This is sooo stupid.
Bayley slept for like 85% of that triple-threat.
Edit: Them two Avatar's above me.
yeah but he's a little twerp and it's only a matter of time before some giant fellow destroys him clean right?
Nash won that feud against Punk. I'm still waiting for that greasy-haired slouch to thank Big Daddy Cool for paving the way for him.
Yeah, there's just a real lack of charisma towards the character of Finn Balor. He's not exactly bad, just insanely dry. Poor guy just wants to play with his Lego's not crawl around on the floor to sell the merch.
Maybe this is a long con by Omega, ha
I don't have a problem with a gaijin stable but they need to cut the dead weight. The Elite and Adam Cole look worse for simply being associated with people like Takahashi or G.O.DLet's get something straight, Captain FOOKIN New Japan > Yoshitatsu. Captain actually gets reactions, even as a joke character - Yoshitatsu gets nothing.
Also, people want Bullet Club gone, but there's gotta be a heel stable for the gaijins and I'm guessing those of you calling for BC to cease would NOT be happy to see a bunch of foreign additions to Los Ingobernables. Now, if they want to kill BC and bring back Suzuki-gun, that's a different matter entirely.
It was really awkward, the highlight was the announcers car ride for sure.Ric Flair car ride with Charlotte is painful. Dude seems upset he was taken off as her manager.
Fuck the Bayley vs Sasha rematch, give Bayley her big win against a Charlotte built up as being hugely dominant at Mania.Charlotte needs to reign until WM.
I laughed at the 26 minute long silence they had while country music awkwardly played. Also at Ric calling Becky Charlotte's Sting. Should have been a Becky-Charlotte thing since those two apparently traveled together before the split.Ric Flair car ride with Charlotte is painful. Dude seems upset he was taken off as her manager.
For anyone asking why they dont push Neville-thats why.
BC can't even fall apart without copying nWo. Sad!Bullet Club is officially at 1999 NWO post-fingerpoke levels of lame.
Fuck the Bayley vs Sasha rematch, give Bayley her big win against a Charlotte built up as being hugely dominant at Mania.
I laughed at the 26 minute long silence they had while country music awkwardly played. Also at Ric calling Becky Charlotte's Sting. Should have been a Becky-Charlotte thing since those two apparently traveled together before the split.
JBL and Cole abandoning Byron was great for all the wrong reasons.
Sadly Gedo is gonna make them champs again soonish I think.
I swear, King Maxel's no selling is legendary. I've never seen a more unbothered baby.
That would be amazing, but I can't see Raw having any kind of patience doing that long of a slow burn.Fuck the Bayley vs Sasha rematch, give Bayley her big win against a Charlotte built up as being hugely dominant at Mania.
His father is Matt Hardy, he probably seen some shit.I swear, King Maxel's no selling is legendary. I've never seen a more unbothered baby.
Link.Check Titus O Neil's latest instagram post if you want to see why Neville shouldn't be pushed.
They have a whole division of vanilla midgets waiting for him
I'd rather they keep them on the Briscoes - the smart money's on Ishii & Goto winning the tag league, so that'd be a pretty good match for WK.
We'll never get the Corporate-backed Samoan Mafia we WWE fans deserve, Seph.Even though corporate/authority angles are ran into the fucking ground these days, Roman would be perfect as the corporate champion type gimmick. It's a shame Vince doesn't realize this and insists on making Roman Cena happen
Some people still can't get over the 'what could have been' of Roman wearing a suit that one time in developmental.
We'll never get the Corporate-backed Samoan Mafia we WWE fans deserve, Seph.
Usos as henchmen, Joey Samoay the enforcer, Nia Jax running her racket with the women, Roman running the fam day to day operations and The Rock as the Gotfadda.
Neville needs a mask.
I wonder if anyone can come up with a convincing argument for why Roman should stay a face. He gets booed like crazy at house shows now. Does he sell tons of merch?
Has this been confirmed by the WWE or a Dirtsheet Dave speculation?Rollins injured
Bayley too.Neville needs a mask.
Succinct, convincing, and depressing. You win this one, Toki con hilo.Vince McMahon has a boner for him.
The only reason you need.
Rollins injured
If Arnold and Frodo had a baby.Neville doesn't need shit