Hate Full Sail but at least they help get almost everything over, including CWC. On the other hand, your precious main roster crowd probably just killed another WWE project.
Having a fan base that wants to cheer and wants to be there is a good thing.
However Full Sail tends to care more about getting themselves over and cheering guys not based on their talent or storyline showing.
Like TJ Perkins getting booed when talking about being homeless or the revolting when the wrestlers got to work on Brooklyn instead of 100 seat florida shows.
If some guy started chanting or screaming like a maniac at a play or at a sporting event he gets ejected and I get that for the most part the WWE is produced by people with shit talent and shit creative but for the most part everything filmed at NXT has not deserved the scrutiny as the main roster or a Vince, Dunn, and Steph show has.