Where's my title !!
I'm putting you in triple threat contenders match with Blackaroni and OwensisNow. The winner challenges Data West for the NWA Strap. No disqualifications.
Where's my title !!
Whaat, you don't have faith in the writing and commentary team to get them over?Kendrick should go to Smackdown. The cruiserweights should be on Smackdown. Cole about to ignore every move these guys do and plug KFC.
Last week their was a report saying that the cwc will be raw first until they see how good the division does then they'll send it to sd tooWWE notifications specifically say first cruiserweight champion "on RAW".
Makes me think they really are going to do a smsckdown cruiserweight division
Kendrick should go to Smackdown. The cruiserweights should be on Smackdown. Cole about to ignore every move these guys do and plug KFC.
Whaat, you don't have faith in the writing and commentary team to get them over?
I really think my enthusiasm for cruiserweights stop tonight, it was really fun but they won't be handled nearly this well on Raw.
If anyone beats x pac, in going to find you and beat your ass.WWE needs to have TJP unify the lineage by defeating Hornswaggle and X-Pac (last LHW champ).
That does sound good actuallyCoke has been fine since the split. And Graves will do a great job.
I don't think they will either, but I'm willing to wait and see before judging it. Triple H was big on the conference call about how they want the division to have a different look and feel then anything else on Raw. They want it to stand out. I think it has a chance honestly.
I mean yeah, no shit? What else can you expect from someone related to Mil Mascaras?AAA is so so so so so dumb
Kendrick should go to Smackdown. The cruiserweights should be on Smackdown. Cole about to ignore every move these guys do and plug KFC.
the whole thing makes me think maybe mysteziz is actually an alright dude secretlyI mean yeah, no shit? What else can you expect from someone related to Mil Mascaras?
Take your ass to bedI don't care what anyone says, David Arquette was one of the good things in WCW's dying days!
the whole thing makes me think maybe mysteziz is actually an alright dude secretly
I mean, i wouldn't go that far, but maybe Alberto is just that much of a dick?
Also, whats this about NJPW and Yakuza 6?
Mauro's average level is so far above Striker though that it's not even a discussion though. Sure, Mauro has his negative quirks, but as a whole he's great.
AgreedGo watch Wrestlemania 26 and report back on Striker.
Laughed my ass off at this. Is there one without the text?
The car speeding off only when regal is in sight fucking kills me
okada, tanahashi, tenzan, naito, yano and kojima are in it
the whole thing makes me think maybe mysteziz is actually an alright dude secretly
The car speeding off only when regal is in sight fucking kills me
Last night's live WWE SmackDown, featuring the fallout from Backlash with new champions plus John Cena and Dean Ambrose vs. WWE World Champion AJ Styles and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz in the main event, drew 2.658 million viewers. This up 8% from last week's show, which drew 2.454 million viewers.
SmackDown was #5 for the night in viewership, behind If Loving You Is Wrong, The Kelly File, The O'Reilly Factor and Special Report with Bret Baier., and #1 in the 18-49 demographic.
https://twitter.com/thewadekeller/status/776178321444995072?lang=enSO CLOSE!!! Raw 1.88, Smackdown rating JUST in ... 1.86 (up from 1.76 last week and 1.95 the week before).
Like I care what he thinks. TO BED! GO!Data West will back me up. He knows David Arquette was a great sports entertainer.
Blackaroni is a Reigns apologist and DMI'm putting you in triple threat contenders match with Blackaroni and OwensisNow. The winner challenges Data West for the NWA Strap. No disqualifications.
Blue it's past your library computer time limit. Time to allow others to do their homework!!Like I care what he thinks. TO BED! GO!
Metallik came out the goat to me honestly.
David Arquette was definitely a GOAT entertainer in Ready To Rumble, Scream, and Eight-Legged Freaks.
Crowd despised TJP and went ape shit when he made Kota tap. 3 guys in front of me actually got up and left after the match.
Lol! Funny once Kota was eliminated it felt less "big" to me. As I said Metallica and Ibushi would've been an awesome final match. Oh well, or is what it is.
What didn't happen?None of that even happened, either. A portion of the crowd were mad, but only that, a portion.
Seriosuly some of these full sail fans should be beat with a fucking stick,
So what's the reason/excuse people didn't want TJP to win?
So what's the reason/excuse people didn't want TJP to win?
Because I wanted Swann to beat him.So what's the reason/excuse people didn't want TJP to win?
God damned insaneYeah...ya'll gotta watch this WMD match LU had.
Shit was bonkers.
Some fans threw all their support behind Rich Swann and were devastated when TJP beat him. Another segment just wanted Ibushi to win no matter what.
The main problem is that there's a segment of the Full Sail Crowd that is just AWFUL.
Mine was "Ibushi is a better wrestler than him"
But as soon as it came out that Ibushi wasn't signing I knew he wasn't winning.