Smooth Calendar.rc213 said:What calendar is that?
Smooth Calendar.rc213 said:What calendar is that?
I've just recently discovered launchers, and am enjoying customizing my S2, but have a few questions for those experts among us. I'm unrooted.
I'm using ADW, as I'm trying not to use my (shit) pc, and it is better supported on the Android Market than LauncherPro. Can everything be accomplished with just my phone, or should I be downloading packs (from DeiantArt or wherever) with my PC?
Is it possible to change the appearance of my dock using ADW?
Why don't those icon packs I have downloaded from the Market show up when I'm trying to change the appearance of my SimiFolder icons?
I'm using the Minimalist White ADW theme from the Market, and the icons in my dock appear to be glitched. I don't know if the problem is the theme, ADW, or my phone model. Is this a common issue?
How do I change individual icons in LauncherPro?
Edit: SimiFolders won't sit in my dock, because it's a widget.
How can I change the icon of Regular folders?
smooth calendar i believerc213 said:What calendar is that?
I'm pretty sure it does, you just have to download Go Notifier...unless I am reading this wrong.Serenade said:And then i realized that go launcher ex doesn't display unread text messages on the sms dock icon but the other two do! Woe is me
What launcher do you use? Where do you get those icons?!Threi said:I'm pretty sure it does, you just have to download Go Notifier...unless I am reading this wrong.
Anyways got a new phone (well not "cutting edge" new but more than good enough for me - A Samsung Galaxy S Infuse 4G) so here is my new homescreen:
left screen
home screen
right screen
music player (ubermusic)
Awesome, it worked! Preciate it ThreiThrei said:I'm pretty sure it does, you just have to download Go Notifier...unless I am reading this wrong.
where can i get these? and will they work with the Nexus One? i'm about to install 1.10.28...abunai said:![]()
desire z running bulletproof miui w/ aelous hd theme; patched with extended miui options; vexillum project icons and wallpapers from fiftyfootshadows.
What do I do with those icons to install them? Do I need to use a PC, or just follow that link with my phone?Threi said:Go Launcher, switched from LauncherPro. Go Launcher is far better.
Icons: http://yankoa.deviantart.com/art/MetroDroid-200340391
the author has a bunch of zune-styled icons too.
Hey man. This isn't working. I have an S2, I download the zip file, extract it to my "download" folder, where the rest of the icons I've downloaded with Droidicon are, and they don't show up. In fact, .png files don't seem to show up at all. Only .ico.Threi said:To get the icons working you just load all the .png files to your phone, long-press an icon, and replace it with whichever one you want.
That's odd...you are using GO Launcher, right? When I was talking about changing icons i was referring to GO Launcher. I don't know if touchwiz supports icon changes. Another thing, I also use Quickpic instead of the gallery app, it works a lot faster.Chopper said:Hey man. This isn't working. I have an S2, I download the zip file, extract it to my "download" folder, where the rest of the icons I've downloaded with Droidicon are, and they don't show up. In fact, .png files don't seem to show up at all. Only .ico.![]()
I am using the Go Launcher. You're right, it's by far the best I've tried. The other icons I am using appear to be .ico files too. My phone does not appear to recognize .png files! What is the difference? The unzipped folder (containing everything) is sat in the same folder (downloads) that the majority of my icons are in. Nothing related to the folder appears in the Gallery. I'll try the app you suggested and see if it makes a difference.Threi said:That's odd...you are using GO Launcher, right? When I was talking about changing icons i was referring to GO Launcher. I don't know if touchwiz supports icon changes. Another thing, I also use Quickpic instead of the gallery app, it works a lot faster.
Nice work. Do you have a link to those icons? I really like the minimalist text.Threi said:*edit* changed some stuff, not much though so I don't want to flood the thread with images again: http://min.us/mbdXsW0DRw
http://doodel.deviantart.com/art/text-based-launcherpro-icons-188547987Chopper said:Nice work. Do you have a link to those icons? I really like the minimalist text.
Cheers for the info.
Poweramp by far.Ydahs said:Some great designs have inspired my to tweak my design a bit.
Any good music widgets? Something minimalist, also displaying the album art.
It is evident that you have some serious customization skills. Do you actually do requests? Cos I have an idea...RJNavarrete said:Shameless self-plug incoming.
Skwared Iconset.
Vol 1, which is mostly basics: http://rjnavarrete.deviantart.com/art/skwared-iconset-191053914
Vol 2, which has supplementary apps: http://rjnavarrete.deviantart.com/art/SKWARED-Vol-2-266494142
If you have any requests, let me know![]()
Threi said:I'm pretty sure it does, you just have to download Go Notifier...unless I am reading this wrong.
Anyways got a new phone (well not "cutting edge" new but more than good enough for me - A Samsung Galaxy S Infuse 4G) so here is my new homescreen:
left screen
home screen
right screen
music player (ubermusic)
Jeels said:Zomg. Please tell me every step i need to take to get my lockscreen like yours
Step 1: Buy a Samsung Galaxy phoneJeels said:Zomg. Please tell me every step i need to take to get my lockscreen like yours
Oh man, that'd be fucking awesome mate, thankyou! I'd love to see what you can come up with.RJNavarrete said:Chopper i'll def.look into it this weekend![]()
I'm almost positive that there is an option in ADW to remove the notification bar. Seeing as you use clock and battery widgets, you might as well put it to good use.Ignatz Mouse said:My modest contribution. Wallpaper from the Library of Congress Images thread on tis very forum.
I'm using Cyanogenmod on a Thunderbolt. ANybody know how to get the Alarm icon to go away? Since I use this as my alarm clock, an alarm will always be set and that icon is useless to me.
I'm using the ADW launcher, and I've removed the dock completely. I swipe up for phone and down to open the app drawer.
Yup...Chopper said:I'm almost positive that there is an option in ADW to remove the notification bar. Seeing as you use clock and battery widgets, you might as well put it to good use.
should be in there.Krauser Kat said:Can ADW lock the screen so it does not scroll left to right. picture wise, not the icons.
Threi said:SiMi clock is overused as hell but...it works so well. No other clock app looks that good, is that light on memory, and is free. Tried almost every alternative and keep going back to it.
i posted them a couple posts up but here: http://doodel.deviantart.com/art/text-based-launcherpro-icons-188547987belvedere said:Where can I get these dock icons?
Instead of assigning a Simi Folder to your homescreen, assign a shortcut to the Simi Folder in question. You are then able to change the "shortcut's" icon to whatever you want, and it works in exactly the same way. All four of the icons in my dock surrounding my app drawer button are Simi Folders shortcuts:Ignatz Mouse said:I need to make some replacement simiFolder icons that look like the circle around the battery widget in simiClock.
Can anyone tell what these Widgets are?womp said: