j-wood said:Has anyone tried the "Go Launcher" from the market? Is it better than LP Plus or ADW?
Can you post the dock you are using from the most recent theme?RJNavarrete said:Go launcher is pretty nice. I like the app drawer a lot. It really shows what lpp is lacking. But im going to stay with lpp for now cuz of the widgets![]()
Right, I just bought Launcher Pro and downloaded your icons but when I go to make a shortcut and replace the icon with one of yours it comes out really really small and I can't see any options to change it. I'm using a Motorola Droid 2 btw, just kinda got it and have no idea how to do much with it.RJNavarrete said:keep on trucking.
here are my text icons in black and white [original and italicized] format. enjoy. also included are some wallpapers that go well with these icons.
j-wood said:Has anyone tried the "Go Launcher" from the market? Is it better than LP Plus or ADW?
Dibbz said:Right, I just bought Launcher Pro and downloaded your icons but when I go to make a shortcut and replace the icon with one of yours it comes out really really small and I can't see any options to change it. I'm using a Motorola Droid 2 btw, just kinda got it and have no idea how to do much with it.
How do I change the size of shortcuts?
BTW your wallpapers are great, got them to
EDIT:- Also how do you get the facebook widget to have hard edges and set it transparent? Mine is the default LauncherPro widget and it has rounded edges and is black.
Yea I forgot to mention that in my latest post. Gotta use desktop visualizer 4x1 for my iconsvitaminwateryum said:You're using Desktop Visualizer for the icons, right?
Dibbz said:just installed desktop visulizer and they're still tiny. Doesn't seem like there is an option to make them bigger :|
Sorry I'm a noob about this.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=783427Stat Flow said:RJ, one last thing, what skin are you using on your LP Widgets? Thanks
t0mp said:So I just uninstalled Launcher Pro and went to Go Launcher. I like it, but I click the text messaging button at the bottom and it says "this application is not installed on your phone"
little help anyone? I'm real new at this android phone customization..
fuck. just figured it out as you posted. thanks dude. sorry about the stupid question, just had to mess with it.kinggroin said:Press and hold on the messenger icon. A dialog box will come up and you select change shortcut. Pick up your messenger application.
Thanks, I'll try that.RJNavarrete said:and Bad_Boy, there are a few market apps that allow that, but you could always use WidgetLocker to add whatever widget you like to your lockscreen.
Bad_Boy said:Thanks, I'll try that.
Heres my droid so far... used your wallpaper.
gotta go to work, will work on it later.
JCX said:I'm trying to customize my phone with Launcher pro, but I'm having trouble finding the preferences menu so I can load my facebook and twitter accounts.
Dibbz said:Is there no way to buy apps on the android market with paypal?
I tried that, but I felt it needed come contrast.josephdebono said:nice! Looks fucken awesome (except the center bottom button which should be white imo)
you guys have so much talent![]()
Switchpro, Launcherpro+, beautiful widgets, simiclock, desktop visualizer. A good pack of icons, a nice wallpaper, and a lot of trial and error.Jea Song said:I dont get how some people are doing this. I just rooted my phone, and all i know how to do is download the reg stuff on the marketplace .How are people getting there stuff to look so cool? Like the zip stuff. So I download a zip...now what?
New to android btw.
Bad_Boy said:Switchpro, Launcherpro+, beautiful widgets, simiclock, desktop visualizer. A good pack of icons, a nice wallpaper, and a lot of trial and error.![]()
not sure about the "zip stuff" you refer to though.
Jea Song said:I had an iphone 4 . Switched to android and loving the hell out of it. The only gripe that I might have with it is that it doesnt seem as fast when scrolling, pinch to zoom, and swipe type performance. Don't get me wrong, it's fast but just barely not as smooth. I have the evo 4g btw.
:lol I boo'd myself. But I think the guy has the template available so i'm Gonna look into making a generic internet browser one.josephdebono said:Boo safari icon, boo, boo, etc..
Many high-end Android phones have very nice GPUs in them as well. The problem mainly comes from how all the different manufacturers and carriers implement the OS and all of the included software. I use a Samsung Galaxy S (Captivate), and when I first got it, bone stock it was decidedly average in speed and general "snappiness" to use. I came from an iPhone 3G, and even that older hardware (with slower CPU and no GPU) felt much better to me. Samsung's crappy Android implementation along with all the stock AT&T crapware didn't help things. But since then, I have tried many different ROMs for my phone, and using the current one (Darky 8.0.1/Speedmod Kernel) I can now see the full potential of both Android and the hardware. There isn't a hint of lag or slowness anywhere, and my battery life is about 3 times better to boot. It feels like a very modern phone, as it should.jayb said:someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think iphones have an extra graphics chip that makes stuff like that more smooth.
1) find groups. Im part of android-customizers and we have a lot of talented people contributing wallpapers, screenshots with links to the resources, etc.j-wood said:Where do you guys get most of your wallpapers and dock icons? Deviant Art?
I find it so hard to search on that site, because everything seems jumbled together...like there is no specific android section.