Unionizing will help put an end to carny business from networks too.
Any business with contractors exclusively fueled by individual interests will never be unionized. It was possible in Hollywood but that ship has sailed.
Unionizing will help put an end to carny business from networks too.
This year the movie industry has remake a lot of old decent ones.This would have been amazing...in 1995.
It is shockingly horrible and it sucks because it seems necessary.
Fuckers would definitely snitch the process playing carny politics.
Has the Sexy Star statement from today been posted?
Here it is again if so:
Only just read it and she comes across even worse.
This is one of the top babyfaces of Lucha Underground.
Why would USA force them to work holidays when the KNOW it's gonna crater in the ratings no matter what?Interestingly enough, the "live Raw on Christmas and NYD" seems to be a USA decision and not a WWE one
You're one of the best film aficionado's GAF has, Uber.I'll have you know Raw is the complete opposite of dull and dreary.
It's an entertaining movie. Who doesn't enjoy seeing a hot college chick eat human flesh?
Oh. Just the men, huh?Yep
All you;d have to do is push certain guys and they'd flip on their brothers and snitch to Vince.
This year the movie industry has remake a lot of old decent ones.
Blade runner
Death Wish
And Jumanji. Or is that going to be another version?
Why would USA force them to work holidays when the KNOW it's gonna crater in the ratings no matter what?
Dumbass network execs.
Greenlight this series, Vince
Oh. Just the men, huh?
If WrestlingGAF ever unionized, I would snitch in a heartbeat
I'll definitely check out Blade Runner.Blade Runner is a sequel, but the pedigree is what makes it promising.
The cruel part of the Death Wish sequel is that gun culture and vigilante fetishism is acutely different than the early 70s and could make for a culturally relevant perspective. Instead we get a trailer with Back in Black based on a movie by "LOL sjw's are lame amirite" Eli Roth. I have very little faith in this remake.
Because a taped show will crater it even more and Network Execs aren't the ones who are gonna have to work on Christmas as a result
If she was a midget would she be champ? 🤔Alexa Bliss is/was only champ because of her looks!
Alexa Bliss is/was only champ because of her looks!
Alexa Bliss is/was only champ because of her looks!
Raw running unopposed on Christmas would get an abysmal rating. Raw going against what looks to be an interesting MNF game with large fanbases on Christmas sounds like a record low rating
Wow a Death Wish remake? With Bruce Willis?
Why do you do this?
Raw was fun live.
Elias had the most heat of the night.
Mustafa Ali got some chants which surprised me.
Crowd was really into Cena of course. Jason Jordan had no reaction at all. Roman booed like crazy.
Hardys over as fuck. Delete, Brother Nero chants.
Little kid in front of me was cheering for Miz?
Enzo was over, but kinda lost the crowd with whatever we was talking about.
Balor really over. Entrance is really cool live. Wife was a little too into it if ya know what I mean.
I would say that Alexa got a slightly more positive reaction than Sasha because I heard more boos during Sasha's entrance. There was a "we want Emma" chant early in the match, but I don't know if it was loud enough to hear on TV.
Dean and Rollins of course over. Club got some two sweet chants. But was that a face turn at the end attacking Sheamus and Cesaro?
John Cone cut a promo better than half the roster, same with Big Show. Even Braun's promo was pretty good.
Big Show was super over with the crowd. Everyone was waiting for the ring to break again, and was disappointed when it didn't.
Overall it was fun. A little long, but I'll go again next year.
Not many people know that Bayley invented the DDT and gifted it to Alexa Bliss on her birthday.#ShadesofRaven
I'm just teaching excelsiorlef a lesson.Why do you do this?
We all do. Especially everyone in this thread.I want Bayley back 😭
I don't think it's going to be too long until we find out who CM Punk is fighting next in the UFC. https://www.instagram.com/p/BYo4MC0Dhvv/
Just seen Jordan lost again, how long before he turns heel?
If WrestlingGAF ever unionized, I would snitch in a heartbeat
I had a cherry pepsi with my dinner tonight#IBelieveInPunk #Who'sTakingThePepsiPlunge
That fucked up aspect ratio :scust:
This has to be a joke.
Raw running unopposed on Christmas would get an abysmal rating. Raw going against what looks to be an interesting MNF game with large fanbases on Christmas sounds like a record low rating
I hope there are empty seats on the hard camera.Raw is going against Football and Basketball on Christmas. It will probably be the lowest rating ever.
The last time Christmas was on a Monday was in 2006. Raw did a 2.7, by far the lowest rating of the year. Avg rating that year was a 3.90.
As of last Monday, the avg rating for raw this year is a 2.12.
I don't think it's out of the question to see Raw on Christmas this year do below a 1.5.
Today I got to the Nitro where Goldberg wins the championship from Hogan. Damn that crowd was hot during that match.
One thing I noticed about NJPW is everyone sweats like they're IRS. Whenever guys get chopped it's like someone is spraying an entire can of Febreeze. It looks pretty cool though.