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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?


lol why does Bobby Lashley wrestle with a headband?



1. Berlyn
2. Disqo
3. Boogie Knights
4. 3 Count
5. Fat Chick Thrilla

HM: Scott Steiner, Normal Smiley, Miss Hancock, Vince Russo on-screen, The Chosen One, Lex Luger for his entrance music, Sting
Norman Smiley, Vampiro, and FUNB Hogan are definitely up there for me.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Also how Rey managed to be one of the most over acts in WCW at the end was also fun to watch.

like he was main event over even while getting stuck in shitty faction warfare


Just watched yesterday's CWC

holy fuckin fuck. what a show. sign all these guys, god damn it. so talented.

Also, we are THIS close to:

World Champion: AJ Styles
Universal Champion: Kevin Owens
NXT Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura
CWC Winner: Kota Ibushi

is this the real life


WWF In Your House: Ground Zero (Sept 7th 1997)

Summerslam has been and gone and the fallout from the main event where Shawn, as the ref blasted the Undertaker with a chair costing him the belt has resulted in both Shawn and the Undertaker going head to head. Bret Hart is still fighting his war against America and Steve Austin has his own score to settle. Oh yeah this is the first ever 3 hour In Your House show too.

Match 1) Goldust vs. Brian Pillman
Thoughts: A decent yet heated match held together quite well by the absurd storyline at play. Pillman did well all things considered simply relying just on chops.
Grade: C, Passable

Match 2) Scott Putski vs. Brian Christopher
Thoughts: A few spots early on and just as it got going Scott blew his knee out and it was done.
Grade: D, Underwhelming

Match 3) Savio Vega vs. Farrooq vs. Crush
Thoughts: A lacklustre match that went on for far too long. Some sloppy moments that even treated us to one of the shittiest spike piledrivers known to man. Crush is fucking terrible and spent more time standing about lost, than participating.
Grade: D, Underwhelming

Match 4) El Torrito vs. Max Mini
Thoughts: Holy shit the action in this was mental and a lot of fun to watch, outside of the comedy aspects of biting each other on the ass. Head scissors and flips all over the place and the big bully in El Torrito was eventually defeated but not before destroying the much smaller Mini. So many memorable moments with crazy bumps and sequences that the crowd were totally entertained by.
Grade: B, Enjoyable

Dude Love and Steve Austin came out to forfeit their tag titles due to Austin's injury. Austin made his presence fully known by berating Sgt. Slaughter then dropping the stunner on J.R to a thunderous ovation. Incredible moment.

Match 5) Headbangers vs. Godwinns vs. Hart Foundation vs. Legion of Doom (Elimination Fatal Four-Way WWF Tag Team Title Match)
Thoughts: A lot of nothing happened for the first 10 minutes or so, lots of stalling and referee confusion concerning the tags, which was incredibly disappointing. After LOD were DQ'd the momentum picked up for 30 seconds then it returned to its awkward plodding pace. What a terrible boring match with the only fun part being Austin entering to stunner Owen at the end and cost him the match.
Grade: D, Underwhelming

Match 6) Bret Hart vs. The Patriot (WWF World Title Match)
Thoughts: An incredibly sound and well worked match that had the crowd molten hot for Patriot's near falls. It built exceptionally well, with a slow start that never got boring and they turned it into a good match with a great final stretch. It was very engaging and it did everything it was supposed to keep everyone entertained and believe that The Patriot was an actual threat. Bret Hart is genuinely one exceptionally talented wrestler unlike any other and made The Patriot look like a main eventer.
Grade: B+, Exciting

Match 7) Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
Thoughts: Undertaker nailed the ref at the start and Michaels bails up the ramp in retreat from the crazy deadman and Sgt. Slaughter sends HBK back to the ring, only for HBK to be met by a flying referee that was launched at him over the top rope by the Undertaker. Holy shit. The Undertaker is pissed!

Michaels gets his ass kicked at ringside, being chocked and thrown all over the place. In the ring eventually and Undertaker continues his onslaught whipping HBK so hard he leaves the ring. Hebner appears and HBK begs the ref to DQ Undertaker but Hebner just shrugs and says no. Ha.

So Michaels lunges into the ring and chop blocks Undertaker down and then the match is officially started. Michaels unleashes a flurry and blocks a chokeslam attempt but still ends up being thrown outside again. This is great, HBK is out matched yet he still keeps on coming back for more and there is no doubt that the Undertaker wants revenge. Undertaker is in full control mode now grinding down HBK and hunting on his arm, though Michaels still finds a sneaky opening only to get cut off and abused again outside the ring.

A brief moment presents itself for HBK to gain the upper hand but its only for a fleeting moment so he goes for a steel chair instead. Undertaker gets it and lines up a shot at HBK but Earl Hebner suddenly grows a pair and intervenes holding the chair back. So for his troubles HBK dropkicks The Undertaker in his back, which in turn sends him crashing into Hebner. Karma?

