Backlash is the Filler Arc of the anime that is WWE
Backlash is the Filler Arc of the anime that is WWE
...whatever! Yeah, I got a lot of learning to do still. Grabbed all those VTM books from that humble deal. Totally worth having./nerdmode
Hey now, the proper term for those games is Storyteller, not Dungeon Master!
Nobody in the Hulkamania age gives a shit how much of a great worker you are. Bad News Brown was a great worker, Ronnie Garvin was a great worker, and they weren't headlining Wrestlemania.Roman is a super good looking dude and is a fantastic worker by 80s standards. What are you people smoking?
I liked that book. Inspired me to grab a bunch of games from GOG that I missed when they were in their heyday.I finally finished 'The Guide to Classic Graphic Adventutes.' 750+ pages about adventures games. Now what will I do during bathroom breaks?
I finally finished 'The Guide to Classic Graphic Adventutes.' 750+ pages about adventures games. Now what will I do during bathroom breaks?
Everything from now until Royal Rumble is filler arc
I remember the very first wrasslin' forum I was on (back in 2001!), this one guy was obsessed with RVD based solely on that aforementioned match with Jerry Lynn.I know I've seen them wrassle, like, three times. They're always in between a three- and four-star match on the Ham Meltz Scale.
except most filler has fan service the fans want.
Who the fuck wants see Ziggler or Miz?
Maybe autumn would be a great time for an off-season.
Start designing a wrestling graphic adventure game, duh.
What convoluted item puzzles will you come up with?
Start designing a wrestling graphic adventure game, duh.
What convoluted item puzzles will you come up with?
Top 20 Episodes on WWE Network :
16. Wrestlemania 32
Rick Martel was better looking than Roman in magical fantasyland.Nobody in the Hulkamania age gives a shit how much of a great worker you are. Bad News Brown was a great worker, Ronnie Garvin was a great worker, and they weren't headlining Wrestlemania.
Rick Martel was a better worker and looked better than Roman. And he was a midcarder.
I start every day by watching Shane take a flat back bump off the cell.Who is going back to watch this?
Rick Martel was better looking than Roman in magical fantasyland.
Then again, you guys are all about slobbering over Rick Rude's porno-mustache so I expect you'll all disagree heavily.
Rick Martel was better looking than Roman in magical fantasyland.
Then again, you guys are all about slobbering over Rick Rude's porno-mustache so I expect you'll all disagree heavily.
BTW I got to see the place Landig had that match where he jumped from a roof.
Its the back of a tile store.
you want to see Miz work a match?Me
I've been saying for a while that the time frame between Survivor Series and Royal Rumble should be their off season. Let the wrestlers go be with their families for the holidays, let everyone rest and get healthy, and open up the new year with the second biggest PPV of the year.
Rick Martel was better looking than Roman in magical fantasyland.
Then again, you guys are all about slobbering over Rick Rude's porno-mustache so I expect you'll all disagree heavily.
you want to see Miz work a match?
Also, wrestling revelation.
For all the shit it got, I realized today that Hollywood Hogan's WCW title reign(The Hog Wild title reign) is my favorite title reign of all time. It built up a new hero every month, it showed how important the title was because of how hard Hollywood clung to it and abused the rules to keep it, and it established the man with the chokehold on professional wrestling in the 80s as the final boss of pro wrestling in the 90s.
I'd rather the title meant something than making sure all my faves get the belt. And there were tons of guys in WCW I would have wanted to have the belt, but Hogan was perfect for the position. The only real major blemish is the Sting thing. Second place would probably be Kobashi's reign.
Also, wrestling revelation.
For all the shit it got, I realized today that Hollywood Hogan's WCW title reign(The Hog Wild title reign) is my favorite title reign of all time. It built up a new hero every month, it showed how important the title was because of how hard Hollywood clung to it and abused the rules to keep it, and it established the man with the chokehold on professional wrestling in the 80s as the final boss of pro wrestling in the 90s.
I'd rather the title meant something than making sure all my faves get the belt. And there were tons of guys in WCW I would have wanted to have the belt, but Hogan was perfect for the position. The only real major blemish is the Sting thing. Second place would probably be Kobashi's reign.
Top 20 Episodes on WWE Network :
1. WWE NXT 353 September 7, 2016
2. WWE Cruiserweight Classic S1E9 September 7, 2016
3. WWE Talking Smack 890 September 6, 2016
I have no idea, but I would want it to be way better than this off the cuff idea
dude if you love roman so much, why don't you marry him etc
I'm still surprised there isn't a Game Dev Story equivalent for booking a wrestling promotion.
I would if I could but 1) I'm married and straight, and 2) I'm pretty sure Roman isn't interested in overweight wrestling fans
I want the first name of everyone playing, including your first name....whatever! Yeah, I got a lot of learning to do still. Grabbed all those VTM books from that humble deal. Totally worth having.
Because you're a sick guy.Maybe I'll spend my year with RPG Maker and making Little Danny Bryan's Wrestlemania Journey RPG.
Maybe I'll spend my year with RPG Maker and making Little Danny Bryan's Wrestlemania Journey RPG.
Why did Rick Rude suddenly get dropped as their manager?
Late 1997 WWF....
Waiting for NOD Rocky Maivia to become The People's Champ
Waiting for Austin vs McMahon to start
Waiting for Degeneration X to kick it into high gear....oh well, at least their early stuff is entertaining. Why did Rick Rude suddenly get dropped as their manager?
He moved over to WCW.
Again? He was only in WWF a few months.
He wasn't on a contract and he got pissed about how they did Bret.
Despite being DX's manager, I don't think he ever liked Shawn. I know he was closer with Scott and Kevin than Shawn
Ahhhh my man Rickkkkkky!Martel had a pretty good look though
The "Yes, I am a model" button fucking kills me