Sweeney Tom
I hope Jinder is champ for 5yrs
I hope Jinder is champ for 5yrs
What's the sad version of a "whoop whoop"?I don't think I can make it to this juggalo thing you put together, Zach.
I miss your Mr. Burns avatar, Scottify.
Well doneWhomp whomp.
because you want the company to die?I hope Jinder is champ for 5yrs
I want Owens to get the WWE title after he's done murdering Shane McMahon at HELL IN A CELL. Ideally at Survivor Series. But I think Nakamura will get it. He's a bore though, and I've not liked anything he's been a part of aside from the brief altercation with Styles, and the match with Orton.Are they going to finally get the WWE Championship off Jinder or what? Dude's been horrible and doing nothing of relevance other than complaining about the crowd every week being racist, and the novelty of Jinder being Champion wore off a long time ago. The gimmick of calling the audience racist is even dumber while he feuds with a ultra popular foreign national who speaks in heavily accented English.
I don't know what the hell they're waiting for. Nothing is going to make Jinder randomly interesting or a good worker.
I don't understand what any of this means. I do have a friend who is trying to go to this, so I no longer consider her a friend.Which one of you is the Juggalawyer that will be informing the Juggafamilies of their rights in between Onyx's set and Mad Man Pondos speech?
There's a very short list of imports I've seen live who managed to be worse than Rikishi & Too Cool, but Lio Rush is up there. Like, no originality in his offence, no idea how to be a babyface or play to the audience and an absurd tough man attitude that would've been totally exposed had he not been in a flippy-do 6 man tag.
Damn Arn Anderson just came to save Dean Malenko from the NWO. The crowd went insane.
I don't know if any of you listen to the LAW's NXT podcast, but this week had me shaking my head. Agnew apparently can't handle two women Japanese wrestlers working in the same company because he referred to Kairi as Asuka twice and said Kairi shouldn't be champion next because their styles are too similar (he clarified style as being "eclectic foreign babyface"). He also thinks Shayna should have won as Kairi is too small to believably beat her. I usually think his opinions are shit, but this is the first time I let out an audible "what the fuck" while listening to him.
When is WWE India tour?
Your first mistake was listening to something from LAW that didn't have Wai Ting and John Pollock.
I may be late on this but apparently Yoshitatus was released from NJPW: https://twitter.com/STRIGGA/status/907833610258059264
I've read it mentioned here several times, but what's the deal with Lio Rush's attitude issues or whatever
Any stories or just general word of mouth that he's a pain in the ass
6 contracts were offered to MYC competitors.
Haha, jeezMostly just word of mouth, although there was an incident I recall last year where he lied to a promoter to get footage of a match, then uploaded the match to his youtube when he said he wouldn't and was a dick about it when the promoter asked him to take it down.
From Casey michael who gets all the women's news for wrestling:
My guess is Jazzy, Piper, Toni, Shayna, Mia and Kavita
Is that aside from those like Kairi who have already been signed? If so, do we have a list of who all has been signed so far?
From Casey michael who gets all the women's news for wrestling:
My guess is Jazzy, Piper, Toni, Shayna, Mia and Kavita
Keep it 2000 is good.
Man I forgot about Leo.
Man I forgot about Leo.
Leave the memories alone.
Wonder if the dude is able to get gigs.Yoshitatsu at an AJPW signing event a few days ago;
Apparently the poor guy only had a handful of fans interested throughout the event, kinda feel bad for him.
It's shitty and cynical to think, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were mainly interested in her to have another country represented in their tournamentI don't know how reliable it is, but Mia Yim was talking about being available for indie bookings on her twitter as of three days ago. She also mentioned doing a show on Oct 8th, so it doesn't look likely that she got a deal, which sucks.
It's shitty and cynical to think, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were mainly interested in her to have another country represented in their tournament
In the tournament abby, bianca, dakota, lacey, Reina, Rhea, Sage, Sara, Taynara, Vanessa, Xia and Zeda and Kairi were already signed.
So out of the 19 remaining they offered 6 contracts:
Plus NXT spoiler:
The ROH faction has their women shooter in the group
Ab game is strong.
Yeah! Let everyone commit career suicide and join that hellhole
How have Balor's reactions been lately?