i honestly think your username is genuinely hilarious and would make for a better tag team name. Could star Brock and Rollins.
Managed by Eva Marie
i honestly think your username is genuinely hilarious and would make for a better tag team name. Could star Brock and Rollins.
"Hate kids" is such a bizarre oxymoron for wrestling fans to use.
Self explanatory
i honestly think your username is genuinely hilarious and would make for a better tag team name. Could star Brock and Rollins.
Any brits know what happened to Jimmy Havoc?
Speaking of changing color, Rhyno got cut up pretty easy yesterday. Didn't looked he really took a big pop to get cut by the eyeIt'd be perfect. "We're Not Work Safe and we don't f*cking work safe!" *punch someone and immediately give them color"
Speaking of changing color, Rhyno got cut up pretty easy yesterday. Didn't looked he really took a big pop to get cut by the eye
Speaking of changing color, Rhyno got cut up pretty easy yesterday. Didn't looked he really took a big pop to get cut by the eye
Heath looked kind of beat up too.
Next time you try to smack talk to me you'll end up like that jobber
I'm getting back into wrestling soon.
I haven't watched all year. The last event I watched was the Raw when Daniel Bryan retired. I haven't had it in me to watch since then. When I got back into wrestling, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were my favorites. They are what brought me back after a 12 year hiatus (this was in 2011-2012). To see Daniel Bryan retire like that broke me. I couldn't watch wrestling because it could possibly mean I'd have to watch more early retirements. I saw a gif the other week with the Uso's on a ladder match and taking this massive bump. I just sighed.
Other than that Raw, the only event I've seen this year was Wrestle Kingdom.
Feds I tend to watch:
NJPW (main)
NXT (main)
Lucha (watch on the side in bulk)
ROH (watch now and then but don't follow religiously)
WWE (read about, watch highlights)
My favorite wrestler is Sasha Banks. I have to say that the progress of the women's division storyline also kind of broke me because my favorite wrestler was now relegated to a shitty division and I couldn't take it.
With Kevin Owens winning the belt, I have interest again but I have to catch up. Any good highlights? NXT I feel like I have to watch almost a years worth of NXT to catch up. I missed Nakamura's debut. He's pretty rad in NJPW so I don't know how he'll transition in NXT but I'm hopeful.
This is probably the best time to catch up since they just debuted a new title with the brand split and everything.
One of the headbangers did like a flying punch to Rhyno near the end, Rhyno fell but didn't looked that bad but then he's checking the side of his faceWere the Headbangers working stuff or something?
Is the draft worth watching? Can you link to the draft? I've never experienced the brand split ever. WWE honestly is at the bottom of feds for me. I follow it but don't really watch. Three hours for Raw, and two hours for Smackdown is too fucking long. Fuck that. One hour shows please.
The draft itself was actually pretty underwhelming but the first Raw AFTER the draft is essential viewing.
Smackdown is actually a pretty easy 2 hour watch nowadays with some great character work being put on by AJ, Heath Slater, Becky, Ambrose, Ziggler and most recently The Miz. Definitely a different kind of watch than a regular workrate NJPW show or something, a great palette cleanser.
Raw is still eminently skippable.
How is my girl Sasha these days?
How is my girl Sasha these days?
How is my girl Sasha these days?
How is my girl Sasha these days?
How is my girl Sasha these days?
Injured and probably in a lot of trouble as well.
Dar is wank. Not a fan at all.
Time for me to abandon this thread and avoid those CWC spoilers.
Any brits know what happened to Jimmy Havoc?
oooooh boy...
Doing what she does best. Be injured.
Maybe you didn't pick the best time to catch up after all.
Injured and probably in a lot of trouble as well.
Akira Taue is underated imo
Dave said a couple months ago Vince was beginning to compare her to Bryan
If you didn't believe it then, you have to now. This is becoming legit concerning
If it makes you feel better she won the women's title
On his best day, Taue can almost convince me he's the best of the four pillars, but as much as I love the guy his best day didn't come very often - I find he had two truly *great* periods of his career, from about 1993-1998 and from 2001-2006, but his resume is definitely lacking compared to Kawada, Kobashi & Misawa's.
Dave said a couple months ago Vince was beginning to compare her to Bryan
If you didn't believe it then, you have to now. This is becoming legit concerning
But all that will happen is a short career.
What? Details.
. This was months before the injury causing her to take time off and give the title up.The bad part of this is Vince McMahon has on several occasions said he believes Banks only knows one speed and that’s all out, and even months ago was comparing her with Daniel Bryan, feeling she’s injury-prone. That label isn’t a kiss of death, but there does come a point where if there are too many injuries they can get leery and you never know when that point is since Vince has put the two in the same category.
. This was months before the injury causing her to take time off and give the title up.
M-m-maybe it's best to not get back into wrestling. My heart can't take it.
Sasha goes like she is an A+ worker but in reality she a B worker
Sasha goes like she is an A+ worker but in reality she a B worker
On his best day, Taue can almost convince me he's the best of the four pillars, but as much as I love the guy his best day didn't come very often - I find he had two truly *great* periods of his career, from about 1993-1998 and from 2001-2006, but his resume is definitely lacking compared to Kawada, Kobashi & Misawa's.
M-m-maybe it's best to not get back into wrestling. My heart can't take it.