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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?



Nice post.

Punk should either be told to stop or watch the tape again and realize his MMA dream is going to stay a dream. Punk got exposed in basically every facet of the game. His stand up game got exposed because he got taken down on his very first (and ugly) strike attempt. His ground game got exposed because every attempt Punk made to escape was ugly as fuck and ended up only getting him further in trouble. His ground and pound defense was abysmal. The dude needs to realize he's 37 years old and by the time he gets all of the necessary learning and fight experience down to the point where he can actually compete in the UFC, he's going to be too damn old to actually do it. Yes, there are other people in UFC who are around his age that are fighting - but those guys have a decade or two of experience under their belts all ready and know how to cover their weaknesses due to age, which Punk clearly doesn't know.

If Punk's allowed to compete in MMA again the dude is going to get severely hurt.



Excellent post Fox.

I really don't know where Punk goes from here. You know for fans like me who have only picked up from 2014, the only reference point I have for him is that podcast and getting beat up in the UFC. I'd find it hard to take him seriously even as a fake athlete.

I just....I need to know what...how....why Wyatt is booked the way he is. I want to know who thinks it's a good idea. I need to know why they think that. I want to know how he keeps taking it lying down.

It's killing me inside. I know there is precious little that makes sense in the WWE but Wyatt's booking has made almost zero sense over the last three years. They clearly put him in a prominent position at all times but book him like a prelim heel and abuse his talents on the mic as time filling, high-schooler's fiction tumblr quality scripted garbage.


quotin this cos it was at the bottom of the page and I NEED TO KNOW


I was thinking about his fight again and there are so many things about his performance that speak to what punk is and what he should or should not do.

Punk picked this up as a hobby. I don't care what he says but this was his hobby. Just like him doing a comic book he didn't have the pressure that other people do or dont.

Punk's entire WWE career was him taking risks nobody else did because he knew he was right and he knew he could make money wrestling outside of the corporate machine of the WWE.

His UFC performance was that of an amateur who quite frankly looked like he didn't train 2 years. Punk kept on talking about things such as him getting a title shot if he stringed together 3 wins or talking about when he wins and such. Punk didn't have his lively hood on the line. He wasn't like so many UFC fighters working a part time job training day in and day out, going to grappling tournaments, having gym fight nights, and solely focusing on fighting and only fighting. He was enjoying the retired life, watching hockey games, and moonlighting as a comic book writer (with a ghost writer doing most of the work anyway.

He went to the UFC to collect a paycheck, not to improve as a martial artist or to truly test himself. He could have tested himself as a martial artist at a smaller show., grappling tournament, or as an amateur with rules that would have allowed him to grow as a fighter. Plus he waited too long and the guy he fought grew way faster as a fighter in a week than punk could in 2 years.

Here's what he needs to do:

  1. He needs to look into his wife's eyes and tell her this is what he really wants to do and a performance to that level won't happen again. Him destroying his body and brain doesn't just affect him.
  2. He needs to understand that the people he are going against are fucking hungry. This is their life and this is everything to them. He can't go into the cage with striking skills to the level he showed in that fight.
  3. He needs to go to every single tournament for grappling he can go to. If there is a 7 person tournament in Shitsvillie Indiana he needs to get on a plane, if there is a seminar on jiu jitsu on his wife's birthday he needs to let her sit at home alone while he wrestles a firefighter with a purple belt in front of his son.
  4. If he gets injured to the point where he has to stop training for more than 2 days he should stop. If his body can't take it in the gym he is doing himself and his loved ones a disservice taking on a real fight
  5. There's a story of him not wanting to train with a gi and wanting to train with pros that's getting a ton of discussion. Punk shouldn't say shit to any coach. If his coach wants him to do yoga for 6 months and nothing else he needs to get into downward dog and shut the fuck up.
  6. During an interview with Helwanai he mentioned that he was sore or something and didn't want to show up to the gym for a 2 a day before the fight. His mindset for training should be if his coach asks him to stand still and get punched in the face he should say: "Yes Sir"

Everything about Punk felt exposed here. I mean he went into a sport where people put their lives at risk wearing tights that had "CM Punk" on them. He came out to his wrestling theme. He spent half his time talking about proving the fans wrong instead of trying to prove himself right.

And frankly if he ever wants to make real money again in wrestling then he has to win a pro fight in a convincing matter. Even if he has to go to japan and get a can or somebody to lay down for him like Shibata.

couldn't agree more.

it's as simple as this... you don't just decide you want to fight at the highest level at 35 years of age without any prior experience other than practicing mma at your local gym once in a while. gall is considered a scrub... and yet he's 24 with 7 years of training. mma is this dude's life. punk's 2 years of training (that wasn't even two years of training because he had two bad injuries during that time) wasn't going to amount to shit.

if punk comes back, I do think he has the ability to cut a sick heel promo about going to ufc, losing, but "I'm still better than all you people"
The crowd were great all night actually. I'd love more crowds like that.
Yeah, really strong crowd. Which was great, since they made all the highlight moments like Becky or Slater and Rhyno's wins even better from their reactions.

quotin this cos it was at the bottom of the page and I NEED TO KNOW
Bring Harper in, have him feud with Bray with Bray as the face and Harper as the heel (I dunno, he takes out Erick Rowan) because honestly the brief glimpse we got of face Bray was great.

