HHHWho do you hate more, the game or Enzo?
The match I never knew I wanted.3mb vs shield at royal rumble
SFV DLC when ;-;
The match I never knew I wanted.
The return of Blanka will be glorious, salt will pour from the heavens.
GWF 8 runtime: 3:11:43
I didn't say anything about BlankaFirst Blanka now Kane?
GWF 8 runtime: 3:11:43
Blame those olds in the triple threat match.
If one of those jabronies would have taken a pin like they were supposed to the show would be at least 30 minutes shorter
I just remembered Enzo and Cass are both heels now.
So do they just team up again when Cass comes back or what
So that Red Dead trailer was uhh... Yeah.
Watched the end of Huggers yet?
So that Red Dead trailer was uhh... Yeah.
So that Red Dead trailer was uhh... Yeah.
You're still on the list for the Kane comment. Only 4 more work shifts and I don't have to wake up at 4am anymore.I didn't say anything about Blanka
So that Red Dead trailer was uhh... Yeah.
Almas has such a good look and theme.
Hope he gets a belt soon
Beefy is a reversal master.
Oh my god, and that outrageous Biggest-Geek-Ever twisting splash thing from the top... onto the ref. >_>
BGE assaulting the ref was great.Beefy is a reversal master.
Oh my god, and that outrageous Biggest-Geek-Ever twisting splash thing from the top... onto the ref. >_>
looked shite
Pretty much
I'll still probably play it but definitely not in 2018/as long as it's $60
The thing that made me laugh was all the people getting hyped aboutIt was like when your expecting an exciting star to come out but you get Big Show or Great Khali.
FilthI have to pause. Will finish soon.
He attacked the ref about 5 times right? What is GWF going to do about it? Also Zach attacking Syder after the ref said get out. Smh
So that Red Dead trailer was uhh... Yeah.
Beefy/Syder vs Zach/BGE was the best double turn since Hart/Austin
The funniest bit is when BGE attacked the ref like 3 times off cam. You could just hear him slapping the ref about.
Holy fuck that sounds amazingThe funniest bit is when BGE attacked the ref like 3 times off cam. You could just hear him slapping the ref about.
Holy fuck that sounds amazing
Holy fuck that sounds amazing
First Blanka now Kane?
So that Red Dead trailer was uhh... Yeah.
Another woman who there has been some internal talk regarding being interested in making a comeback is Celeste Bonin, 30, who wrestled as Kaitlyn. Because of her look and her background coming in fifth place in the Arnold Classic Figures competition, she was put over in Tough Enough even though she was the least experienced. She was on WWE television just two months after her first wrestling lesson and was on the main roster from 2010 to 2014, leaving after marrying bodybuilder P.J. Braun. The two split up a few months ago.
The ref had it coming.
I'm pretty sure there was one moment where either beefy or syder went for a pin, and BGE came to run in and instead of breaking up the pin he just attacked the ref off camera to stop the count.
there was some masterclass heel work there
Zach/BGE go heel as fuck man. BGE was doing flips onto the ref as well.
Can't wait to watch laterI'm pretty sure there was one moment where either beefy or syder went for a pin, and BGE came to run in and instead of breaking up the pin he just attacked the ref off camera to stop the count.
there was some masterclass heel work there
Already upYoutube upload when?
Some say our triple threat match is still going on to this day...
Plz come back. She gave us great momentsImportant Kaitlyn news from the Observer: