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Silent Hill Downpour |OT| Rain, Rain, Go Away


We're on two different wavelengths. Origins was complete garbage to me. Easily the worst in the series and right below Homecoming in the "me too" cheap knock off category with very little in the way of originality, creativity etc. The fact the whole premise of the story was a laughable retcon made it even worse.

Though I hope Book of Memories turns out decent as a fundamental game. At the very least we should get a good Licht soundtrack out of it.
Yep, different wavelengths. I'm torn as I like it when a team adds something of their own to the series but I wouldn't mind one of them at least getting a second shot, to build on the mistakes.


Screamers always jump on my back when I'm running away from them :(

The only time that's ever happened to me is when I'm being a greedy jackass in combat and trying to bait them into lunging at where I used to be so I can nail them with a combo.

As another poster said, the speed boost granted means you'll never really be caught unless you push your luck.

I've kinda flipped a little since beating the Centennial Building. The game is fuxxing brokezn0rs and I can only play it in small chunks because I get headaches, but wow, just wandering around and finding the "turn back time" house was neat. There are some cool stories just hidden around.

Still doesn't make the game fun to play, but at least I kinda get it.

Hey man what resolution are you playing at? The game's intense AA solution causes really bad bluring problems when upressing the game to higher res' than it's native.

The game looks a lot sharper @ 720p or even 480p mode. The blurring when set at 1080p make the game look fucking terrible (Murphy's face looks like it a giant vaseline smear).


The only time that's ever happened to me is when I'm being a greedy jackass in combat and trying to bait them into lunging at where I used to be so I can nail them with a combo.

As another poster said, the speed boost granted means you'll never really be caught unless you push your luck.


I never get the speed boost during fights. Only at random times exploring. I always get outrun by screamers if I'm in close quarters with them, turn around and try to hightail it, then 5 seconds later I see them creeping up right next to me and then they JUMP ON ME BACK.

Thankfully it does very little damage and I haven't died yet and haven't had to use many healthpacks so I'm stockpiling a decent amount. It just bothers me from a horror perspective of ARGH WTF GET OFF MY BACK YOU DEMON SPAWN!! :(
Roland Stiles said:
Comments like this bring about equal feelings of confusion and sadness.
Not that I expect an answer really, but why was the game released with such glaring technical issues? The game was delayed once so time/budget had to have played a part (i.e. release it now in its current state or give more time/money to fix). Is there any movement on post-release support via a patch of some type to help alleviate some of the problems present? Possible PC version in the works?:)


I've kinda flipped a little since beating the Centennial Building. The game is fuxxing brokezn0rs and I can only play it in small chunks because I get headaches, but wow, just wandering around and finding the "turn back time" house was neat. There are some cool stories just hidden around.

It's been interesting to read your saying this, because while sometimes I have horrible issues with games in this regard—I remember I couldn't even play Goldeneye on the N64 due to the framerate—with Downpour, I've had no issues. I mean, I've literally seen this game hit framerates so low it's unthinkable, and yet not once has it made me feel ill.

It's always funny how one game will just destroy you in that way, and another won't even bother you.

Wait until you hit the
Hansel and Gretel
puzzle. Best shit in the game.

A perfect example of what I was talking about in terms of how much I love the puzzles in this game. In another survival horror title (or even SH game), it would have involved an obscure concept or solution. Here, you solve the puzzle, and you've just got this smile on your face.
Picked this up tonight and am really enjoying it so far! The beginning reminds me of Alan Wake quite a bit. Shouldn't be too surprising given how much that game owes to the Silent Hill oeuvre.


So Gametrailers finally posted their review

They hated it =/

Not surprised, IGN gave it a low score. Didn't expect them to give it a chance after that.

Roland Stiles said:
Comments like this bring about equal feelings of confusion and sadness.

Downpour is the best Silent Hill in a long time, you should be proud! But the glaring technical issues do leave some questions.
Cudder said:
LOL. they didnt pick up the radio so they think it's been removed from the game.
LOL. It would be easy to excuse this by saying these guys are playing these games on a deadline but good lord, gimme a break. The game gives you several opportunities to pick both the radio and flashlight up. Amazing they missed it.

