Another Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic this fall. Finals at Takeover in November.
I'm shocked he didn't injure anyone.
General Zod?Andrade new gear:
Also, it seemsthey are teasing a heel turn for him down the line.
Another Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic this fall. Finals at Takeover in November.
He's trolling. He has to be.
WM IX is top 5 WM, so that's not hard to say imi.WM IX > Starcade 94
The only post on the account so it's very likely fake. But god, imagine if it was true.
WM IX is top 5 WM, so that's not hard to say imi.
Jeff going into the lake has me laughing like hell.
Especially when he had the Enigma Belt.
Is he a short-order cook from a Waffle House?
The only post on the account so it's very likely fake. But god, imagine if it was true.
Punk's pipebomb is way too overexposed. I'm gonna be dropping the Cesaro post-draft promo tomorrow.He's got comment karma, which means he's posted before. Only post visible means he deleted everything else
Choosing to believe it's fake because the alternative is sadder than even I thought possible of wrestling fans
What happens when Shootember only has blanks...
I did it, I did it fo the macho man!Wonder how Hogan got that black eye.
WM IX > Starcade 94
NXT spoiler:
Patrick Clark debuted new gear. I don't know how to describe what he came out in:
Yeah...I'm kind of at at a loss at how to properly describe that.
Like something Prince would wear if it were purple?
The booking of Sombra remains baffiling
He was booked against cedric
Is that the guy who had those American flag tights?NXT spoiler:
Patrick Clark debuted new gear. I don't know how to describe what he came out in:
It seems the dusty tournament is 16 teams as well.
Now I see 'Zack with an h's justification for giving Mania 2000 a D. It was awful, but not a New Blood Rising piece of fucking shit.
Poor guy. Mishandled by NXT. Then thrown under the bus about how unhappy he is by Del Rio.
Is that the guy who had those American flag tights?
Was Seth's Indie gimmick that guy you generally see underground beneath a highway with a bunch of people doing a rave in the daylight wearing gas masks and shit?
He's a deathcore guy, as far as I know. Just straight up moshing lol
You missed the critique on the copper penny Raw tag team belts.
I mean...wha...who is she going to wrestle?
I mean...wha...who is she going to wrestle?
I'm not sure if I was watching during this period. I stopped watching when Cena beat JBL for his first world title and came back a couple or so years ago. If those belts were used before I stopped watching they were forgettable.
More gifs courtesy of
Kevin Owens could learn something from that. Oh, wait. He can't learn to be physically imposing. : >
One of the only worthwhile Jeff Jarrett chair shots.
Lance Storm goes on the internet and complains about comedy bits.
Lance Storm is most remembered for his WCW comedy act.
strobogo gonna get you, Carnby.