as someone who is clinically depressed, I'm pretty sure it's a disease. there was a clear turning point where I started to have a deficit of serotonin. your mood when you have a deficit of serotonin is FUCKED. there's being sad... and then there's the depression sad where you're like on the verge of tears with a headache, can't stop thinking bad thoughts, always tired during the day, can't sleep at night, have nightmares and you can't focus on anything.
it's legit hard to function in that state, which leads to the pills which helps balance your serotonin. does this guy really think depressed people haven't tried the "move on" thing? fucking hell lol it's easier said than done!
also I'm not sure where the "absolving responsibilities" idea comes from. A big reason, I find, that depression lingers is because you have to go on with all of your responsibilities WHILE dealing with depression in the background. not anyone can just go on a vacation and clear their mind or quit their job and jerk off all day.