Uno Venova
The death of Burnout killed interest in racing games for me.
The death of Burnout killed interest in racing games for me.
That's not even the best fzero game.Best racing game?
Best racing game.
That's not even the best fzero game.
SHOOT:Mario Kart 8 > Any F-Zero
Mario kart 8 is the greatest racing game of all time.SHOOT:Mario Kart 8 > Any F-Zero
He really does deserve all the credit. This doesn't feel like those half assed attempted to revive the championship by putting it on a guy who was clearly just at the main event level and downgrading him (Bryan/Cena) or having legends come out to half assedly put it over. The Miz has finally created a storyline with enough heat where the Intercontinental championship can actually main event a PPV and it won't feel out of place.Miz is doing excellent work within the context of the WWE and Meltzer's/Alvarez's inability to detach his critical mind from Reseda or Korakuen (or 20 years ago in Alvarez's case) when analysing WWE is pretty bad, if that is what is happening. Like seruously, do you judge a DG 6 man cluster on the same scale as Trauma I vs Canis Lupus or a ZSJ/Tyler Bate World of Sport throwback or a NJPW main event or Matt Riddle in some high school gym somewhere? The presentation, methods, lineage and goals of all these things are different.
The Miz isn't trying to break new ground with innovative spots and offense. The DG 6 man isn't trying to emphasize selling or the importance of the opening moments, Tramua/Lupus isn't about scientific, realistic wrestling, ZSJ/Tyler Bate aren't going to ditch the one upmanship element of the WoS style, Naito isn't going to DQ himself in the main event to hold on to the belt, the setting of Matt Riddle's match does not preclude you from recognizing his huge star potential.
And yet with The Miz, who is perhaps doing the best job on the entire WWE roster of being what the ideal "Superstar" should be, of building a heated feud with a man who has no right to be cheered or believed in, to executing his in ring performances to exactly what is needed according to storyline, to living and breathing his gimmick and building interest in his belt...after all that he's bad because Alvarez is an out of touch geek? Or because people's preconceptions are so set in stone they can't get over that to see the work this dude is putting in?
God, I sound like a Miz stan, which I definitely am not, but the dude deserves all the credit in the world for dredging the IC belt out of the fucking sewer, snapping at that opportunity as soon as it was presented to him and looking, acting and feeling like the most hungry, motivated guy on the entire roster. More than Jericho, Owens, Cena, Reigns, Rusev, all your favs, everybody. You can feel the need to be back in that main event. That's what's most exciting about The Miz. And fair play to SD for giving him a platform to do that, rather than be crushed alive by Stephanie McMahon and Hunter.
Crash Team Racing was the best cart racer of the 90's.
I would rather they made a new CTR then a new Crash platformer.
That's a shoot I can definitely get behind. Mario Kart 8 might be the best Mario Kart game too, fuck your double dash
Better commentary than current WWE 2K games.#NeverForget
best racing game is Diddy Kong Racing ya m*rks
Lol! The one I never owned. It was rare.#NeverForget
The death of Burnout killed interest in racing games for me.
Anyone else here have a Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge and have severe battery issues today?
SHOOT:Mario Kart 8 > Any F-Zero
I have an S7 Edge and its been fine?
I have an S7 Edge and its been fine?
I wouldn't be shocked if he did. Both him and Meltz seem to be really negative on Smackdown not to mention they aren't understanding anything on it for the most part. Meltz didn't like Cena losing, they didn't seem to realize Miz was intentionally mocking Daniel Bryan last week (I swear Meltz might be worried he'll explode if he's ever positive on Miz) and they thought the Becky and Alexa segment was strictly about their looks.Apparently Alvarez completely dumped all over the Miz/Dolph Smackdown segment even more on his show with Tom Lawlor. So fucking out of touch it hurts, so glad I dropped my sub.
I have an S7 Edge and its been fine?
Same, fully charged this morning and its at 75% full right now.
Do either of you have Oculus installed? Speculation that the drain might be tied to the latest update for that.
- I wish Angle would've won the big one on a better show, under better circumstances.
- I like Bad Man Rikishi's entrance theme.
- I like Bad Man Rikishi's entrance muumuu, but that was never going to work (especially in 2000).
- Bad Man Rikishi was already facing an uphill battle, but his chances as a top star were completely dashed when he didn't ditch the thong (for some tights or pants or something, you sicko).
- I don't know how I'm supposed to feel when after Bad Man Rikishi talks about his people being held down by the WWF and their Great White Hopes, a redneck skinhead whips Bad Man Rikishi with his belt and then hangs him with a rope.
- Stephanie McMahon is the absolute worst. She's one of the main reasons I'm always considering dropping the chrono-journey after WCW dies.
- I feel pretty confident that Triple H is a midcarder who put in a lot of work to try to manufacture a top-of-the-card persona, but will never be good enough. Seems like he lucked out being a reliable, hard-working guy in wrestling's boom period, who was pushed hard and given every opportunity imaginable to succeed when people were too excited about wrestling/oblivious to behind-the-scenes booking to be bothered by his outrageous run of matches in 2000.
Okay, that's enough! I'm not Recall!
- I feel pretty confident that Triple H is a midcarder who put in a lot of work to try to manufacture a top-of-the-card persona, but will never be good enough.
I know literally he couldn't, what I'm saying is if in some Bizzaro universe Miz actually pulled that off Meltzer wouldn't be happy.No he couldn't.
Okay, that's enough! I'm not Recall!
Friend Zach, the main reason you should consider dropping the chrono journey after WCW dies is because not long after that you'll have to suffer through HHH's reign of terror.
- I wish Angle would've won the big one on a better show, under better circumstances.
- I like Bad Man Rikishi's entrance theme.
- I like Bad Man Rikishi's entrance muumuu, but that was never going to work (especially in 2000).
- Bad Man Rikishi was already facing an uphill battle, but his chances as a top star were completely dashed when he didn't ditch the thong (for some tights or pants or something, you sicko).
- I don't know how I'm supposed to feel when after Bad Man Rikishi talks about his people being held down by the WWF and their Great White Hopes, a redneck skinhead whips Bad Man Rikishi with his belt and then hangs him with a rope.
- Stephanie McMahon is the absolute worst. She's one of the main reasons I'm always considering dropping the chrono-journey after WCW dies.
- I feel pretty confident that Triple H is a midcarder who put in a lot of work to try to manufacture a top-of-the-card persona, but will never be good enough. Seems like he lucked out being a reliable, hard-working guy in wrestling's boom period, who was pushed hard and given every opportunity imaginable to succeed when people were too excited about wrestling/oblivious to behind-the-scenes booking to be bothered by his outrageous run of matches in 2000.
Okay, that's enough! I'm not Recall!
Oh no HHH beat your favorite losers and therefore he "buried" them WAAAAAH
He was on top because he was the best
Oh no HHH beat your favorite losers and therefore he "buried" them WAAAAAH
He was on top because he was the best