I also enjoy how the refer to using the lighter in "segments" after you lose your flashlight. Um..it's one segment. The early cave. That's it.

"Misguided focus on combat"....Ok then. Did he play Homecoming again or something?
Not that I expect an answer really, but why was the game released with such glaring technical issues? The game was delayed once so time/budget had to have played a part (i.e. release it now in its current state or give more time/money to fix). Is there any movement on post-release support via a patch of some type to help alleviate some of the problems present? Possible PC version in the works?:)

Well I'm of course not going to give a direct answer. :)

My confusion is, why are we assuming the problem is Konami? I'm one of the Konami Producers and I was spending a ton of time in the Czech Republic creating, guiding, and polishing. I wrote all the puzzle clues, for example. So it's a little weird for me when all the credit for "good" goes to the dev and all the blame for the "bad" goes to Konami. It's a team effort - there's plenty of credit and blame to go around. I don't understand the need to praise one and damn the other.

I much prefer "Konami and Vatra pulled off the best Silent Hill in a decade" and "Konami and Vatra fell short in some areas..." to randomly picking one, that's all. Then I don't have to cry inside.


Just beat it and I only have two issues. One is that I found the actual dungeons to be a bit lacking in comparison to the first 3 silent hills. The sub quests were the actual meat and potatoes of the game. Which would be okay except. My second issue : you lose all the items you acquire from the sub-quests before the final leg of the game making doing all them pointless aside from the cool little scenes that happen when you complete/during your completion of them. Overall I give it about a 7.5. Solid game , better than homecoming and shattered Memories but not as good as the oldies.


Just got to the top of the Centennial Building, oh man this game is GOOD. Been absolutely freaked out the entire time playing this in the dark. When I was in the
and a door would close behind me it'd startle me everytime. Every area is set up just right to make you feel uncomfortable and to be jumping at nothing. LOVE IT.

I really have very few complaints about the game at this point. It's a great survival horror game and it's been so fun going on this dark and twisted adventure. The story is interesting and hooks you, the areas are interesting and creepy, the art direction is nicely done, the vocal songs on the radio are great, the puzzles are pretty decent, the designs of the maps and the dungeon layouts are confusing but in a good way with a feel of non-linear wide exploration despite actually being linear. Some of the transition effects are very cool, the part in the tower where
room morphed into a flashback with the cop sitting in the chair talking to you. That was PERFECT. Absolutely flawless execution there. Great way of advancing the story within the game.

I like the idea of sidequests and optional things to find and how to find them you might need to find the right item to pull down a ladder or break a lock or a wooden barrier. THAT SAID, I also don't like the requirement of specific items because in practice it usually just means running around 5 feet radius finding the one left nearby to use on it. Seems kind of pointless in the end, rather than being some rpg-like system where equipment matters.

The only complaint I have against the game (besides tech issues which I've just gotten used to by now so I don't even notice them) is the enemy designs. They're not all bad. In the radio tower building the
invisible blow up dolls are good and creepy because you can't really see them well and they have evil laughs
, but the screamers are freaking terrible, they look straight out of a Michael Bay Texas Chainsaw Massacre or something. And since you see them ALL THE TIME, it was a bad idea to make them so generic looking. The
cavebat things that walk on the ceilings are dumb too, they look like the fish guy from hellboy and aren't scary, just annoying to deal with
. Horror is all about LESS IS MORE, and they totally get that with the environment designs and that's why it works! But the enemies don't get that at all. They're very visible and generic looking. You make the monsters scary by making them so weird you can't tell what they are and you don't want to get close enough to find out. Oh well, in the end the enemies still do the job of putting the mental pressure on and keeping you scared and running and can make you jump.

