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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?


I'm a total mark for thinking this, but I really believe that Cena turning heel to beat Styles for the title at WM 33 is the direction they're heading. Remember this post, brother.

ok pal



I'm a total mark for thinking this, but I really believe that Cena turning heel to beat Styles for the title at WM 33 is the direction they're heading. Remember this post, brother.


I'd be surprised if AJ holds this belt past Rumble time. I see Cena returning next year, beats Styles for the belt which sets up Cena vs the Rumble winner (Ambrose). Ambrose/Styles at the February ppv to see if he's really facing Cena or if it'll be AJ again and then Ambrose beats Cena at WM for the belt proving he's the real face of the brand. Styles goes on to face somebody at WM (Orton) who he can actually get a win over.

THEN Ambrose goes heel on the post-WM Smackdown episode.


Listening to the Austin/Xpac podcast from last month and damn if Austin isn't afraid to ask weird ass questions all the time. I love how Austin has zero filter and Sean will answer any question with absolute brutal honesty. Austin just has to know what drugs Xpac took, if anyone else was involved with the sex tape filming, and where Xpac went to get drugs when he was in rehab and Xpac is happy to slowly tear out his soul for him over the course of the podcast. Fascinating stuff.


So I watched Backlash and by that I forwarded straight to the main event.

I'm not quite used to the no high hard cam shots, but I guess it gives Smackdown something different with everything being up and in your face.

AJ vs Ambrose was really good and the result was exactly what I wanted to see. AJ's face first bump into the ring corner off the catapult was mental. The baseball slide dropkick to a dangling AJ was crazy too. One hell of a splat!

Edit: If they do go to AJ vs Cena at the next PPV I'm fine with it. It makes sense that Cena wants revenge but AJ should make sure Cena jumps through hoops before being allowed to face him. Gotta earn that challenger spot.



He's done it all. I'm happy for him.

Not to burst that little bubble but in ROH he only ever captured their tag straps and the secondary belt in the Pure Title. He was never their world champ as he was never a guy who needed the belt to be in the main event.

Regardless he is still one of my favourites and had one hell of a career so far.
I was so sure that the WWE were going to fuck up AJ's winning streak last night but man I'm glad to be wrong. I'm happy with the finish of the match as well, the right person went over and Ambrose doesn't lose any credibility as a main eventer. I'll get tired of it in the future though if Ambrose keeps getting protected like that.

The match itself was pretty good, but I wish Ambrose would switch up his moveset because most of his signature spots look ridiculous. It reminds me of Roman where they will pull off something awesome but then follow it up with some silly looking offense and lose the crowd.

He's done it all. I'm happy for him.

I'm so glad AJ didn't job to a Wacky Line. He's probably the best wrestler on the planet at the moment, I look forward to a long dominant reign until Mania when Cena beats him to tie Flair.

Are the rosters large enough to satisfy two separate Royal Rumble matches in January? Because that's something they've never done before and could be fun. Assuming they have the bodies for it of course.


Fun stats...

First time world championship winners: 2010-2014:
The Miz
Alberto Del Rio
Daniel Bryan
Jack Swagger
Dolph Ziggler
Mark Henry

First time world championship winners: 2015-2016:
Seth Rollins
Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose
Finn Balor
Kevin Owens
AJ Styles
None. But if you wanna grasp at straws, you could say Ziggles doing takedowns and rear nakeds could be. But he was just playing up his amateur wrasslin' background.

there was no grasping at straws. that part of the match was like a 1:1 recreation of the punk fight. pretty cool.


It always blows my mind how much better NJPW Young Lions look than PC turn outs. This Henare guy seems really comfortable, has great fire, solid looking basics and bumps very well.

Definitely someone to look for in the future.


I want to say something smartass like "they had to create a second women's title bc she wasn't good enough to win the real one" but then I consider that future women's wrestling icon Alexa was not victorious tonight and I rethink my statement.


Fun stats...

