half a moon
She get kicked out?
Finn is very attractive.Just a lil obsessed
Great picture
Is he going for a double axe handle when Toothless Aggression is lying down?
I know it's off-topic, but I needed to share. I'm dying. And crying.
WowI know it's off-topic, but I needed to share. I'm dying. And crying.
I know it's off-topic, but I needed to share. I'm dying. And crying.
I DON'T BELIEVE IN ACTIVISM.tweet that to Mars Incorporated and see if they do anything
I know it's off-topic, but I needed to share. I'm dying. And crying.
FuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckI know it's off-topic, but I needed to share. I'm dying. And crying.
I know it's off-topic, but I needed to share. I'm dying. And crying.
Didn't know wrestlers had groupies
whoof. M&Ms have always been doing weird shit.
Remember the weird-ass M&M commercial that had a woman M&M unzipping her shell to sit in chocolate? Like we're supposed to want to fuck our candy?
Weird fuckin shit
You buy em all up or what?
I remember seeing her walk past me during the show.
She was on a mission.
Look up ring rats.Didn't know wrestlers had groupies
Oh, it's not my picture. I just saw it on the Tweeter. I'm sorry for misleading everyone.
Remember this match? Love the ending when triple h takes a twist of fate and Swanton and then just pins Jeff Hardy.
I'm sorry, Eggstr0.
This is so damn beautiful. I love the physics.
Popular opinion is that 0 and 2 are the best in the series. I feel so bad for your free time when you get majimas minigame.Wow!
I'm playing through Yakuza Kiwami right now. It's the first Yakuza game I've played. It's so much fun. After I finish it I'm getting Yakuza 0 then I'll wait for Kiwami 2.
How often so they make Yakuza games now? I thought a new one came out like a year ago
Oh really?
Just kidding. But I did assume he was a previous user. If you're banned as a Junior Member, are you banned forevz? If so, reeessst... iiinnn... peeeaaaccce.
6 came out last year. Kiwami 2 is a year later. It seems like it's so much more because the west was so late with localizations so we're playing catch up.How often so they make Yakuza games now? I thought a new one came out like a year ago
Oh really?
Nah Goldeneye was plenty of fun. But the reason it wont be on the N64 Classic is because Rare getting bought by Microsoft fucked up a bunch of things.
On that note, there sadly won't be any THQ wrestling games on the N64 classic.
It's probably for the best given the way KO's head bounces in that gif is pretty ouch.This is why I can't stand the kind of cannonballs Owens does now
She was just a groupieDidn't know wrestlers had groupies
this seems NSFW
That story about Hogan not backing th,e I guess now Foreman grill, to back the Hulkamania meatball machine makes my heart sing with the power of a thousand suns.
Activision has the Bond license
Rare is owned by Microsoft
Nintendo contends they own the game code.
There's a LOT of moving parts there.
The wrestling games could be even more messy. You have to re-open the wrestlers deals for each game. Music rights could be a massive pain.
As well, you'd have to go into the old WWF games and change all of the logos to the current WWE one.
More trouble than it's worth, sadly.
Never heard about this.Dave Meltzer appeared on the Live Audio Wrestling radio show on Sunday night after WrestleMania and he said that Shawn Michaels was extremely upset and unhappy with his match against John Cena. When he got backstage, he was screaming about how terrible he thought it was.
After the match had concluded, there was a spot where HBK abruptly walked away from a Cena handshake attempt which was not scripted, as they were supposed to shake hands. Michaels was red hot at Cena for not selling his leg that he spent the first few minutes of the match working on. Also, several of the agents were unhappy with Cena for that as well. In fact, you could see during the match that HBK got in Cena's face and started cutting a shoot promo on him, which is why the audio went out for a few seconds and was replaced with crowd noise.