They've stayed a comedy troupe pretty much this entire time so I'm hopeful.The real question is will Super Troopers 2 be able to escape the curse of the comedy sequel that was made about 10 years too late?
Please share.Hahahahahhahaha, bjork. jesus at that twitter handle.
Bless the Big Guy's heart, he tried dammit!
I don't know about that, I still recall that elimination chamber six man tag against the shield where he was on the same team as Cena and then forced super face Sheamus, the crowd had mixed reactions for those two but were popping huge for Ryback.By the way Ryback was not red hot as a face. And WWE didn't miss something here.
They probably saw in that "feed me more" thing the same kind of quick fad that was the fandango music.
You got people over cause they have qualities, and you got short fads that won't last long. WWE learned how to not jump too soon in any random crowd reaction.
Ryback was only legit as a bully character anyway. They should have had him be a real monster heel. They knew how to do that in the past.
Still fucks me right off, them retcons, mah precious Kane Kanon!Would it be because of their mother having some weird supernatural connection given both he and Kane end up with the weird mystical abilities since they're half-brothers only?
Gotta love Kane's backstory. Even back when he was masked and apparently scarred in the face (before they retconned it with the mental scars bullshit) they sold us with the idea he went to high-school and got a lovely girlfriend named Katie Vick.
it's @somewhatgroovy
This was the notification I got:
So there's a lot going on here. After that Michael Cole Republican National Convention segment, there's this ominous "address to presidential candidates" or whatever that kind of reiterates Cole's babbling. And then it made me laugh because it said "World Wrestling Federation TV entertainment". And then I got a kick out of the closed captioning saying "World Wrestling Entertainment TV entertainment". And now, lastly, I'm enjoying that, naturally, there is an "IS GAY" sign in the background.
Rusev and Lana, of course, hailing from The Russian Entertainment...The word federation autocorrects to entertainment. It's pretty crazy how far they go to remove its existence.
The word federation autocorrects to entertainment. It's pretty crazy how far they go to remove its existence.
Looking at pics I took at a TNA PPV show in 2008. Man they had a good thing going before Hogan showed up.
But Matt picking up the pieces.
Def, TNA got a lot of shit for Russo, but they had some good things going then. They were especially at their best right before Hogan came in.
Which PPV and where was this?
Looking at pics I took at a TNA PPV show in 2008. Man they had a good thing going before Hogan showed up.
What is going on
Yeah, I figured it out, Recall!
But I'm assuming they have to edit it out, per their agreement with The Real World's WWF.
How far is Emma from returning?
Does AJ's title carry the lineage or through some technicality that he didn't win the main WWE Title.
A super nova of bad ideas.WCW in 1999 and 2000 is like if you took every bad idea ever and aired them at the same time.
and it was still better in the ratings than raw today
CM stands for communist moscow
I got nothing
Hey! There's usually a good idea for every, oh, three or four bad ideas. >_>
Does AJ's title carry the lineage or through some technicality he didn't win the main WWE Title.
Woah AJ's nameplates are blue but the title is the same. Belt looks weird.
well, the first 2 are good
well, the first 2 are good
Wait I thought you didn't like Bookah?
I mean, he looks more like a star than Jeff Jarrett.
I'd say so.
And the only reason why it isn't considered the main title is because Ambrose really dropped the ball this year in the ring after the lesnar match.
Its nice that he cuts a promo like a champ but him dressed the way he is and wrestling the way he does is not a main event style and does not help legitimize a title.