First time world championship winners: 2010-2014:
The Miz
Alberto Del Rio
Daniel Bryan
Jack Swagger
Dolph Ziggler
Mark Henry

First time world championship winners: 2015-2016:
Seth Rollins
Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose
Finn Balor
Kevin Owens
AJ Styles
Of the first batch, all but two (Henry, Christian) were cash-ins. Rollins was also a cash-in, as was Ambrose. Others prior to 2010 being cash-ins, Edge, RVD, and CM Punk (did it twice). Sheamus was the other winner who did it legitimate (Tables match, lul). Jeff Harvey and Rey won it in Triple Threat matches.

Money in the Bank gimmick sucks.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Becky Lynch finally winning with her worst ever ring gear. Girl's a mess tbh, unless she starts feuding with Queen Alexa nothing good can come of her being champ.
Becky, I'm sorry I'll never get worked by betting odds again. I was so wrong to doubt you.


Compared to the other image, I'll happily take this crying Becky Lynch over the other one. So fucking delighted for her.

Honestly, my favourite horsewoman. Well, second favourite if we include.... <<<
The only thing I wish happened was AJ was face to have a surreal moment. It was kind of just lackluster how he took the title out of the ring immediately. I am worried about Shane or DBry calling for a DQ because of the low blow tomorrow on Smackdown.
The only thing I wish happened was AJ was face to have a surreal moment. It was kind of just lackluster how he took the title out of the ring immediately. I am worried about Shane or DBry calling for a DQ because of the low blow tomorrow on Smackdown.
Worst case scenario they would call him a coward like they do with the Miz and do nothing about it.
Becky is super over and doesn't need the title to generate a reaction but she totally deserves it. She carried that triple threat at Mania with her pacing and technical skills. She's fantastic. She will feud with Alexa and it will be awesome.


Finally remembered to try the free Overwatch demo thing on Xbox. Seems like a pretty cool game, but I can see that it would require a timesink that I'm not prepared to make, if I was going to be of any help to a team. I remember hearing something about the possibility of a single-player mode, like a campaign. I would get in on that for sure, I think.


You know who's aged the worst by far for me in my WCW rewatch?

Sting. I used to love Sting as a kid but now he's just so dull. He's nothing more than a decent worker with a great look. His promos feel like sub-par Hogan promos, he's not as good in-ring as Steamboat in the early 90s, He's better than Luger in-ring but Luger has this weird awful/great intangible factor that I can't explain. And Luger is hammy as fuck for the camera. Like Luger is the most 'aware' of his overness of any wrestler I've seen.

Sting's just there. He's just ok.
You're not wrong, but "a decent worker with a great look" can be very effective in wrassle. I usually have a good time when he's on my TV. And he reaches amazing levels from time to time, given the right opponent or scenario.
Finally remembered to try the free Overwatch demo thing on Xbox. Seems like a pretty cool game, but I can see that it would require a timesink that I'm not prepared to make, if I was going to be of any help to a team. I remember hearing something about the possibility of a single-player mode, like a campaign. I would get in on that for sure, I think.
If you value your free time doing anything but gaming stay far away from it. Game came out of absolute nowhere for me and is my goty so far due to just how fun it is.


If you value your free time doing anything but gaming stay far away from it. Game came out of absolute nowhere for me and is my goty so far due to just how fun it is.

So much of my time goes into the phone games I'm juggling, I don't think it's even an option, heh. But it is really sharp and I love the presentation.


Alexa really was fantastic last night. It was great seeing her again.

And I'm happy for ol' Becky. Long live her gimmick and look and strange wrassle attire! Woooo!


I know I've said it before and it's my own fault for continuing to listen, but I put on the LAW Backlash review just now and these idiots just immediately start talking about how the crowd wasn't into the women's match and it wasn't anything special.

I mean come on. Yeah the crowd wasn't into it except when they were popping like crazy for just about every move, and going nuts whenever Becky had some momentum.
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