So yeah, I pretty much have no complaints at this time. When I started it up I kind of laughed at the idea this game would be better than the Climax UK Silent Hills as I thought both Origins and Shattered Memories were pretty solid titles. But 4ish hours in and I think I can agree this is the best non-team-silent SH game. Can't wait to see what spooky environments are ahead, and I hope Konami is willing to give Vatra another chance to make another horror game. Next time they can get a better monster designer.

One question I have is: Does the game alert you to a point of no return where you can't do any more sidequests? I kind of want to get to the endgame and then clean up all the sidequests (to see their stories) before finishing it.


One question I have is: Does the game alert you to a point of no return where you can't do any more sidequests? I kind of want to get to the endgame and then clean up all the sidequests (to see their stories) before finishing it.

Yeah dude when you get on the boat. Don't get on the boat, with the key, until you have completed all side quests.
Well I finished this last night on hard combat/hard puzzles and had a wonderful time. (completion time was 12.30 with all sidequests) I about jumped out of my seat and spazzed with my controller at one part in the final dungeon and almost had to stop for the night and that doesn't happen with me often.

My previous thoughts still stand. They really nailed a good Silent Hill experience imo. The game is a technical mess but it has so many great ideas and thoughts put into it and it feel just like this very opressive, sombering, haunting tale. As for the otherworld, I personally like the running segments, and it give a sense of "run, run, run...shit, shit, shit" but thankfully that's not all the overworld has going on in it. The overworld was also different, I know some complained about it not being dark enough but I thought the imagery was just fucked up enough and awe inspiring at the same time that really gave it a good mixture while still having some nasty lookin sections/areas. The side quests were pretty good, though alot boiled down to finding things, etc but I really like 4 of them. The cinema, the dead man, the gramaphone, and the lost child. These really struck a cord with me, and personally it a shame some people will not see these simple for the fact that they are not mandatarory but man did they add to the experience. I'd love to have had these segments actually in the main game, but on future playthroughs I see myself doing these 4 missions everytime. I enjoyed them that much.

Story wise, I really liked Murphys character and personal journey. I actually felt bad for the guy and like him felt stuck in the town. A scene in the monastery really hit me and I thought it had some great symbolism to it. Speaking of meanins to things, etc, I personally feel the fog in this game is representative of the steam from the begining scene... who knows for sure but that immediatly what I thought about it. It's little things like that that make me think and wonder and that's something I love about the series. The supporting cast I liked as well granted they were far and few between, I epecially liked the message that the mailman and DJ gave off. The cop I enjoyed as well and wondered why the hell she was so persistant but you get the answer to that.

I've seen three endings, now. I hear there is 6. One ending, the first one I got you don't get a acheivement/trophy for it and when I saw it I was like WHOAAAAA WTF... but then I reloaded and got two different endings. Though I beleive to see the other endinds I need to start a new game over. Overall I really like what we have it. It's different, yet a return to form. It's haunting, its creepy, it has a great sense of exploration, and puzzles. Fix the technical side of it, and enemy design and we have gold. Though like others have said, I don't think the industry wants to spend money on the proper surival horror gameplay which this surely was! As it stands as far as console releases, Deadly Premonition and Silent Hill Downpour (and even to some degree Alone in the Dark which I know many hate )are the only real true survival horror games in the style of the playstation era to be released this generation, and I really hope this isn't the last we see of them. It's a dying breed unfortunatly.


Oh, that reminds me. One thing I dislike about Downpour is all the dead humans in the game. In the old SH games you'd find mutilated bodies in creepy spots, human in shape but so far gone past human it was like something from hell and wasn't a person anymore. In this game I've encountered several parts where you just find a dead guy/girl and it's too down to earth and not Silent Hill. That's what I'd expect to find in condemned, Silent Hill has more class than to just show a
burgler hung from the ceiling
in Silent Hill it would be
some weird mannequin body or something hung that represents what happened to the person
. SH was NEVER about the showing; that's what made it classy. It was about the suggesting and implying and giving imagery that represents horrible things. Would like stuff like that if they do another SH.
Noticed a few things in the gallery about characters though I have one locked still.