Finally a major chance for Michaels to gain momentum presents itself and after 2 top rope elbows Rick Rude appears and tosses HBK an international object in a shiny pair of brass knuckles and HBK decks The Undertaker. There is no ref to make the cover but a third ref finally appears only giving Michaels a 2 count. Wow!

That ref gets beaten up as Triple H and Chyna interject themselves into the battle launching The Undertaker knees first into the ringside steps. HBK revives Hebner only to slam him face first into the turnbuckle. Poor hebner. HBK continues his prolonged Undertaker beat down. Undertaker is sent to the outside so Triple H and Chyna get some fists in but Undertaker is having none of it so HBK dives off the top wiping The Undertaker out.

HBK rolls The Undertaker into the ring, flying forearm is caught, Tombstone attempt is escaped, Sweet Chin Music is blocked, Undertaker gets the brass knuckles from HBK's pants and knocks him down hard. Long drawn out nearfall by Hebner only gets 2 so he gets a chokeslam for his effort. I bet you wish you called for that DQ 20 minutes ago dont you Earl, who is just a lay as a mangled mess now. Tim White has seen enough as all his friends are pretty much destroyed and calls for the bell as he enters the ring. Crowd rightly boo.

Sweet Chin Music wipes out The Undertaker and he topples into the ropes getting his arms tangled in the process. Chyna gives HBK a chair and a running start is blocked by a big boot, Tombstone attempt is thwarted again as officials get super kicks and Triple H eats a Tombstone to a big crowd pop. This is just fucking utter madness and a pure brawling spectacle as more wrestlers enter and take chokeslams before calming The Undertaker down.

Then out of fucking nowhere The Undertaker sails over the top rope wiping out HBK and a random assortment of jobbers as Degeneration X scramble up the ramp and away to safety. The Undertaker poses and we are out of time!
Grade: A, Excellent

Overall: This whole show does an incredible job at keeping Steve Austin at the forefront of people's minds and actually helped in keeping his momentum regardless of the set back of his injury. The world title match made something special out of nothing giving us one hell of a match. The main event was a wild brawl and a crazy scene setting up the Hell in a Cell match perfectly. It was a great main event and something totally different to the World Title match yet still told its story very well.

The undercard was a challenge to get through and dragged down the pace of the show, with some very poor contests that should have been shorter or actually removed all together. The double main events are easily worth your time and the Mini wrestler match is full of exceptional gif moments. So if you can stomach the shit then give the show a watch as the highs are high.


I too watched this week's CWC this evening. It was good. We both really enjoyed that Kendrick/Ibushi match.

Recall, I enjoy seeing your grades.


Hogan's final date in WWF before leaving in 1993

WWF @ Boston, MA - Boston Garden - June 26, 1993 (3,500)
Tito Santana (sub. for the Predator) defeated the Brooklyn Brawler
Mr. Hughes defeated Bob Backlund
Luna Vachon defeated Sensational Sherri
WWF World Champion Yokozuna pinned Jim Duggan in a lumberjack match
Owen Hart defeated Damien Demento
Crush defeated Doink the Clown via disqualification
Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake defeated Ted Dibiase & IRS; Sgt. Slaughter was the guest referee for the match


Hogan's final date in WWF before leaving in 1993

WWF @ Boston, MA - Boston Garden - June 26, 1993 (3,500)
Tito Santana (sub. for the Predator) defeated the Brooklyn Brawler
Mr. Hughes defeated Bob Backlund
Luna Vachon defeated Sensational Sherri
WWF World Champion Yokozuna pinned Jim Duggan in a lumberjack match
Owen Hart defeated Damien Demento
Crush defeated Doink the Clown via disqualification
Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake defeated Ted Dibiase & IRS; Sgt. Slaughter was the guest referee for the match
Second the gate is down he's out of there.


There are two handicaps that can give you an advantage in amateur wrestling: being blind and not having legs.

(not joking-that's an absolute shoot from personal experience)

Most guys don't know how to wrestle somebody they can't get a hold of.


Second the gate is down he's out of there.

Look at the gate for the show 2 days later

WWF @ Long Island, NY - Nassau Coliseum - June 27, 1993 (6,500)
The Brooklyn Brawler defeated the Predator (Mike Bollea)
Owen Hart defeated Damien Demento
Sensational Sherri defated Luna Vachon via reverse decision; Luna initially won the match after Doink the Clown came ringside and tossed a bucket of water in Sherri's face
Mr. Hughes defeated Bob Backlund
Doink the Clown pinned Crush by hitting him with a weapon after a second Doink distracted the referee
WWF Tag Team Champions Rick & Scott Steiner defeated Ted Dibiase & IRS when Scott pinned Dibiase
WWF World Champion Yokozuna defeated Jim Duggan in a lumberjack match

Steiners are a draw, brother!
Hogan's final date in WWF before leaving in 1993

WWF @ Boston, MA - Boston Garden - June 26, 1993 (3,500)
Tito Santana (sub. for the Predator) defeated the Brooklyn Brawler
Mr. Hughes defeated Bob Backlund
Luna Vachon defeated Sensational Sherri
WWF World Champion Yokozuna pinned Jim Duggan in a lumberjack match
Owen Hart defeated Damien Demento
Crush defeated Doink the Clown via disqualification
Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake defeated Ted Dibiase & IRS; Sgt. Slaughter was the guest referee for the match
Mr. Hughes........


