Truelize said:
How can it be the best Silent Hill game overall when it's not scary? I mean the entire series is defined by how scary it is.
Then it must be a pretty shitty series since 99% of my play time with all the Silent Hill's has not scared me.
Fear is subjective. What I love about Silent Hill is the art, lore, and atmosphere. It's not very scary for me. Tense? Sure, at times, but overall not that scary. When I play Silent Hill I mostly play to experience the world of Silent Hill and whatever story they've wrapped up in it.
So for me Shattered Memories did a lot of what I want to see in the franchise. It got a lot wrong too, but I think it nailed the whole 'idea' of what I want the Silent Hill world to be, and has a fantastic plot wrapped up in it.
This is coming from someone who generally hates the whole cult aspect of Silent Hill though. I can see exactly why some Silent Hill fans will walk away from Shattered Memories very disappointed, but it does what
I like right.
I like my fantasy horror games to be more mystical, hence why I hate the whole cult aspect of Silent Hill as to me it ruins the mystery of the world itself. In that regard Shattered Memories is good. It doesnt try to explain Silent Hill beyond the actual plot itself, concerning all characters.
EDIT: And yes I have played through most of the Silent Hills (have not played Origins, and hated Homecoming too much to finish), and yes I play games outside of the Wii (primarily a PC gamer, and have access to a PS3/Xbox36).