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Stop dude, just stop.
Happy to let it go, this time.
Smackdown will be good tonight
It will. The Vince McMahon appearance guarantees some amount of entertainment.
Stop dude, just stop.
Smackdown will be good tonight
Undertaker fourth.. wuh?
I'd probably mark out a little bit if Vince took a pop-up powerbomb.
Dolph Ziggler
What if Ziggler interrupts Owens/Vince and comes out dressed like Vince doing his power walk.
Top Eleven Probably
1. Arn Anderson
2. Stunning Steve/pre-neck injury Stone Cold Steve Austin
3. Bobby Heenan
4. Ravishing Rick Rude
5. Steiner Bros.
6. Cactus Jack/Mankind/Dude Love/Mick Foley
7. Randy Anderson
8. Lord Steven Regal
9. Bret Hart
10. Eddie Guerrero
11. Ric Flair
tell me more slightconfuseSquid Mage
A Final Fantasy Black Mage, Pro-Gamergate, Anti-SJW, Videogames and Anime Enthusiast, Professional Lewdposter, NSFW Content #GamerGate #NotYourShield #OpSKYNET
A highlight of Raw currently is the lack of name for the move so every time it happens commentary just screams KNEE
those magazine covers look damn cool
damn scott looks so different from his younger days to now
tell me more slightconfuse
I pretty much only watch Brock segments now, which is like 10 minutes a month, but I wish Heyman would just disappear. I have never, ever, been able to stand listening to a word that comes out of his sleazy mouth. I heard him on a podcast once and saw what a pretentious and yeah sleazy kind of guy he is, so I know he's like this in real life too, and man. I have never liked him. I really don't know what people see in him as a performer. Sure having a mouthpiece for Brock is a good move, but anyone else.
Although, despite my hate for him in every other way, I've got to admit he does enhance matches a bit with his hysterics at ringside when he isn't mic'd up. So I guess it's a wash.
tell me more slightconfuse
I'd probably mark out a little bit if Vince took a pop-up powerbomb.
fuckin heyman hustle. puke.
I'd probably mark out a little bit if Vince took a pop-up powerbomb.
"I was speaking with Jimmy Iovine..."
My hero academia is such a good show and manga.
tell me more slightconfuse
the truth about gimmicks
I'm gonna have to sit you down and force you to watch some Gary Hart footage so you can bump Brain down a notch or two.
Oof, Young Bucks showing their asses.
The "2nd chances" shit annoys me.
Not downplaying his impact on the business but it just seems odd when Macho Man is 10th.The Taker/Mankind & Taker/Kane feuds, plus WrestleMania 25-29 did a lot to help lift Taker into the upper echelon of wrestlers in my opinion.
Oof, Young Bucks showing their asses.
"We have plans for Alberto. We're excited that he's gonna be coming back at Bound For Glory." - John Gaburick on GFW conference call
also while we're shitting on beloved wrestling figures, i decided to look up the 'send for the man' thing that people say sometimes and learned where it comes from and all that so
did macho man actually hit torrie wilson in the face on camera for breaking character? as in, for real?
I'm gonna have to sit you down and force you to watch some Gary Hart footage so you can bump Brain down a notch or two.
also while we're shitting on beloved wrestling figures, i decided to look up the 'send for the man' thing that people say sometimes and learned where it comes from and all that so
did macho man actually hit torrie wilson in the face on camera for breaking character? as in, for real?
Brain's more of a character, you've gotta love him - but Gary, when I think about it, was THE best manager in terms of his promos, in terms of his presence and in terms of the way he acted at ringside. Gary would always be doing something ringside, he was never idle and came across as 100% engrossed in helping his guy win. He's everything a pro-wrestling manager should be.
Also, delivery. To this day I can't read the name 'Pistol' Pez Whatley without hearing Gary's voice.