I think the chases were almost good. Honestly I think the level design is what hurt them the most; if I had more places to legitimately hide in without the game telling me whether or not I could hide there, I think it would be more intense. I just think the level design is so bad and not varied enough, and the blue outlining of the obstacles you can pass over/through really just makes things feel way more artificial and more game-like, while I think it could have seriously benefit more from better design. I should be exploring this dark, lonely, chilling icy hell while hearing weird sounds every now and then, and be totally freaked out by the atmosphere before the game launches me into a chase sequence. From then it could be like, okay, I hear stuff coming but I can't see it because it's so dark, but I know I need to find somewhere to hide-- and instead of being able to know where the creatures are, and what they look like, how many of them there are, etc., I could find a place to hide not knowing what's after me, or what it looks like, find somewhere to hide, and then when I'm hiding with a limited POV I see some kind of horribly odd grotesquery pass by. This game sort of does that when you're hiding, but it's not scary because you know what's after you at all times.
I just believe that if they kept shaking things up it would have been a lot better, but it's like, when you're done with the first chase, you know what to expect for the rest of the game and you get exactly that. Change up the level design, add more variety, don't tell me where I can hide or what I can climb over, give me more ways to slow down my pursuers, make it scarier by limiting the perspective; instead of the huge open environments make it more claustrophobic. There's just a multitude of ways this could have been handled better. I like the prospect of the chasing. I think it could be done very well.