And have Harper lose because I don't get people when they claim he's the most amazing person on the roster.


Punk feels like the perfect example of someone with celebrity using their fame and money to do something they probably shouldn't.
I just....I need to know what...how....why Wyatt is booked the way he is. I want to know who thinks it's a good idea. I need to know why they think that. I want to know how he keeps taking it lying down.

It's killing me inside. I know there is precious little that makes sense in the WWE but Wyatt's booking has made almost zero sense over the last three years. They clearly put him in a prominent position at all times but book him like a prelim heel and abuse his talents on the mic as time filling, high-schooler's fiction tumblr quality scripted garbage.


Vince thinks he finally has a new Taker who actually puts people over (all the time, constantly) and HHH thinks wins and losses don't matter. There's no hope left for his fans because the only people who could change it for the better both think he's doing what's needed


Determinator: Where losses like the one to Cena at WrestleMania and Payback would normally deter an opponent or force them to take a different tact or approach in their character, Wyatt's still preaching his word, his hope that the rest of the world will "open their eyes" like he did. JBL summed it up best when he said that to Bray, "wins and losses don't matter." Bray, one way or another, finds a way to his goal regardless of the setbacks he suffers. and even then, victories against him and the family can come at a physical and mental cost.

Now you know



if punk comes back, I do think he has the ability to cut a sick heel promo about going to ufc, losing, but "I'm still better than all you people"

The dude has been exposed. Hell, if Brawl for All still existed who could he even beat?

Just makes me think how lucky he was to have been in a business where you could look good without really having any extensive athletic talent.

He over achieved in wrestling and now the UFC. Somehow he was able to walk into those doors of the octogan.


Yeah, really strong crowd. Which was great, since they made all the highlight moments like Becky or Slater and Rhyno's wins even better from their reactions.

Bring Harper in, have him feud with Bray with Bray as the face and Harper as the heel (I dunno, he takes out Erick Rowan) because honestly the brief glimpse we got of face Bray was great.

And have Harper lose because I don't get people when they claim he's the most amazing person on the roster.

RuRu shaming, Harper shaming... this thread is the worst.
I do hope it means the end of CM Punk chants. I don't know how realistic that is, but god damn am I sick of them.
Stephanie needs a return of a GOAT Payback 2014 reply to the chants.

I do wonder if there were a group of people who thought Punk was gonna win and made plans to start a CM Punk chant at Backlash only to have their plans fooled by him being squashed.

RuRu shaming, Harper shaming... this thread is the worst.
Rusev is my number one man. Harper is an average overrated Joe. Never got him, never will and unless he reinvents his gimmick, he's fucked and will do worse then Bray in the years to come.


The dude has been exposed. Hell, if Brawl for All still existed who could he even beat?

Just makes me think how lucky he was to have been in a business where you could look good without really having any extensive athletic talent.

He over achieved in wrestling and now the UFC. Somehow he was able to walk into those doors of the octogan.

Brawl 4 All is actually a good metaphor for what just happened.

Punk turned himself into Bart Gunn.
I feel sorry for CM Punk now, honestly. Dude spent two years of his life training and didn't even get to show any offense and got demolished halfway into the first round. Please come back to WWE before you get killed.

Could he be taken seriously at fake sports again after failing so miserably at a real one though?

Tom Nook

Fox318, nice post fight analysis on the Punk fight.

I'm sure it was a real wake up call for him. Like you said, if Punk really wants to be successful in MMA, he needs to "start from scratch", just training can get him so far, he needs right fight experience.


Brawl 4 All is actually a good metaphor for what just happened.

Punk turned himself into Bart Gunn.

I didn't have the time. But I wanted to make a post if he would last longer than Bart Gunn.

Punk should do whatever the fuck he wants. It's his life. But as a celebrity/supposed athlete, we are more than free to talk about him.


There's no need for the crowd to chant for CM Punk anymore, it's useless. Unlike before where chanting for Punk meant something, this is far from that given how badly he got his ass ripped into. If you chant for Punk you know what they'll say?

"Sorry, isn't he the guy that got his ass kicked? We don't need losers in the WWE."

That'll be it.


Vince thinks he finally has a new Taker who actually puts people over (all the time, constantly) and HHH thinks wins and losses don't matter. There's no hope left for his fans because the only people who could change it for the better both think he's doing what's needed


Oh well, naught to be done.

