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Should the Mandalorian and the upcoming Star Wars TV shows retcon the sequel trilogy?

Should the Sequels be retconned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 68.6%
  • No

    Votes: 15 21.4%
  • Alternate Universe ala Star Trek Kelvin Timeline

    Votes: 7 10.0%

  • Total voters


I think the sequels had potential, but all of it was wasted with no cohesive plot. I've seen people arguing for making them a alternate universe or outright removing them.

Not without precedent. The Kelvin timeline for the recent Star Trek movies, and Star Wars Rebels introducing time travel. Hell I would say the Star Wars Legacy comics based on the old Expanded Universe were already a interesting take on a distant sequel.

My thoughts? Last 10 minutes of Mandalorian Season 2 gave me more joy and hope then anything from the sequels. Mandalorian so far has been lightning in a bottle, a New Hope if you will. It has been the sequel trilogy we never got.
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Fuck yeah, please!

The sequels is completely not what people wanted for over 37 years.
Do your shitty mystery box and wanna be art house movies for standalone SW stories. I'd have no problem with Rian Johnson doing his own thing in that universe without tainting the main storyline with his ideas.

They need to redo it. This time with a unified concept, and with Feloni and Favreau at the helm.
And I don't care if this happens in movies or just streamed series like Mando.
Also I don't care if they need to recast for Luke, Leia and Han if it's in the vein and quality of Mandalorian.

Just do it!
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It's unlikely while Kathleen Kennedy is there, but yeah. I'd prefer it if they quietly retcon it out of existence. So much potential squandered for a rehash of the Original Trilogy's ideas with a dash of virtue signaling thrown in.

I'd prefer it if Star Wars media from here on out focuses on other characters in the Universe aside from the Skywalkers. Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) and Grogu (The Child) have become beloved by the fanbase because of how well their story was executed. If Disney doesn't mess up the rest of their shows they can have more new characters become regulars that fans will follow. I'm looking forward to it.
I'd like them to redo the sequels. The film sequels were forgettable, they need to redo it, and with the Mandalorian succeeding more that what the sequels did, they could pull it off.
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It's unlikely while Kathleen Kennedy is there, but yeah. I'd prefer it if they quietly retcon it out of existence. So much potential squandered for a rehash of the Original Trilogy's ideas with a dash of virtue signaling thrown in.
I think she has seen the signs where the ride is going to.
Getting Favreau and Filoni for Mando was her saving grace. If Mando didn't happen, you could bet she would have been thrown out after the debacle that were the sequels.

add/edit: that said, not sure if they are brave enough to do what basically 9/10s of the fanbase would like to see. It would mean pissing off directors, artists and actors who played part in the sequels.
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add/edit: that said, not sure if they are brave enough to do what basically 9/10s of the fanbase would like to see. It would mean pissing off directors, artists and actors who played part in the sequels.

Oh yeah... They're really quaking in their boots at the thought of pissing off JJ Abrams and Roundhead Rian. :messenger_tongue:

If they really wanted to spare the feelings of these directors, they wouldn't have subjected Abrams to the rumored behind the scenes hell of having to shoot what... FOUR endings for The Rise of Skywalker? And what about Roundhead's proposed movie trilogy? That wasn't announced at the Disney Investor stream and as far as anyone knows it's in limbo.

As for the actors, well we all know John Boyega has made his feelings known of how his character was treated. Oscar Isaac? I don't know how he feels, but I guess he could care less since he's a big enough star with a lot projects lined up to keep him busy (Dune, Metal Gear Solid). The one I feel sorry for is Daisy Ridley. I really hope she can have a career after playing Rey but that's a long shadow to escape from. I just hope she doesn't end up like Jake Lloyd or Ahmed Best.


yes if there is to be any path foward, they need to fix the absolutely terrible ST. Baby Yoda just went off to a Jedi Academy that we all know is going to end in ruins. all this cloning tech we see is only going to end in Palpatine coming back to get merc'd by Rey. we all know where this is headed.