DJ Ricks information in here basically shows that he too was stuck in Silent Hill for whatever reasons on concerning his own personally damnation. It states:

"I don't know what his stowy was, but I am certain as hell he did not fit this place any more than I do. HE knew things and his plan sounded solid, but in the end that norrow margin between knowing and doing, that little bit of courage to do things on your own, he lacked. That was what buried him here forever."

As for the NUN this proves Murphy was definetly in an orphanage.

" I have never really understood this concept of self sacrifice, to give up your own life and the chanfe to have your own family for the sake of serving others. But back in the orphanage we were all grateful as hell that those woman chose to be teachers, nurses and yes, even true mothers to us."

Anyways, some interesting stuff to read about post game. Need to start a new game for those other endings and to see what else I catch now knowing the full story.
Roland Stiles said:
Well I'm of course not going to give a direct answer.
Fair enough. Though I'm not one of those killing Konami for the issues. Vatra, in the end developed the game and the technical issues fall just as squarely on them. It's obvious they need more experience with the engine if they do happen to have the opportunity to create another game in the series.

One question you could give a direct answer on though (..an one you so deftly sidestepped!;) ) - is there going to be anything in the way of a patch to help resolve some of the issues present? Aside from the framerate problems, there's a few quest killing bugs I wouldn't mind seeing squashed.

Bebpo said:
Every area is set up just right to make you feel uncomfortable and to be jumping at nothing. LOVE IT.
Later game spoilers but
when you open up the gate in the Overlook prison and the prisoners flashback appears quickly as though they are attacking you
..good god the controller leaped out of my hands. LOL. Yeah you can call it a cheap scare but damn did it work.
Fair enough. Though I'm not one of those killing Konami for the issues. Vatra, in the end developed the game and the technical issues fall just as squarely on them. It's obvious they need more experience with the engine if they do happen to have the opportunity to create another game in the series.

One question you could give a direct answer on though (..an one you so deftly sidestepped!;) ) - is there going to be anything in the way of a patch to help resolve some of the issues present? Aside from the framerate problems, there's a few quest killing bugs I wouldn't mind seeing squashed.

Aye, the game needs to be patched. The subway is a shitwreck of randomly locked doors that you have no way of opening, even after completing the Homeless quest. Speaking of the Homeless quest, lots of people are unable to locate the fishing rod where it should be. And the shadow sigil that requires two different fragments in place is buggy as hell. Over two different playthroughs it screwed up on me in two different ways!

Later game spoilers but
when you open up the gate in the Overlook prison and the prisoners flashback appears quickly as though they are attacking you
..good god the controller leaped out of my hands. LOL. Yeah you can call it a cheap scare but damn did it work.

I jumped a mile at that.
One question you could give a direct answer on though (..an one you so deftly sidestepped!;) ) - is there going to be anything in the way of a patch to help resolve some of the issues present? Aside from the framerate problems, there's a few quest killing bugs I wouldn't mind seeing squashed.

Later game spoilers but
when you open up the gate in the Overlook prison and the prisoners flashback appears quickly as though they are attacking you
..good god the controller leaped out of my hands. LOL. Yeah you can call it a cheap scare but damn did it work.

Yeah I'd like to know if a patch would come out for this as well... to try and fix a few things. The subway system is jacked like someone said as well. Doors stayed locked even after finished the quest. As for the fishing rod, it moves places depending what difficulty you have the puzzles on I hear.

As for that late game spoiler. HOLY SHIT. I had to pause the game after that. Such an effective and awesome moment.


Hi guys, I'm after some advice. Ok I played Silent Hill when it came out all those years ago and never touched the series since. Now this game has peaked my interest but I've also seen plenty of people enjoy homecoming.

Basically I'm after a silent hill fix so not sure what to do.

Options are:

1: Get Downpour this week for around £35
2: Get homecoming for around £17 new or under £10 pre owned
3: Pick up the silent hill HD collection instead.