Just watched yesterday's CWC

holy fuckin fuck. what a show. sign all these guys, god damn it. so talented.

Also, we are THIS close to:

World Champion: AJ Styles
Universal Champion: Kevin Owens
NXT Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura
CWC Winner: Kota Ibushi

is this the real life

Too bad Gran Metallik is getting the title friend.


Liv Morgan vs. Aliyah on NXT was awful

At the same time though, I liked seeing all of the new-ish getting some screen time on this week's episode. With the NXT roster the way it is, it's time for these younger guys and gals to sink or swim, especially when it comes to the gals. Best way for them to learn at this point is to do it on TV.


Liv Morgan vs. Aliyah on NXT was awful

At the same time though, I liked seeing all of the new-ish getting some screen time on this week's episode. With the NXT roster the way it is, it's time for these younger guys and gals to sink or swim, especially when it comes to the gals. Best way for them to learn at this point is to do it on TV.
Only so long you can hide them at NXT house shows and in the gym.


Liv Morgan vs. Aliyah on NXT was awful

At the same time though, I liked seeing all of the new-ish getting some screen time on this week's episode. With the NXT roster the way it is, it's time for these younger guys and gals to sink or swim, especially when it comes to the gals. Best way for them to learn at this point is to do it on TV.
I fast-forwarded through much of that match (and probably half of that episode). Aliyah seems like she should be a white meat babyface, so it was weird for me that she's trying to heel it up. Maybe that's just me, though.


Liv Morgan vs. Aliyah on NXT was awful

At the same time though, I liked seeing all of the new-ish getting some screen time on this week's episode. With the NXT roster the way it is, it's time for these younger guys and gals to sink or swim, especially when it comes to the gals. Best way for them to learn at this point is to do it on TV.

Exactly. Alexa Bliss had a lotta heatless garbage matches before everything clicked. Best way to see what they got is to give them the ball.


Liv Morgan vs. Aliyah on NXT was awful

At the same time though, I liked seeing all of the new-ish getting some screen time on this week's episode. With the NXT roster the way it is, it's time for these younger guys and gals to sink or swim, especially when it comes to the gals. Best way for them to learn at this point is to do it on TV.

Aliyah seems to be exactly where they left her on Breaking Ground.


Match 6) Bret Hart vs. The Patriot (WWF World Title Match)
Thoughts: An incredibly sound and well worked match that had the crowd molten hot for Patriot's near falls. It built exceptionally well, with a slow start that never got boring and they turned it into a good match with a great final stretch. It was very engaging and it did everything it was supposed to keep everyone entertained and believe that The Patriot was an actual threat. Bret Hart is genuinely one exceptionally talented wrestler unlike any other and made The Patriot look like a main eventer.
Grade: B+, Exciting

Also interesting that Bret won totally clean if I remember correctly. Not something you'd typically expect of a anti-American heel facing an American hero character.

Which all served Bret's point that year. He was the best and got no respect.


As the proverb states: pay heed to Barrage, for he is wise, aside from that time he shot for a single on a legless man.


We were pretty surprised that he beat Tozawa. I'd be shocked if he won the tournament.

Not that I'd hate it.

I know he's doing the small package driver as his finisher, made me think what Seth is gonna use as his finisher once he goes face.


Exactly. Alexa Bliss had a lotta heatless garbage matches before everything clicked. Best way to see what they got is to give them the ball.
It's more important that they are flexible with booking. Of somebody is bombing as a face turn them and if they are showing a connection with the audience make them a face.


Liv Morgan vs. Aliyah on NXT was awful

At the same time though, I liked seeing all of the new-ish getting some screen time on this week's episode. With the NXT roster the way it is, it's time for these younger guys and gals to sink or swim, especially when it comes to the gals. Best way for them to learn at this point is to do it on TV.

Liv Morgan seems like a copycat of Carmella.

Though that might just be some New Jersey thing.
I fast-forwarded through much of that match (and probably half of that episode). Aliyah seems like she should be a white meat babyface, so it was weird for me that she's trying to heel it up. Maybe that's just me, though.

Aliyah has been working as a babyface since January on all the Florida house shows and it's not that much better. Working heel might be better for her. Regardless, that whole "posing like a genie coming out of a bottle" thing or whatever the hell it is she does during her entrance needs to go; it makes me cringe every time I see it.
I actually thought Aliyah looked great, it was a tiny sample but all her moves had impact, I hate when wrestlers work too light.

Liv on the other hand...I mean really, we have way too many women wearing fitted caps & basketball sneakers.
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