Cuphead looks great and will probably be the first game I buy for my Xbox since gears 4. I just packed up my xbone so it's going to have to wait, only my ps4 with destiny is connected.
Get yer ass to work buddy boyWhatever floats your boats, nerdz.
But hey, apparently I can't buy it until 8:00 AM central. Heh. That's dumb.
Wolfenstein is my next game
I started The Old Blood so I could try do it before Wolfenstein 2, the supersoldier stealth stuff is going on and on and I got bored
From the new Yakuza trailer, these guys are all wrestlers, right? Recognized Muta, that's about it.
I started The Old Blood so I could try do it before Wolfenstein 2, the supersoldier stealth stuff is going on and on and I got bored
I saw on WaPo this morn that NeoGAF Vince McMahon is a Russian operative intending to tear WrassleGAF apart.
From the new Yakuza trailer, these guys are all wrestlers, right? Recognized Muta, that's about it.
My Walmart delivery was delayed to 10/7 at least and they'll cancel it if it doesn't get anymore stock by then. GGSNES Classics all over the place are apparently sold out according to some of my friends who waited last night
I already have a Raspberry Pi so I don't really need a SNES classic at all. Really sucks that Nintendo is super carny though.
I think the SNES Classic will probably be an even hotter seller than the NES Classic honestly. I feel like the SNES has a lot more nostalgia value to those 30-somethings who'd get one
I remember when they teased Undertaker would challenge Lashley for the ECW title at WM.
dementia spot
SNES classic will outsell NES classic
and then N64 Classic with Goldeneye and 4 controllers will outsell them all
Fucking gross that njpw doesn't stop these moronic spots.Jesus fuckcing christ that first gif iss the dumbest thing I have ever ever seen. Even dumber than deathmatch spots.
Going back to Goldeneye is painful.
Fucking gross that njpw doesn't stop these moronic spots.
I think the SNES Classic will probably be an even hotter seller than the NES Classic honestly. I feel like the SNES has a lot more nostalgia value to those 30-somethings who'd get one
Goldeneye sucks in this day and age. No nostalgia goggles exist for that dung heap of a game.
Whoever gets the tony hawk license next should just make a dedicated box that has tony hawk 1-THUG 2 on it with everything in tact.I really hope we get a good game again in my lifetime
I think sports games have swung far too the other side of the pendulum now to where they're just not fun. We dont' need all games being like Blitz, but there used to be a good option/balance for sports games in the 00s. Now we have turn key madden shit with far too much realism.
Dude on left looks like a dwarfHOSS ALERT