Fuck sake. Great move by ICW and good for the fans in Newcastle. Annoying that the home base gets shit like Sabu and Kevin Nash instead.
You get Big Sexy you lucky bastards?
Fuck sake. Great move by ICW and good for the fans in Newcastle. Annoying that the home base gets shit like Sabu and Kevin Nash instead.
Who dies? The gif quality is bad.Shoot?
Who dies? The gif quality is bad.
I thought that was over watch?Ugh, seeing how well Destiny 2's doing just makes me want to vomit profusely - it's everything wrong with gaming in 2017 and it's frustrating to know I'm in the vast minority with that opinion. Enjoy your loot boxes, I guess.
I thought that was over watch?
*edit, hot damn;
yeah, sounds good, happy i grabbed a balcony ticket
I mean say what you want about co-opted progress, but rev pro is far less interesting to me as a going concern, it really is a card to card evaluation of whether I want to go
(as a side note, boots or anyone else, what was the deal with the podcast on progress that was going round the other day? don't have time in my day to listen to another 2 hour podcast)
Yeah, they try a little on the Cockpit shows, like with Eddie's losing streak, but then when it comes to York Hall no-ones seen it so it goes over like a fart in church.Yep. I was considering a Cockpit season ticket for next year, as those shows always look like good, (relatively) cheap, if not essential cards - the big shows are entirely based on which names are gonna be there, for me, especially as the prices are increasing slowly.
But yeah, as much as I'm not as into the whole BSS/CCK thing as I should be, Progress tries with its storylines. RevPro is incredibly storyline light.
3 guys who used to love Progress but aren't feeling it so much nowadays ripping into it. Basically;
. shit booking, too many run-ins
. WWE stuff is weird, hard to get invested in WWE-signed guys
. PROGRESS being dicks on social media
. the fan group is cringe-worthy
. can't criticise PROGRESS, or the sycophants will come after you
I agreed with a few points, namely some of the booking this year and whoever runs their social media being a dickhead, but some of it seemed really snidey to me. Especially criticising the fans - the facebook group isn't really for me, but I'm not going to shit on those fans for being as into it as they are. Also, a lot of it is how you frame your arguments - I've criticised PROGRESS plenty in my show reviews, never once got attacked by sycophantic fans.
I'll give them someone needs to take the social media keys off them
Her match got embedded into a load of indian entertainment/sports websites.
Ugh, seeing how well Destiny 2's doing just makes me want to vomit profusely - it's everything wrong with gaming in 2017 and it's frustrating to know I'm in the vast minority with that opinion. Enjoy your loot boxes, I guess.
Monsoon, you got any non Njpw Japanese wreslting macthes I should check out?
Fuck everything about these sorts of games.
Ugh, seeing how well Destiny 2's doing just makes me want to vomit profusely - it's everything wrong with gaming in 2017 and it's frustrating to know I'm in the vast minority with that opinion. Enjoy your loot boxes, I guess.
What are the PROGRESS peeps doing on their social media that are bad?
I am so intrigued by this gif
They would call that an upgrade #HowYaDoin
Ugh, seeing how well Destiny 2's doing just makes me want to vomit profusely - it's everything wrong with gaming in 2017 and it's frustrating to know I'm in the vast minority with that opinion. Enjoy your loot boxes, I guess.
Eh, more like being mediocre but with little repeatable content.Isn't Destiny 2 just a first person Diablo but bad?
Isn't Destiny 2 just a first person Diablo but bad?
How you doing man? How's the hurricane?
Eerily calm right now, everything is closed when you drive down the street.
Was able to hit the store in the am before they closed to grab some extra things just in case things go sideways.
Spent the morning going around the complex helping people clear off their patios and checking in on some older folks down the way to make sure they have everything taken care of.
It is an odd feeling, but I am set for anything that comes.