How to bring back the Big Show:
- Bring him out to a pop
- As he's walking down the ramp, have him tear up a guy's sign
- Have him squash Titus O'Neil and Darren Young for having that awful feud
- Having him punch Backlund in the face
- Have Stephanie come out and emasculate him, only for him to punch her
- Leaves and punches Mick Foley out too
5 turns, 1 segment
Thank god I have the extension which auto-embeds Youtube videos. You'll never work me with a fake link!
there was a time when youtube links were auto-embedded on Safari iOS. wth happened with that? Aiii, you got some splaining to do.
Mine still are. It's probably an option in Safari settings.there was a time when youtube links were auto-embedded on Safari iOS. wth happened with that? Aiii, you got some splaining to do.
I have EXCLUSIVE footage of the plans for tonight's Cruiserweight division on Raw, courtesy of
I have EXCLUSIVE footage of the plans for tonight's Cruiserweight division on Raw, courtesy of
Shoot: Rock's going to have a great career as a animated voice actor.
Dat jack knife doh
Dat jack knife doh
Shoot: Rock's going to have a great career as a animated voice actor.
First day of Japanese uni tomorrow, let's do thiiiiiis
just you fucks wait until Nashvember
The lowest post count month in WrassleGAF!
November Wrasslin' 2013 - 9725 posts.
November Wrasslin' 2014 - 17821 posts.
Nashvember Wrasslin' 2015 - 18577 posts.
Nash is a draw. FACT.
Lmfao! Fucking shitPoppedtober is just around the corner.
a guy who's best matches ever would struggle to fill a DVD.
Yoshi-hashi has the lamest captain planet super power
Nash did more for rasslin then hogan and thats a fuckin shooooot brother!
Nashvember is a draw because half the posts are people pointing out how genuinely shit Kevin Nash was and is, or questioning why a whole month should be devoted to a guy who's best matches ever would struggle to fill a DVD.
I think this is up for debate, but i'm mostly on the side of Nash
I think Hogan helped bring Wrestling to legitimate pop culture acceptance, but Nash helped put more money in wrestlers pockets
Raiders fans, they love to have fun!Talk about being worked into a shoot^tfw