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Slime Rancher 2 Dev: 'Xbox Game Pass Was An Easy Decision For Us'


Gold Member
Come on, this is getting as bad as Jehovah’s witnesses knocking on the door.


I feel harassed.


Gold Member
To be fair, no one seems to have a problem with the amount of Gamepass threads when a dev has said something negeative about it (or twisted to seem negative).
It’s what I’m saying. One part of the forum is constantly doing their best to validate GP with news and the other either goes silent when GP comes out in any positive light or starts knee-jerking with “it’s the end of the industry”. It’s all cringe and pointless.


It’s what I’m saying. One part of the forum is constantly doing their best to validate GP with news and the other either goes silent when GP comes out in any positive light or starts knee-jerking with “it’s the end of the industry”. It’s all cringe and pointless.
Well... if you know of a way to end all fanboyism we are all listening.


It’s what I’m saying. One part of the forum is constantly doing their best to validate GP with news and the other either goes silent when GP comes out in any positive light or starts knee-jerking with “it’s the end of the industry”. It’s all cringe and pointless.
Well maybe certain sections shouldnt be constantly trolling Gamepass. I mean imagine trolling something that is so pro-consumer. Console warring is the reason why, no other reason really.
I mean people do what you want but the same poeple in this very thread crying about more positive Gamepass threads will be in the next 'negative' Gamepass thread crying about how its the end of gaming because of Gamepass.


Regardless, I only play high budget games. Sorry to the indie devs, but this is a game pass for me.

Rimworld is the only indie game that gets a pass from me.
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Gold Member
Well they havent, which is why i said 'its twisted to seem negative'., but whenever a dev comes out saying they didnt want to take the Gamepass route with their game, we get like 5 'Gaming is doomed because of Gamepass' threads.

Having a hard time recalling any of these threads you are talking about but doesn’t matter. I get your point about trolling. It happens both ways and it is annoying.


The first one was a game I would have never tried if not for GP and I ended up loving it (despite a few design and performance flaws), so it's cool that the sequel goes there day 1.
Good lord, we have thread wars now. Fucking embarrassing.

It's really hard for some users to scroll past threads they are not interested in. Plus, they don't realize that a bad thread (pointless, uninteresting, redundant, etc.) will quickly fall to the depths of the forum, never to be seen again. LOL

The hand wringing over threads you don't like just serves to keep those threads active. A bit ago the front page was filled with silly threads about TLoU remake, mostly all things that could have been covered in the OT. I wasn't interested in reading or posting in those and scrolled past. Very simple.
I am sure that they are already doing this, but more stories like this puts them in stronger position. Even better if geme offer dlc’s and mtx, for publisher might end up a very good deal.

I can see where it would be one of those things where if your game really clicks with the GP audience you are getting a lot of advertising out of it (something that you'd generally need to pay for), plus getting some kind of compensation. A win win for the developer for sure.

Kagey K

Obviously it worked out very well for them after the first game, otherwise they wouldn't have wanted to do it again. Same with the Aragami 2 devs, it was supposed to leave at the end of the month and they chose to extend it.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Yeah, it is the first time this happened, right? I downloaded it again to finally finish it before it leaves. I like the game but unfortunately didn’t feel like playing right now so the news made me happy.
This and Yakuza is all I'm aware of.
It's much better to take the money from Microsoft to get on gamepass, than have your game totally flop. You get money and your game gets exposure. It makes perfect sense for indie games.


I can see where it would be one of those things where if your game really clicks with the GP audience you are getting a lot of advertising out of it (something that you'd generally need to pay for), plus getting some kind of compensation. A win win for the developer for sure.
Plus for a lot of smaller studios (even AA ones like Double Fine) the biggest hurdle in getting a game out was the development costs. So if MS are offering to front that cost and then add some more on top, on top of the future revenue from sales etc, it makes it no brainier.
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