personally i don't see them doing it. the ST was an experiment in "let's not give a shit at all and see if people still buy it". people still bought it. yes people bitched that the story was utter trash and ruined Vader's arc but they still bought it. anyone who complained is an alt right troll anyways, they tell us.i think it proved them right, more than anything. people still being interested in Mando despite it leading directly to the ST is more evidence. if they throw in member berries like Vader at the end of Rogue One from time to time, they can sell any piece of shit. so i don't think they are that embarassed by the ST.

it would be weird if they did this, essentially proving that Doomcock was 100% right with all his crazy theories. i don't see that happening. but he pointed out there is time travel stuff in that Ashoka logo, so it's possible. would be so weird for him to be right again.
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Oh yeah... They're really quaking in their boots at the thought of pissing off JJ Abrams and Roundhead Rian. :messenger_tongue:

If they really wanted to spare the feelings of these directors, they wouldn't have subjected Abrams to the rumored behind the scenes hell of having to shoot what... FOUR endings for The Rise of Skywalker? And what about Roundhead's proposed movie trilogy? That wasn't announced at the Disney Investor stream and as far as anyone knows it's in limbo.
Not only that, but there are NO toys, and no other projects set in that trilogy's time (or shortly before or after) anymore. RJs trilogy seems to be cancelled along whatever they planned for Weiss and Benioff.
Yes. Simply because there isn't anywhere to go after Rise of Skywalker. While some will say it is a blank slate, it really isn't.

There is no ruling government. The New Republic, First Order, and Final Order are all gone. There isn't any connection to the first 6 now with everyone gone. Even Rey has connection to it by name only. The start of the ST was pretty disconnected anyway, with returning characters and overall universe feeling almost at a stand still for 30 years.

You can try to connect them moving forward but it will be a failure. You fucked up and just admit it and fix it properly, not with more bullshit and excuses.


Not only that, but there are NO toys, and no other projects set in that trilogy's time (or shortly before or after) anymore. RJs trilogy seems to be cancelled along whatever they planned for Weiss and Benioff.

Blech. I'm so glad whatever project these two had planned got canned as well. I dread to see what kind of dreck they might have come up with after messing up the finale to Game of Thrones.


Thank God we got these two to handle Star Wars on tv.



Mandalorian is a great reset for the franchise to survive the shitty last three movies. Hope they continue with the new TV shows to rebuild the Star Wars franchise.
Short term they can do this. There is a lot of time between RotJ and TFA.

However the closer you get to TFA the less significant the events you create will impact the audience since they “know” it will all be for nothing soon. We already see flashes of this at the end of chapter 16.
Yeah they need to do this for a few more years then tell different timeline stories.


All of that World Between Worlds stuff sounds like a load of wank, I would rather they just did a do-over without offering any in-story explanation for it.
Yes. Simply because there isn't anywhere to go after Rise of Skywalker. While some will say it is a blank slate, it really isn't.

There is no ruling government. The New Republic, First Order, and Final Order are all gone. There isn't any connection to the first 6 now with everyone gone. Even Rey has connection to it by name only. The start of the ST was pretty disconnected anyway, with returning characters and overall universe feeling almost at a stand still for 30 years.

You can try to connect them moving forward but it will be a failure. You fucked up and just admit it and fix it properly, not with more bullshit and excuses.

But theres already a comic book thats after TROS. The First Order is not gone, all those people just didn't go POOF at the end of TROS, it's the same as what happened ROTJ, you still have a military juggernaut out there, and especially since only one ship of the FO was actually at the battle of Exogal, you have an entire mini empire out there still.

And no connection to the original movies is a good thing, give us new characters, tell new stories, it is a perfectly good time to have a clean slate as everything can easily be ignored now.

All that matters is folks write good stories, the state of the universe and legacy characters means nothing when you simply need a person to write a good fucking story.
Yeah they need to do this for a few more years then tell different timeline stories.
They can. But a long term plan of only telling stories in the past isn’t a good plan.

Luke had to confront Vader after learning the truth. Disney needs to confront the ST too. But there was still good in Vader...

