First Xavier now him. Hopefully it's minor.Apparently Kofi is injured. He apparently got injured in a tag match against Corbin and Ziggler.
Big e vs the tag team division.Wonder if they'll do an angle where they either strip the titles off New Day or Big E gotta defend by himself.
Apparently Kofi is injured. He apparently got injured in a tag match against Corbin and Ziggler.
SD had 2.75 million viewers. Up from last week and up from this week last year.
So he was working injured on Tuesday yet they still had them win? Must not be that bad then.
SD had 2.75 million viewers. Up from last week and up from this week last year.
Injured wednesday according to people at the event.
Apparently Kofi is injured. He apparently got injured in a tag match against Corbin and Ziggler.
SD had 2.75 million viewers. Up from last week and up from this week last year.
Bronx-Man, I was thinking of making a thread about how great the Switch's first year is. Let me know what you think.
GAF, is it just me or is the Switch's launch year the greatest year in video game history? First of all, it launched with Breath of the Wild, a game that I've poured over 100 hours in and I think it's easily the greatest game of all time. Please lets avoid LOCATION SPOILERS in this thread because I know a lot of new players haven't finished the game and I don't want to ruin some of the magic of this game. Definitely the best Zelda game, which was Skyward Sword until Breath of the Wild came around. Now Skyward Sword is basically an unplayable piece of garbage compared to the GOAT.
Next up, you have amazing, fleshed out, FRESH first party experiences like Splatoon 2 and ARMS. And lets not forget Mario Kart 8 and the upcoming Pokken Tournament DX. Are you #teamHotdogsareasandwich in Splatoon 2? Because I know I am NOT lol!
Then, the game that should have never worked. Mario and Rabbids. I always hated Rabbids and I especially hated Grant Kirkhope's music in all of those awful Rare collectathon Mario 64 ripoffs, but for some reason now, it all feels... right?
Fanboys also can't call out Nintendo for not having 3rd party support anymore. The Switch has had AMAZING third party support from a number of amazing indie devs. Even though Switch is still missing a couple of the bigger third party multiplatform titles that are available elsewhere, I'm personally so sick of those lifeless, colorless, charmless AAA titles that are on the other consoles, so I'm ok that the Switch doesn't have them tbh
So continuing on the amazing 3rd party support, the Switch has Skyrim, Doom and Wolfenstein coming soon. You know, I was never interested at all in any of these games, but now that they're coming to Switch, I already have them on pre-order!
What do you think, GAF? Am I alone here? Personally, Switch is already my favorite console of all time, and that's still with Mario to come this year. Can't wait for more unique Nintendo exclusives for this console like Smash and Virtual Console, ahhhhh I need another Nintendo Direct now!!! lol >_<
SD doesn't run house shows on Wednesday's I thought? They run a Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday loop. Wednesday-Friday they are off.
Unless they've deviated from that.
Next week Vince takes a package piledriver from Owens through a ladder.Up 100k viewers and all it took was the old man nearly killing himself in the main event segment
Have a relapse on my stomach virus a few days later. Wtf.
Up 100k viewers and all it took was the old man nearly killing himself in the main event segment
Next week Vince takes a package piledriver from Owens through a ladder.
According to this and a few people on Twitter him and Big E did a match in Honolulu on wednesday. He fucked up doing a crossbody and was limping.
Apparently Kofi is injured. He apparently got injured in a tag match against Corbin and Ziggler.
I thought Vince was announced?No one tuned in knowing that was going to happen though. That's not how ratings work.
I thought Vince was announced?
He deserved that beating. Unlike the Styles and Shane situation, Owens has been treated unjustly, and the authority figures are on a power trip.Vince was. But not him taking a headbutt and bleeding all over the place.
He deserved that beating. Unlike the Styles and Shane situation, Owens has been treated unjustly, and the authority figures are on a power trip.
Apparently Kofi is injured. He apparently got injured in a tag match against Corbin and Ziggler.
Reigns, Brock, Strowman, Owens, and Styles.Hit us with that Fave Five, strobogo.
Let me know what she thinks of Rhea Ripley.The ladyfriend and I were watching Round 2 of the Mae Young Classic last night and it showed Ronda Rousey in the crowd and she said "hey, that's Wanda Rousey!"
Reigns, Brock, Strowman, Owens, and Styles.
No delay because of the hurricane?NXT taping tonight. Wonder if BSS will be there again.
No delay because of the hurricane?
Let me know what she thinks of Rhea Ripley.
Reigns, Brock, Strowman, Owens, and Styles.
Haha she's right Charlotte looks weirdShe said something like "wow, she looks like a healthier Charlotte," and then she felt bad, like she was ragging on her pal Charlotte (she likes all the so-called Horsewomen).
Is that, like, all-time?
WWE seriously need more tag teams. They probably could do with 3 or 4 more teams on both shows. It would stop the same matches over and over again.
I don't know, you could argue that they have too many guys underutilized right now, and since they need to have a women influx as well due to their rosters being so small.
WWE seriously need more tag teams. They probably could do with 3 or 4 more teams on both shows. It would stop the same matches over and over again.
I wonder what the back up was. Maybe some exotic WCW location like by the pool!There was. It was supposed to tape yesterday. Instead it is taping today. They had a backup plan to tape elsewhere, but they decided they could go forward with doing it at Full Sail today.
I wonder what the back up was. Maybe some exotic WCW location like by the pool!
Problem is the same people are being used each week. It's why so many end up injured.
Vince McMahon in 2017 is still the best talker in WWE and it doesn't feel close.
Feels like 75% praise for Vince... and 25% backhand condemnation of everyone else.
Vince McMahon in 2017 is still the best talker in WWE and it doesn't feel close.
Feels like 75% praise for Vince... and 25% backhand condemnation of everyone else.
I gotta give Rome credit his facial expressions during promos. Lol
Well, he's probably the only one who has any significant freedom during promos.