"an image in game with a list of moves" takes a bit longer than a day, to be precise Mike said it would take about 2 weeks to find enough memory, design it (yes, thats important, you cant just dump something, it has to look designed), localize it, test it, because it might cause bugs, etc.
This game has been worked on for a long time with a very, very small budget and just about maximum crunch with a very small team, in order to finally release the game and please the publisher, you want to be done by a certain time and even then the game had numerous delays. There has to be a point when you say "fuck it, this is what we are committing to" and the rest can follow via updates. If they had stopped what they were doing in the last month to add "just another screen" my guess would be another month of delay, and that could seriously impact sales (you miss out on xbla promotions, maybe you cant pay some people anymore so you have to let them go, serious implications)
Not as easy as pressing this magical button that makes everything awesome. You might have a case if this was a big company with resources, but its not. This is basically a garage game and you guys are fucking incensed when it doesn't have one thing a 60 dollar game from Capcom has.