Ellsworth was just straight up lying? What a jooberVince wasn't even at Backlash!
I'm surprised you didn't like it. It was a well done ppv imo.
Yo...ga? I'm not your homie dammit.Vince should do Yoga, but he probbaly thinks it for wimps.
The Eater of Pins.Kane winning really killed the show for.
To be fair, WWF did the miscarriage angle first. With Terri. Probably Russo's doing, too, but still. Way to set the precedent, WWF!Yeah, I spoilered it for you last night but this is the most tasteless wrestling thing I've ever seen. Couldn't believe what I had seen. Makes this look like a work of art
To be fair, WWF did the miscarriage angle first. With Terri. Probably Russo's doing, too, but still. Way to set the precedent, WWF!
Kane winning really killed the show for.
Really? Any good?holy crap a new bell biv devoe song
Damn, I'd been rooting for Metallik from the start (because he had a MASK!), so close.
Kind of glad that Ibushi didn't make it to the finals, not that I have any beef with the guy but it just seemed like a boring safe choice.
Really? Any good?
Vince vs Stephen Lang match when?I AM THE JUICE BAR
I dunno if Phoenix Splashes and dives off balconies were what Inoki had in mind when he was doing his Strong Style thing. Then again the term Strong Style doesn't really mean all that much anymore I guess.
There are three requirements for Strong Style.
If you qualify for any of these three things, YOU ARE STRONG STYLE
you are spouting off about Strong Style but then you post of a gif of fucking KOBASHI
Opposites do attract!
Taker was team God all along
I got my Flu shot yesterday. I get it every year and feel it has helped. Yeah I might still get sick here and there but it lasts a few days while other I know are fucked up for WEEKS.
Friend, are you telling me that Kobashi's chops, which have taken down 70 year old oak trees, would not qualify as "strikes", and thus STRONG STYLE?
Opposites do attract!
Taker was team God all along
Women's Title Match - **1/4
Bray Wyatt vs. Kane - **3/4
Jesus, just came back from a visit to one of my colleagues, who had a bleeding in his brain and has some clogged brain artery near his brain stem. Guy's 33, has no feeling in the left side of his body, can barely even write with his right hand because his motor skills are impaired, speaks like he has had 20 beers. Guy was perfectly healthy, completely fit and then boom outta nowhere, with no warning signs something like that happens. He's lucky he's still alive and brains are super resilient and can rewire and shit, but he's looking at months upon months of work in a rehab center which can't even guarantee 100% recovery.
We humans are way too fragile, friends.
Jesus, just came back from a visit to one of my colleagues, who had a bleeding in his brain and has some clogged brain artery near his brain stem. Guy's 33, has no feeling in the left side of his body, can barely even write with his right hand because his motor skills are impaired, speaks like he has had 20 beers. Guy was perfectly healthy, completely fit and then boom outta nowhere, with no warning signs something like that happens. He's lucky he's still alive and brains are super resilient and can rewire and shit, but he's looking at months upon months of work in a rehab center which can't even guarantee 100% recovery.
We humans are way too fragile, friends.
DBry retweeted something from Jill Stein yesterday.
The same day that Stein gave an absolutely disastrous interview to Vox.
Kobashi is the living embodiment of King's Road, he wouldn't associate himself with STRONG STYLE.
Is Jill Stein that green party nutjob? Because that totally seems like Daniel's crowd, some of us have been calling that anti-vax shit of D-Bry and Brie out for ages, they don't hide it.
His age probably works in his favor as far as recovery goes, so at least there's that?
Wtf just a random stroke? Sorry to hear this. I hope recovery is as fast a possible.
Yeah, that certainly helps a lot, as well as the fact that mentally he's still 100% there. I always say that I don't care what happens to me, as long as I can still move at least one arm and have my full mental capabilities I'm good. And even the arm I could miss if I really need to, just get me a laser pointer and one of them PC interfaces for your head.
Is Jill Stein that green party nutjob? Because that totally seems like Daniel's crowd, some of us have been calling that anti-vax shit of D-Bry and Brie out for ages, they don't hide it.
I always associated the whole FIGHTING SPIRIT thing with STRONG STYLE, especially when two buff mother fuckers are smacking eachother for 4 minutes without giving an inch, but I guess King's Road is more accurate.
STRONG STYLE sounds way fucking cooler, though.
Meltz on CWC : "I don't think wwe has ever had a 2 hour show of this high of quality....ever."