But theres already a comic book thats after TROS. The First Order is not gone, all those people just didn't go POOF at the end of TROS, it's the same as what happened ROTJ, you still have a military juggernaut out there, and especially since only one ship of the FO was actually at the battle of Exogal, you have an entire mini empire out there still.

And no connection to the original movies is a good thing, give us new characters, tell new stories, it is a perfectly good time to have a clean slate as everything can easily be ignored now.

All that matters is folks write good stories, the state of the universe and legacy characters means nothing when you simply need a person to write a good fucking story.

Then you don't have a clean slate if you have the first order still around and (I Guess) the ruling power in the universe.

You have 2 options. 1. Be tied to the shit trilogy that people would prefer to forget. 2. Lost the connections entirely including the movies people love.

So in order to the stories the movies attempt to tell and have it both take place after the ST AND!!! have no connection to it... how far into the future do you have to make it?

How can you start a new Jedi order and not include Rey in her lifetime? How can you introduce a new group of bad guys and not have Rey involved in her lifetime (since she seems to be the most powerful being in the universe? Same with the First Order? Rey brings with her all the baggage of the ST.

So in order for Disney to tell stories taking place after RotJ, they need to stay away from a few decades of time in order to not connect it with the enthusiasm killing ST?
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People called SW dead after the Prequels. Called for a redo, for retcons, etc, it never happened. Yet look what happened, they went back to worked around that garbage fire to where folks seem to sort of accept them. The prequels are dreadful movies, but folks learned to just move on and they also came to sort of appreciate them thanks to working around them like with the Clone Wars series.

The ST will never be retconned, they will work around if if anything, tell us different stories, some tie ins at best, and if anything move ahead of it, but as the movies, they will just be left as is, and the best course of action is to move on, tell new stories.
They can. But a long term plan of only telling stories in the past isn’t a good plan.

Luke had to confront Vader after learning the truth. Disney needs to confront the ST too. But there was still good in Vader...

Then you don't have a clean slate if you have the first order still around and (I Guess) the ruling power in the universe.

You have 2 options. 1. Be tied to the shit trilogy that people would prefer to forget. 2. Lost the connections entirely including the movies people love.

So in order to the stories the movies attempt to tell and have it both take place after the ST AND!!! have no connection to it... how far into the future do you have to make it?

How can you start a new Jedi order and not include Rey in her lifetime? How can you introduce a new group of bad guys and not have Rey involved in her lifetime (since she seems to be the most powerful being in the universe? Same with the First Order? Rey brings with her all the baggage of the ST.

So in order for Disney to tell stories taking place after RotJ, they need to stay away from a few decades of time in order to not connect it with the enthusiasm killing ST?

You simply move your story line ahead a bit, and just write around it. None of this is difficult at all. You can have the tales of new jedi post ST with them never having to show Rey even, you can maybe mention her name, but whatever, just move on. Marvel and other franchises have no issue with this stuff, you have a massive universe to play in and do whatever you want in, it's the fault of previous writers and disney where they forced themselves into having to connect to the old characters and such. Heres an idea, don't use tattoine, don't use previous planets, go to one of the other million planets that exist in the universe. Most of season 1 of Mando avoided being tied into the old movies slightly.

And so what if there is some ties to the movies? Oh no, theres some first order bad guys here... and? It's a connected one universe, it's going to happens.

A good writer tells a good story, there is no such thing as "baggage" that prevents a good story from being told by a competent writer. Look at the magic Filoni pulled off even taking some shit ideas from Lucas and the PT movies and making it his own and in many cases fixing holes in the PT.

The idea that they would just completely IGNORE everything in the ST is silly. It will never happen, and nor is it needed to to tell good stories. It's just an angry fan boy wet dread if Disney nuked the ST existence. Keep dreaming
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You simply move your story line ahead a bit, and just write around it. None of this is difficult at all. You can have the tales of new jedi post ST with them never having to show Rey even, you can maybe mention her name, but whatever, just move on. Marvel and other franchises have no issue with this stuff, you have a massive universe to play in and do whatever you want in, it's the fault of previous writers and disney where they forced themselves into having to connect to the old characters and such. Heres an idea, don't use tattoine, don't use previous planets, go to one of the other million planets that exist in the universe. Most of season 1 of Mando avoided being tied into the old movies slightly.