Again this is coming from someone who has only played the original over 10 years ago and not touched any of the franchise since.
Acquiescence said:
Speaking of the Homeless quest, lots of people are unable to locate the fishing rod where it should be.
I was one of them. I couldn't complete it because of the glitch. Annoyed the hell out of me because I wanted to get all of the side quests done on my first play through and then concentrate on the "Digging up the Past" side quest on my second.

slasher_thrasher21 said:
As for the fishing rod, it moves places depending what difficulty you have the puzzles on I hear.
I'll say again - I checked all three locations based on the official guide and online videos. It does not appear properly on certain playthroughs. It's a bug.

addyb said:
Again this is coming from someone who has only played the original over 10 years ago and not touched any of the franchise since.
Sort out of a copy of Silent Hill 2 and/or 3. For 2, get the PS2 Greatest Hits or original Xbox version if you can. Hunt down the PS2 copy of 3. Play those before you touch either the games you're asking about. That's my advice to you:D.

The HD Collection version of SH2 has it's issues but isn't bad if you must go that route though (despite the amount of hate in that HD Collection thread). Silent Hill 3 HD is a disaster, though.

Now if you're completely dead set on getting a "next gen" Silent Hill - it's Downpour by a mile.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Hi guys, I'm after some advice. Ok I played Silent Hill when it came out all those years ago and never touched the series since. Now this game has peaked my interest but I've also seen plenty of people enjoy homecoming.

Basically I'm after a silent hill fix so not sure what to do.

Options are:

1: Get Downpour this week for around £35
2: Get homecoming for around £17 new or under £10 pre owned
3: Pick up the silent hill HD collection instead.

Again this is coming from someone who has only played the original over 10 years ago and not touched any of the franchise since.

Get Downpour. The HD Collection is a mess, and you'd be better off playing the PS2 or PC versions. As for Homecoming, personally I thought it was nothing but a giant shitstain.

And goddamn, I wish my pre-order copy of Downpour would ship already, I'm getting giddy to play it ._.


Ok thanks guys. I will have a read up on the hd collection thread but in a nutshell what's bad about the hd versions of these?

Also my logic was to go for homecoming first and then I'd get downpour, with the aim being that I'd appreciate the latter a lot more if homecoming is supposed to be poorer. If that makes any sense? Lol. Im finding the same kind of vibe for both games judging by reviews and scoring.
I'm about 70% complete, with about 13 hours in and I've got 2 side quests left to finish before I
take the radio guy's boat
and I have to say; technical issues aside, I'm really enjoying this game. My views may be slightly skewed because I'm an absolute Silent Hill fiend (playing the collection alongside this and I loved Homecoming) but still, it's a pretty good Silent Hill title.
Hi guys, I'm after some advice. Ok I played Silent Hill when it came out all those years ago and never touched the series since. Now this game has peaked my interest but I've also seen plenty of people enjoy homecoming.

Basically I'm after a silent hill fix so not sure what to do.

Options are:

1: Get Downpour this week for around £35
2: Get homecoming for around £17 new or under £10 pre owned
3: Pick up the silent hill HD collection instead.

Again this is coming from someone who has only played the original over 10 years ago and not touched any of the franchise since.

Option number 1 - Downpour. Homecoming is merely average and I haven't heard good things about the HD Collection. Downpour isn't perfect by any means but it actually deserves your monies, unlike the other two.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Ok thanks guys. I will have a read up on the hd collection thread but in a nutshell what's bad about the hd versions of these?

The PS3 version has lousy framerate, while the 360 version has a steady framerate. In the PS3 version there's also a loading bug that affects a very significant cutscene, making it look like it was censored.

The things that are borked in both versions:
  • Fog effects are so toned down you can often see unfinished things in the game world, things you weren't meant to see.
  • Street textures in SH2 have been 'cleaned up', making them look far too clean.
  • SH3 looks washed out and too bright.
  • SH3 has no original VAs.
  • Some music has been changed if you play with 5.1 sound.
  • Some minor changes like changed lines of text in SH3 and distances on roadsigns in SH2.
  • Water texture in a specific place in SH2 looks seriously awful. Like PS1 level graphics.
  • They removed hanging, dead bodies from a certain enemy's lair in SH2.

