I finally switched to LauncherPro as I wanted that neat drawer icon that was posted earlier. After that I got carried away, but I'm done now. The result:
The SDK captured the wallpaper a bit strangely, but it looks great on my tiny mobile. Using mostly the same stuff as before, except for the following new things:
- Minimalistic Text
- Desktop Visualizer
- TypoClock (from XDA, not Market)
- WidgetLocker (not free)
If you wonder why the screens are so small: google "X10 mini". The phone is actually really small, making the themed smooth experience all the more impressive
Edit: I switched the Minimalistic Text widgets to Battstat and Tajm, because it almost double my battery life drain on stand-by. Too bad, I really liked that it was completely customisable and that there was a Dutch language option for it.