's jock strap
That was the worst thing about Russo leaving, D'Lo being nothing.
(I wonder what NVM's real name is.)
We already know: It's Sunflower.
Also, did you see earlier in the week that he's planning to move to Michigan just so he doesn't have to meet up with you in-person?
Then eventually they paired him with Chaz and Tiger Ali Singh in Lo Down, and they all wore cartoonish Sikh clothing because Vince needs to get his jollies off.D'Lo Brown was over as a fair few points of the AE
I wonder why he chose Sunflower as a username. I want to know about all of your usernames, too. You're all so mysterious and alluring.
And yeah.
I wonder why he chose Sunflower as a username. I want to know about all of your usernames, too. You're all so mysterious and alluring.
And yeah.
Then eventually they paired him with Chaz and Tiger Ali Singh in Lo Down, and they all wore cartoonish Sikh clothing because Vince needs to get his jollies off.
My middle name is Sunflower. Hippie parents.I wonder why he chose Sunflower as a username. I want to know about all of your usernames, too. You're all so mysterious and alluring.
And yeah.
That bullshit. They shipped fucking Tiger Jet to PR to get better. I felt sorry for the guy considering how much they did to him.
My middle name is Sunflower. Hippie parents.
Also I'll still be around in Wrasslegaf discord. We can seriously meet up sometime and watch some wrassles and eat like fat motherfuckers.
Have a seat over there.I'm eating up all of this personal information. I feel like Google.
They were just a normal thrown together tag team until they randomly made Tiger Ali their manager and gave them the Aladdin clothing.I...actually don't remember any of this yet I do remember the Lo Down tag team. Holy crap.
Theres an old Rock promo with Dlo in the back where his head just doesn't stop moving.
its amazing
Hahahaha. Someone check out Owen at ~1:09:30 to laugh with me: (RAW Episode 214)
Worst thing about WWE using indie dudes? Reading all of your shitty, shitty opinions. So shitty.
Have a seat over there.
Now Bluekaveli here clearly chose this username because he loves The Blue Meanie and late era Tupac. And his real name is Paul.
Oh hey, looks like Rush is going to be in the World Tag League! Guessing they'll do Rush/Naito & EVIL/SANADA.
Paul! Ha ha! Nope, good try though. And fuck the Blue Meanie.Now Bluekaveli here clearly chose this username because he loves The Blue Meanie and late era Tupac. And his real name is Paul.