And seriously, don't spend money on Homecoming. Read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia and watch YouTube videos of it. That way you'll get to experience the fanfic level story, yet you get to save money and you won't have to deal with the 'duck duck duck duck swing duck oh fuck I got cornered by three nurses and now I'm dead' combat.
addyb said:
I will have a read up on the hd collection thread but in a nutshell what's bad about the hd versions of these?
For Silent Hill 2 - Textures have been redone for the worst in some cases (streets, pavement, etc.), missing fog effects which show off poor textures that you were never able to see to begin with in the original game. Sound mix issues including lip synch problems and monster noises being different. Music changes in certain scenes. Missing elements like the hanging bodies in certain locations. The game is also overly contrasty and very dark which will require some adjustment of your TV settings.

Despite those issues, the game is relatively intact and the new VA is pretty good, IMO. I personally don't find many of those issues totally game breaking or atmosphere destroying (and SH2 is my favorite game of all time) but to each their own in that regard.

Silent Hill 3 - Complete removal of fog in key scenes. Depth of field effects removed almost completely. Total lack of self-shadowing on the characters which was present in the PS2 and PC version. The game has been sapped of the post-processing color changes that gave it a more sepia/reddish hue. In its place is nothing but a stale HD image. No original voice work and the new VA is hit or miss. Missing sound effects.

All in all, the atmosphere has been almost completely sucked out of the experience. It's a disaster, IMO and really the game that deserves the most shit in the collection.

If you want to go for it anyways, get the 360 version. The PS3 release is a complete mess even post-patch.

addyb said:
with the aim being that I'd appreciate the latter a lot more if homecoming is supposed to be poorer.
Don't bother. Just get Downpour. Read the review posted by Shidoshi and some impressions in the thread and know what you're getting into with the game. You'll be fine.


Ok thanks guys. Some great and very useful info there. Looks like downpour it is then. I've read the reviews from other users and think I can put up with its faults.
Well I'm of course not going to give a direct answer. :)

My confusion is, why are we assuming the problem is Konami?

Because it's Konami's license/franchise. Not Vatra's.

When a kid shows up to school unwashed and unfed, do you blame the kid or the parent(s)?

Correct me if I'm wrong, Tomm (which I may very well be), but doesn't Konami, as a major production company, have a responsibility to guide and assist their outsourced developments? Doesn't KCET or KCEA or whatever they are called now have QA teams to go through what Vatra has done and identify/fix glaring technical issues? They are a small, relatively inexperienced team from the Czech Republic, for Christ's sake. It's not like the production was outsourced to Square-Enix or Capcom. Isn't Konami the company that handles marketing and PR for the product? Doesn't Konami decide when a game is acceptable to release to the public?

It's the same damn thing with SH HD Collections- only about 10x worse. I've noticed you've bailed out of that thread, which was a wise choice, because that product is an inexcusable mess.

KONAMI is the company that appears to be responsible for looking at smaller devs like Climax UK, Double Helix, and Vatra, saying "we're giving you the keys to the car, but we aren't filling it up with gas and the tires are losing air. Get as far as you can with that."

Should I be happy that Konami isn't just abandoning the SH series? Yes and no, Tomm. Yes, because if corporate would have just said "screw it" and been done with it after Homecoming we might not have gotten Shattered Memories (which I honestly loved) and definitely not Downpour (which I think is really great so far, despite its flaws). No, because it's just sad seeing the series apparently being treated like a 3rd class citizen: production values that appear to drop with each passing outsourcing, shallow marketing, release dates that are crammed next to big releases, etc. This game didn't have a chance in hell (or Silent Hill, zing!).

