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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?



A friend of mine had a humours and legitimate complaint about Balor's title win. He was in his full demon outfit and hugging his parents. That's some demon there.


A friend of mine had a humours and legitimate complaint about Balor's title win. He was in his full demon outfit and hugging his parents. That's some demon there.

Yeah the demon form doesn't mean jack (Did it ever?). It's why Finn could never be the next Undertaker. He doesn't protect the business.
Anybody here facebook friends with The Young Bucks dad ? We've had like 6 facebook battles over American politics and he told me that he'll make sure the young bucks never work for me :/ Not that I could afford them


I've decided to Danny Glover Bloodborne. Cool game, I'm just not willing to put in the time to beat the poisoning boss.
Been rewatching Goldberg's 2003 run in WWE.

Such a shame how badly he was booked due to Triple H's ego and Vince's desire to make WCW look bad.

Let's summarise

Goldberg arrives and feuds with Rock and wins, this seems like a great start, Goldberg has is in WWE and his first feud is with one of WWE's biggest stars, Rock being a class act he puts Goldberg over. This is a good start to his run and immediately establishes him as a serious player.

Goldberg feuds with Jericho, Jericho puts him over, all looking good so far then, Goldberg is feuding with major stars and is being handled well.

Somewhere along the line Goldberg out of nowhere ends up in a cage match with Christian, what the fuck? You go from feuding with two main eventers to having a cage match with Christian, now I know Christian goes on to some great stuff in the years to follow as a main event player, but at this point he's a midcarder in the shadow of his former partner Edge. Not exactly the sort of guy you guy should be booking to feud with a major star who's going to be in main events. This was only a short feud, but still the mind boggles at this lunacy.

Finally Goldberg enters the title hunt as we expected feuding with Triple H. He gets entered into the second ever Elimination Chamber match at Summerslam 2003 and asides from Kevin Nash who got eliminated before Goldberg even got out from his chamber, he destroys everyone eliminates all of them. Finally after Triple H has finished cowering in his chamber, Goldberg smashes the glass and hauls him into the ring. The expected one on one confrontation between the two doesn't last very long and is pretty one sided, Triple H counters a spear with a sledgehammer blow ensuring he is the first person in WWE to get a pin over Goldberg. Then Evolution deliver a beatdown to Goldberg handcuffing him to the elimination chamber itself.

Ultimately Goldberg wins the belt from Triple H at Unforgiven and retains at Survivor Series, the whole feud is marred by shenanigans and is basically Goldberg vs Evolution as a whole rather than Goldberg vs Triple H. Finally at Armageddon, Triple with Evolution and and an assist from Kane of all people (yeah the same guy who feuded with Triple H in the worst angle ever in WWE history involving necrophilia is now his ally.)

From this Goldberg goes on to feud with Lesnar and the feud produces some genuinely damn good moments, such as Lesnar sneak attacking Goldberg in the Royal Rumble and Goldberg costing Lesnar the title at No Way Out vs Eddie Guerrero to get payback.

However the feud ended with what is probably the worst Wrestlemania match ever at Wrestlemania XX, where it is pretty obvious neither guy really gave a damn since they were both leaving the company.

/rant over

Someone pass me the brain bleach so I can erase this from my memory forever.
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