wild wild rice
The big question is what happens to Slater? They either give him the contract and make something out of it that either succeeds or fails or they drag the joke out until it isn't funny anymore.
The latter, of course.
The big question is what happens to Slater? They either give him the contract and make something out of it that either succeeds or fails or they drag the joke out until it isn't funny anymore.
The big question is what happens to Slater? They either give him the contract and make something out of it that either succeeds or fails or they drag the joke out until it isn't funny anymore.
Last thing you need is a Landis that can't die!What about Cyrax Landis?
But then he gets to make his grand return where he reveals it was a work.
I haven't streetpassed in like 2 years.Got me a free slot car game in the 3ds mii plaza. Too bad I never ever streetpass.
I have some good plans for the year. Going to write at Legitshook more. I feel a lot of my thoughts go into forum posts so it'd be nice to do more long form stuff there. Also want to DM a V:TM game with some folks. I've always wanted to be a DM and I think I'll be able to really get into it.
what if punk wins?
Triple H vs. Cactus Jack at Royal Rumble. Really fantastic match, and that pedigree into the thumb tacks is still one of the sickest spots I've ever seen.Does anybody have an all time favorite hardcore match?
Does anybody have an all time favorite hardcore match?
Triple H vs. Cactus Jack at Royal Rumble. Really fantastic match, and that pedigree into the thumb tacks is still one of the sickest spots I've ever seen.
Triple H vs. Cactus Jack at Royal Rumble. Really fantastic match, and that pedigree into the thumb tacks is still one of the sickest spots I've ever seen.
That confirms Paige has quit.![]()
Dayuuuummmmm Rollins lmao
Excuse me, Zach with an "h", but Triple H wasn't even wearing street clothes.Excuse me, but that was a street fight.
Cactus vs HHH at the Rumble is one of the greatest Attitude Era matches period, hardcore or notThat sounds pretty gnarly, I'll have to seek it out.
He wants to perform the role of Dungeon Master for a game of Vampire: The Masquerade. Because he's a NERRRRRRRRRRRRD..And because V:TM is freaking awesome
Wanna come over? You strike me as an Assamite.Oh, man.
Bronson you can barley climb the ropes, how are you going to elbow me ?a bitch *elbow*
Snapped up my NXT sacramento tickets. 75 each for ringside tickets for my wife and I. No mercy will be my first live show and if that show blows at least I'll have NXT to go to 2 and a half weeks later
I love to hug 'em, I love to kiss 'em.Wanna come over? You strike me as an Assamite.
Bronson you can barley climb the ropes, how are you going to elbow me ?
$75 for road trip house shows makes me feel bad for paying $20 for ringside at Florida house shows and $10 for getting into an NXT taping.
Reminds me of that stupid school from FF8
I'm 5'7 but have the body of a hero so it makes sense that Sunny is the reverse
Shootember rolls onward.With a combined weight of 213 lbs.
All Bread Everything.Chris Hero?
Vita needs an update. Every time I turn this thing on, which admittedly isn't often.
I should sell my Vita.
I should sell my Vita.
I should sell my Vita.
Top 20 Episodes on WWE Network :
7. Holy Foley History Comes Alive
9. Holy Foley Girls and Dolls
12. Holy Foley Whatever It Takes
13. Holy Foley Like Father Like Daughter
15. Holy Foley The Bombshell
It's worth keeping for Lumines.
I know I've seen them wrassle, like, three times. They're always in between a three- and four-star match on the Ham Meltz Scale.Zach, what were your thoughts on RVD/Jerry Lynn at ECW Hardcore Heaven? That sticks out in my head as a really good, actual (smdh) hardcore match.
I think it'd be smart for WWE to make their live network channel free.
Everything on demand is a paid sub.
He says this is the first WWE PPV in a while he's going to skip watching live. Meltzer just thinks it's going to be bad or something, even with AJ in the main event and isn't interested. He'll watch it the day after, but isn't planning to watch it live.
I think it'd be smart for WWE to make their live network channel free.
Everything on demand is a paid sub.
He wants to perform the role of Dungeon Master for a game of Vampire: The Masquerade. Because he's a NERRRRRRRRRRRRD..And because V:TM is freaking awesome