I appreciate what you've done personally, Tomm. I imagine it has to be an uphill struggle for you as well. You are a good man to come onto these forums and take some licks.
Naturally you have 'inside' knowledge because you are an employee of this company. You also have an obligation to defend said company in public. Unfortunately there's nothing you can say that will change my opinion that Konami, as a company, has taken a severely unfortunate nosedive in quality (outside of Kojima Pro.) since the PS2 era... and corporate decisions made regarding the Silent Hill franchise since that time period are ones I generally don't agree with. This isn't just about Imamura, Tsuboyama, and Co. disappearing from the industry. This is also about teams like Climax UK, like Vatra, that seem to have fantastic ideas and vision, get the daunting task of making a game in a series with an extremely vocal fanbase, and, like I said, appear handicapped in budget and larger QA assistance.

That's all the ranting I have.
Sure, I'm likely way off base here, but it's just how "I" feel, as a consumer and a fan of this series. Again, thank you for taking time to talk to the various SH communities out there.


Ok thanks guys. Some great and very useful info there. Looks like downpour it is then. I've read the reviews from other users and think I can put up with its faults.
If you get a chance also try Homecoming. Plays a lot better and feels more focused then Downpour.
If you get a chance also try Homecoming. Plays a lot better and feels more focused then Downpour.


John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Hi guys, I'm after some advice. Ok I played Silent Hill when it came out all those years ago and never touched the series since. Now this game has peaked my interest but I've also seen plenty of people enjoy homecoming.

Basically I'm after a silent hill fix so not sure what to do.

Options are:

1: Get Downpour this week for around £35
2: Get homecoming for around £17 new or under £10 pre owned
3: Pick up the silent hill HD collection instead.

Again this is coming from someone who has only played the original over 10 years ago and not touched any of the franchise since.

If the original is all you've played, you could always start with Shattered Memories. It's brilliantly designed and a great game to check out in general (even if you never played a SH game).

That said, I did enjoy Homecoming and have not yet gotten Downpour. Will though.


I'm working my way through a second playthrough right now, getting trophies.

I'd say the game is a step up from Origins/Homecoming/Shattered Memories, but it's not quite the return to glory that some are making it out to be.

Plus is a buggy as shit game too.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
If the original is all you've played, you could always start with Shattered Memories. It's brilliantly designed and a great game to check out in general (even if you never played a SH game).

That said, I did enjoy Homecoming and have not yet gotten Downpour. Will though.

Not to argue about Shattered Memories' quality, but it's so completely different from the other games in the series I personally wouldn't recommend it to someone who've only played SH1 before.

If you get a chance also try Homecoming. Plays a lot better and feels more focused then Downpour.

No! Bad Grisby! You're sleeping outside tonight.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Not to argue about Shattered Memories' quality, but it's so completely different from the other games in the series I personally wouldn't recommend it to someone who've only played SH1 before.

No! Bad Grisby! You're sleeping outside tonight.

In my opinion it's a good way to break up Homecoming/Downpour


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
In my opinion it's a good way to break up Homecoming/Downpour

Personally I don't like Shattered Memories at all besides the story, but it's an.. interesting experience, definitely.

But no one should play Homecoming. Seriously. I'm glad Double Helix got a foot in the arse and got kicked off the franchise, or we would've had Alessa and Josh going super sayian on each other to fight for control over Silent Hill with Alex and Heather as spectators. Yeah, even Tomm Hulett thought that was a terrible idea.


Hi guys, I'm after some advice. Ok I played Silent Hill when it came out all those years ago and never touched the series since. Now this game has peaked my interest but I've also seen plenty of people enjoy homecoming.

Basically I'm after a silent hill fix so not sure what to do.

Options are:

1: Get Downpour this week for around £35
2: Get homecoming for around £17 new or under £10 pre owned
3: Pick up the silent hill HD collection instead.

Again this is coming from someone who has only played the original over 10 years ago and not touched any of the franchise since.

Get Downpour.

Homecoming is awful and the collection is not how how you want to experience SH2 and especially not SH3. Also avoid Origins, SH4, and Shattered Memories


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So Vatra designed really good Silent Hill levels imo. Like "school" or "hospital." But there are so few of them!
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