And so what if there is some ties to the movies? Oh no, theres some first order bad guys here... and? It's a connected one universe, it's going to happens.

A good writer tells a good story, there is no such thing as "baggage" that prevents a good story from being told by a competent writer. Look at the magic Filoni pulled off even taking some shit ideas from Lucas and the PT movies and making it his own and in many cases fixing holes in the PT.

The idea that they would just completely IGNORE everything in the ST is silly. It will never happen, and nor is it needed to to tell good stories. It's just an angry fan boy wet dread if Disney nuked the ST existence. Keep dreaming
You could be right. I don’t think it will happen. Just that it should.
The idea that they would just completely IGNORE everything in the ST is silly. It will never happen, and nor is it needed to to tell good stories. It's just an angry fan boy wet dread if Disney nuked the ST existence. Keep dreaming
I just love it when somebody brings up "fanboys", "Incels", "neckbeards" or whatever when somebody is not agreeing with them.

To me the situation seems as they were just giving a movie to whomever was "hot" at the moment. Being it Abrams, Johnson or Benioff & Weiss. Without any idea what Star Wars is about, what the lore means, how things are being done in this universe and what kind of "physics" exist since 1977, etc. "Just do your cool hip director thing and bring us the young people that like your other productions. You don't need to give a shit about anything that happened before. Just tell your story."

Seems they have finally understood that Star Wars doesn't work that way, and if they just handle this like any other franchise, those pesky "fanboys" will sink their ship.


Officially? nah.

Unofficially? You think we'll see the cast of the trilogy in any more serious projects...hahaha. You don't take the black sheep out into the town square and shoot it. You keep it in a locked shed and never talk about it.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Prequels of any kind inherently lack tension so I would be 100% okay with this.

Cast Sebastian Shaw as post ROTJ Luke and Billie Lourd as Leia and let’s get going. They already have a new Han too.


Gold Member
I think we will see total retcon/reboots of ALL OF IT eventually. There is really only one story in Star Wars that has any lasting traction (Luke and the rebellion vs vader and the empire) so anything that circles that core concept will survive while everything else is dumped. They will eventually redo the OT in some form and I'm sure they will nibble enough at the PT and ST that in 10+ years time no one will care that they were essentially redone as well.

Kinda like Harry Potter. Folks only care about Harry vs Voldemort. None of the rest of it makes any sense and no one cares. So they gotta keep circling around the same idea over and over.


I doubt they will, but it would be nice.

All of these projects set soon after the OT are instantly less exciting when you know that in the end it all has to lead to the shit show that was the ST.

If nothing else they should try to move away from the "main" storyline. Go to other places, fight other enemies, meet other characters. Set it up in a way that there are other more interesting things going on in the universe while Gohan is having his kamehameha showdown with Palpatine and focus on that storyline moving forward.

Earth alone is already big enough that there are often big and mostly unrelated things going on at the same time. Surely an entire universe has space for more than one big story.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
More likely I would say they should canonize the old EU or at least the good aspects like KOTOR 1 and 2. They could use the World Between Worlds which is canon.
Couple years ago, everyone was saying "Disney is ignoring the PT", "disney acting like it doesn't exist" , and other such nonsense. The ST ended a year ago this week, it just ended and the gears shifted due to the huge hit of the Mando. But as we saw, they didn't abandon the PT, they just shifted gears for a while.

The ST finished it's story, the era itself will surely be visited again at some point, be it new tie ins, continuations, spin offs, whatever. But for now the hotness is clear. Just like how fans hated the PT, and were for a long time thinking the PT was gonna be dropped by Disney, the ST will get it's due. The theme parks are still all about the ST, with their big next project being their ST era set cruise ship hotel thing, and there just was a VR game released set in the ST as well. The ST is just on the backburner for now. You also got the launch of a new era with the High Republic coming.


