Can he make weight brother?Wanting Punk to come back is like thinking Bernie Sanders is still going to step in and run against Trump.
Hogan has a bigger chance of joining the cruiserweight division.
Can he make weight brother?Wanting Punk to come back is like thinking Bernie Sanders is still going to step in and run against Trump.
Hogan has a bigger chance of joining the cruiserweight division.
It would be great if Punk comes back and the force him to work with cruiserwights
Can he make weight brother?
Metalik selling the wrong knee?
I hope Neville goes full heel mode demanding a title shot
No worries.Sorry, I thought the sarcasm was pretty apparent given how lacklustre I think TJP is. I'm just saying that TJP winning wasn't all that surprising given the history of mishandling Mexican talent from his incidents with Del Rio to the booking of Sombra.
So which cruiserweights can we expect on Raw?
TJ Perkins
Gran Metalik
Cedric Alexander
Rich Swann
Noam Dar
Who else?
Sorry, I thought the sarcasm was pretty apparent given how lacklustre I think TJP is. I'm just saying that TJP winning wasn't all that surprising given the history of mishandling Mexican talent from his incidents with Del Rio to the booking of Sombra.
It's pretty crazy that La SOMBRA wasn't in this thing and instead have him do a Mexican males gimmick
Like wtf
Akira Tozawa
Johnny Gargano
Jack Gallagher
WWE notifications specifically say first cruiserweight champion "on RAW".
Makes me think they really are going to do a smsckdown cruiserweight division
So which cruiserweights can we expect on Raw?
TJ Perkins
Gran Metalik
Cedric Alexander
Rich Swann
Noam Dar
Who else?
The original reason the CWC was invented was for Sombra to win and get over. That changed along the way for some unknown reason.
Steph is going to take credit for inventing cruserweights
Johnny working the tag team with Ciampa on NXT? Or you mean in the long run.
Now I can't wait for Raw so we can see how they setup the Cruserweight div. Hope we get a rematch with Gran at Clash.
WWE notifications specifically say first cruiserweight champion "on RAW".
Makes me think they really are going to do a smsckdown cruiserweight division
Johnny working the tag team with Ciampa on NXT? Or you mean in the long run.
Now I can't wait for Raw so we can see how they setup the Cruserweight div. Hope we get a rematch with Gran at Clash.
source? That sounds like BS
The full list is Tozawa, Gallagher, Metalik, Perkins, Swann, Dar, Cedric, Gargano, Ciampa, and Kendrick.
I'm worried that tournament was really specific in its pacing and they go for something more ala tna at RAW. They won't be able to show many wrestlers each week, so.. they could go for multi man spot fests..I hope not.
Hornswoggle was the last Cruiserweight Champion before TJ Perkins. He held it for 65 days back in 2007. The same people that made that decision are still in charge today.
Hornswoggle was the last Cruiserweight Champion before TJ Perkins. He held it for 65 days back in 2007. The same people that made that decision are still in charge today.
Akira Tozawa
Johnny Gargano
Jack Gallagher
Thanks!The full list is Tozawa, Gallagher, Metalik, Perkins, Swann, Dar, Cedric, Gargano, Ciampa, and Kendrick.
Smackdown gets Kenneth Johnson and The Bollywood Boys
Hornswoggle was the last Cruiserweight Champion before TJ Perkins. He held it for 65 days back in 2007. The same people that made that decision are still in charge today.
Hornswoggle was the last Cruiserweight Champion before TJ Perkins. He held it for 65 days back in 2007. The same people that made that decision are still in charge today.
Hornswoggle was the last Cruiserweight Champion before TJ Perkins. He held it for 65 days back in 2007. The same people that made that decision are still in charge today.
He's not even a cruiser weight i mean...
Prolonged exposure to Mauro says Mauro is just as corny as StrikerQuite possibly the worst man working in wrestling today. Him and Striker are two huge fucking cornballs.
Prolonged exposure to Mauro says Mauro is just as corny as Striker
Go watch Wrestlemania 26 and report back on Striker.Prolonged exposure to Mauro says Mauro is just as corny as Striker
The full list is Tozawa, Gallagher, Metalik, Perkins, Swann, Dar, Cedric, Gargano, Ciampa, and Kendrick.
WWE notifications specifically say first cruiserweight champion "on RAW".
Makes me think they really are going to do a smsckdown cruiserweight division