Welp, here's my Nexus. Still some kinks to work out but it's mostly done:
Main homescreen. Using:
-Nova Launcher to toggle the status bar on/off and to have a scrollable dock which you can see in the second picture.
-Circle Launcher to have a quick place to get to most of my favourite apps(the true favourites are on the scrollable dock). Set the widget to 100% transparency to keep it hidden unless I tap it.
-Beautiful widgets for the weather forecast with the Vos-Flat White skin.
-Circle Battery Widget for the juice counter.
-SiMi Clock for the time.
-ADW Honeycomb theme for the icons on the centre portion of the dock. You need a replacement launcher to replace icons. I've found better ones to use thanks to a poster at Somethingawful but I'm going to have to download desktop visualizer and learn how to use it before I can replace those and the off-centre icons on the dock.
The set-up at the top of the homescreen is a direct lift from another poster at Somethingawful. His is nicer because he's using a launcher that allows overlay of widgets, allowing him to make use of the dead space at the lower half of the clock widget. I'm hoping that future updates to Nova Launcher allow this as well as I am shamelessly trying to rip him off completely on that front.
Screen left of home. Using:
-Simple Calendar Widget heavily modified from default. I realize that the white android is causing some of the text to go invisible but I can deal by scrolling and prefer the form over the function. Also, the wallpaper is not likely to remain permanently.
-Standard ICS Google search bar. You need Nova Launcher to be able to remove it from all screens.
Screen right of home. Using:
Screen right of home. Using:
SwitchPro Widget. I'm likely to install widgetsoid and add all of these settings to the status bar sometime in the near future. Will delete switchpro and use the page to set up folders by theme so that if I want to access apps for a particular reason but haven't set my heart on the specific task, I can review by the theme.
Can anyone help me out with widget locker. I installed it but returned it after 10 minutes. The thing was acting very glitchy and I figure it hasn't been optimized for ICS. I just want to also remove the status bar from the lockscreen; does widget locker allow this? Also, has anyone else had problems with it on ICS? Particularly, making the LED notification light go off for no reason and showing the old lockscreen for a second before appearing itself along with delayed redraws?