Yeah, really strong crowd. Which was great, since they made all the highlight moments like Becky or Slater and Rhyno's wins even better from their reactions.

Bring Harper in, have him feud with Bray with Bray as the face and Harper as the heel (I dunno, he takes out Erick Rowan) because honestly the brief glimpse we got of face Bray was great.

And have Harper lose because I don't get people when they claim he's the most amazing person on the roster.

This isn't the worst idea in the world. Face Bray is probably the only option to rehab him.
Not sure why people blame punk for taking a UFC deal that was offered to him.

If fight Gall for 6 figures and I bet most people here would too
I agree. It's the people who go 'Punk's amazing for having the guts to do this unlike you all' that bothers me. Because anyone would get their ass kicked for two minutes for a tiny fraction of what Punk is getting for this.


Fox318, nice post fight analysis on the Punk fight.

I'm sure it was a real wake up call for him. Like you said, if Punk really wants to be successful in MMA, he needs to "start from scratch", just training can get him so far, he needs right fight experience.

Do we have anyone who successfully started fighting at 37?


There's no need for the crowd to chant for CM Punk anymore, it's useless. Unlike before where chanting for Punk meant something, this is far from that given how badly he got his ass ripped into. If you chant for Punk you know what they'll say?

"Sorry, isn't he the guy that got his ass kicked? We don't need losers in the WWE."

That'll be it.

It's true. It's crazy how it all works. Once you leave the WWE safe zone and make a fool of yourself it's hard to come back.

Hell Brock's fight was a risk. Bork built himself back up and a loss for sure would have hurt his character. I don't even think getting caught juicing matters. He still won.


Could he be taken seriously at fake sports again after failing so miserably at a real one though?

The reactions are interesting.

Brock cheated and won, but that seems to be forgotten about now mostly. Some time has passed, sure, but I think this might have relegitimised Brock in some people's eyes - 'Sure, he had to use steroids, but at least he one unlike that weakling CM Punk!'

For me. I probably like CM Punk more after this, and I definitely like Lesnar less. Lesnar has always been a dick, but I excused that before - now I've got no reason to. Punk is a dick in his own, non-ignorant kind of way, but heck, he went out there and got humiliated and now he's gotta move on from here. That's sympathetic and makes him even more of an underdog now.

The only place I'm really seeing very negative stuff about Punk is from wrestling fans...

Unless Punk does absolutely nothing in the public eye again, things will change depending on what he does next. He's still got plenty of options - things will move on.
There's no need for the crowd to chant for CM Punk anymore, it's useless. Unlike before where chanting for Punk meant something, this is far from that given how badly he got his ass ripped into. If you chant for Punk you know what they'll say?

"Sorry, isn't he the guy that got his ass kicked? We don't need losers in the WWE."

That'll be it.

Also, I mean, the product has been good (great even!). They've been pushing new talent. They've been offering fresh new things (CWC!). A lot of Punk's criticisms of the business are no longer really valid any more. Heck I partially credit him for that (as he definitely helped fuel the fire that led to the D-Bry revolution).

End it.

Now we just need to figure out a why to end the WHAT? chants.


Punk is a brand, a brand he worked his ass off for. He used that brand to help draw money for a joint venture between himself and UFC. There is zero wrong with this scenario.

The brand took a massive hit both literally and figuratively. At least in my opinion.

The dude is frugal though. It's not like he will be out on the streets. He can built his brand back up. Just not with this venture. Or pro wrestling. Not in the short term.


Heh. I knew it looked familiar.

TMZ has posted footage of the opening of the Miz vs Dolph Ziggler WWE Backlash match, and noted WWE spoofed CM Punk’s UFC 203 loss in the opening of the bout.

You might recall the match opened with Ziggler ducking a wild punch from Miz and then Ziggler took Miz down and hit some ground-and-pound fists. Miz, however, was able to escape the beatdown and make it to the ropes for a break.
Also, I mean, the product has been good (great even!). They've been pushing new talent. They've been offering fresh new things (CWC!). A lot of Punk's criticisms of the business are no longer really valid any more. Heck I partially credit him for that (as he definitely helped fuel the fire that led to the D-Bry revolution).

End it.

Now we just need to figure out a why to end the WHAT? chants.

I have no problem with "WHAT" chants.

These are the chants that need to end:

1. "This is awesome!"
2. "Holy shit!"
3. "You deserve it!"
4. "Fight forever!"


It's true. It's crazy how it all works. Once you leave the WWE safe zone and make a fool of yourself it's hard to come back.

Hell Brock's fight was a risk. Bork built himself back up and a loss for sure would have hurt his character. I don't even think getting caught juicing matters. He still won.

