Ciz the apartment didnt have the other world?Just got around to playing. Massive disappointment. Never played a SH game before, but I always put them on this mental pedestal of being a masterclass of survival horror, with 2 being the best, and after hearing how the remake did the original justice, I went in with pretty high expectations.
They padded the absolute fuck outta this game. I started feeling it once I got to the hospital. Once it turned into the otherworld and I realized I had to go through the hospital all over again, I mentally checked out and just wanted the game to be over with. I looked up how many more areas I had left at this point and saw that this would happen again, multiple times: normal area -> otherworld version of area. I rolled my eyes so fucking hard.
I also got tired of the waves of enemies the game kept throwing at you. It didn't feel like a psychological survival horror game, it felt like I was playing Joel from The Last of Us, killing enemy after enemy, where canonically they make it seem like you're only killing a handful of creatures, but in practice, you're killing dozens. Some Capra Demon ass fight bullshit where they throw 3+ enemies at you in some tiny ass room. Whatever sense of tension or dread I felt quickly turned into frustration and disappointment, frequently.
I've heard there's less enemies and padding in the original, so I may still check that out someday.
Waves of enemies???