I think she has seen the signs where the ride is going to.
Getting Favreau and Filoni for Mando was her saving grace. If Mando didn't happen, you could bet she would have been thrown out after the debacle that were the sequels.

add/edit: that said, not sure if they are brave enough to do what basically 9/10s of the fanbase would like to see. It would mean pissing off directors, artists and actors who played part in the sequels.

You need to escape from your little echo chamber, it's not what 9/10 of the fanbase want.

Out of 222,000 people, 42% recommend The Last Jedi, that is not 9/10 of the fan base.

On Letterboxed you have 34,000 who gave it 5 stars, 30,000 who gave it 4.5 stars, 82,000 who gave it 4 stars, 52,000 who gave it 3.5 stars and 74,000 who gave it 3 stars.
That's 272,000 people who thought The Last Jedi was better than just average. Meanwhile, only 91,000 found the film to be average or crap.
Again, that is not 9/10 of the fanbase hating the film, Letterboxd actually shows that the majority of people like the film.

Whether these fans are new or old doesn't matter, the fact is that many people like The Last Jedi, it's just that the lovers aren't as vocal as the haters. Disney would be silly to dismiss the sequel trilogy as they'll probably alienate their fans more so than if they kept their sequels in play.


ChatGPT 0.1
No issue with Star Wars, Star Wars haters are waiting for something that will never happen. If they decide to do Mandalorian season 3 Star Wars fans are wondering what they'll do with BABY YODA.


Whether these fans are new or old doesn't matter, the fact is that many people like The Last Jedi, it's just that the lovers aren't as vocal as the haters.

Naw. It's just that the lovers give enough of a shit to actually vote on those sites. The rest of us don't even think that movie is worth the clicks it would take to register our discontent. Read that again: the movie is literally not even worth a discussion around how utterly shit it is in an age where online arguments are the order of the day. I would sit down and write a 40 page essay on Birdemic before I spent more effort than this post on the horrendous steaming pile of mismanaged crap that was The Last Jedi.

Thank Christ for The Mandalorian. The world has moved on to better things.


People called SW dead after the Prequels. Called for a redo, for retcons, etc, it never happened. Yet look what happened, they went back to worked around that garbage fire to where folks seem to sort of accept them. The prequels are dreadful movies, but folks learned to just move on and they also came to sort of appreciate them thanks to working around them like with the Clone Wars series.

The ST will never be retconned, they will work around if if anything, tell us different stories, some tie ins at best, and if anything move ahead of it, but as the movies, they will just be left as is, and the best course of action is to move on, tell new stories.

This pretty much. It's just better not to be so preoccupied with a canon and continuity especially when Stars Wars as a franchise hasn't been. I have, otherwise nothing after the original trilogy would exist for me because it's all shit.


Naw. It's just that the lovers give enough of a shit to actually vote on those sites. The rest of us don't even think that movie is worth the clicks it would take to register our discontent. Read that again: the movie is literally not even worth a discussion around how utterly shit it is in an age where online arguments are the order of the day. I would sit down and write a 40 page essay on Birdemic before I spent more effort than this post on the horrendous steaming pile of mismanaged crap that was The Last Jedi.

Thank Christ for The Mandalorian. The world has moved on to better things.

You do realise that this forum has had multiple hate threads about The Last Jedi over the past few weeks right?
And why does The Last Jedi have over 200,000 "reviews" compared to Rise of Skywalkers 98,000 reviews? Quite clearly 60% of the TLJ reviewers took the time to register multiple accounts to voice their hate. And make no mistake, TLJ had hundreds of thousands of Rotten Tomatoes reviews within the first 12 months of release.


You do realise that this forum has had multiple hate threads about The Last Jedi over the past few weeks right?
And why does The Last Jedi have over 200,000 "reviews" compared to Rise of Skywalkers 98,000 reviews? Quite clearly 60% of the TLJ reviewers took the time to register multiple accounts to voice their hate. And make no mistake, TLJ had hundreds of thousands of Rotten Tomatoes reviews within the first 12 months of release.

Oh. Well then, seems the majority do hate the movie. Carry on then.
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