Yep exactly. Even though he was on the juice like you said he still won and people don't care because he's legit. Punk embarrassed himself.
Also, I mean, the product has been good (great even!). They've been pushing new talent. They've been offering fresh new things (CWC!). A lot of Punk's criticisms of the business are no longer really valid any more. Heck I partially credit him for that (as he definitely helped fuel the fire that led to the D-Bry revolution).

End it.

Now we just need to figure out a why to end the WHAT? chants.

If only. I'd like each wrestler to have a comeback for them so whenever they start bring up the comeback.
Heh. I knew it looked familiar.

That's brilliant.


My feels on Punk was that he felt Pro Wrestling was beneath him. Threw it under the bus. He was now doing something real, unlike stupid pro wrestling. He was above his dumb ex career.

I hope this experience his humbling.


I wonder if this was their idea. As in Miz and Ziggler. We know Punk didn't like Wrestlemania Headliner Miz and often mocked him.
Punk feels like the perfect example of someone with celebrity using their fame and money to do something they probably shouldn't.

Dude totally looked like some guy you'd see at a bar thinking his two weeks of BJJ will help him take down a guy in a bar fight, only to get his ass handed to him.


Do we have anyone who successfully started fighting at 37?

Randy Couture was 34 at his first UFC show but he was an Olympic replacement and a huge catch wrestler while he was in the military. Plus it was1997 and that might as well be 1897 for how far ahead the sport is today.

The issue with Punk was he wasn't an athlete or had any training. He had no instincts that could help him transition to fighting. Hell he had to completely rebuild his physic with weight training.

If Punk was one of the guys who got into wrestling and say fell in love with the Frank Gotch vs George Hackenschmidt and the technical aspect of working a wrist lock or seeing a guy escape a leg lock that may have helped him but he wasn't that. Punk fell in love with the entertainers of wrestling like a Roddy Piper and a HBK. He fell in love with the heat that you could generate with a straight edge society or the barbarism and theater of a Mic Foley.

Punk was probably the guy who mocked those wearing singlets wrestling in high school while planning to wrestle somebody in a backyard with a OSB wood table.


Shouldn't is relative and, in this case, personal but otherwise, your post doesn't make a lick of sense.

Can you imagine criticizing a CEO of a company who uses the success and a portion of his proceeds from one venture to start another? That is essentially what you just did despite the fact that it happens every day across the globe. Punk earned the right to take risks.

Punk is a brand, a brand he worked his ass off for. He used that brand to help draw money for a joint venture between himself and UFC. There is zero wrong with this scenario.

There's risks and then there is jumping into the deep end of an Olympic sized pool after a week of swim class. CEOs take calculated risks when starting a new venture. Punk just went out and tried something he wanted to try. However, instead of putting the time and effort into this new venture that it requires, Punk put himself on the fast track. Even Brock Lesnar had a MMA fight outside of UFC before going there. If you watched the evolution of Punk specials, he even put a fast track on his training as he had his first sparring matches on a heavily expedited schedule against his trainers wishes.

There are things you can do with a brand you've created, but please don't enter a sport where you could get hurt if the sport is not treated with the respect it commands.


Randy Couture was 34 at his first UFC show but he was an Olympic replacement and a huge catch wrestler while he was in the military. Plus it was1997 and that might as well be 1897 for how far ahead the sport is today.

The issue with Punk was he wasn't an athlete or had any training. He had no instincts that could help him transition to fighting. Hell he had to completely rebuild his physic with weight training.

If Punk was one of the guys who got into wrestling and say fell in love with the Frank Gotch vs George Hackenschmidt and the technical aspect of working a wrist lock or seeing a guy escape a leg lock that may have helped him but he wasn't that. Punk fell in love with the entertainers of wrestling like a Roddy Piper and a HBK. He fell in love with the heat that you could generate with a straight edge society or the barbarism and theater of a Mic Foley.

Punk was probably the guy who mocked those wearing singlets wrestling in high school while planning to wrestle somebody in a backyard with a OSB wood table.

No lies detected. It's like Nash said. We are in the era of marks becoming wrestlers. Wich is fine, but the old school needed/had some kind of athletic background. Hell old school wrestlers basically get the piss beat out of them before learning how to "work." They knew they had to fight for real if they were ever called out a bar.

In this day and age WWE doesn't need tough guys like they used to.

edit: It's possible that's why guys like HHH didn't respect him. "I trained with Killer Kowalski, who the fuck did you train with?"

Granted HHH is much more open minded now.

edit: Really. Punk probbaly respected wrestling more in an Andy Kaufman manner. Great characters with massive heat.
I sort of wish Dean retained just so we could have an All-Face Title Win celebration like that one time after TLC with Punk, Bryan and Zack.

Oh well, there's always the chance Heath Slater mistakes Becky Lynch as his long-list sister because of her dyed hair.
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