This 4th season has been pretty much nothing but crap. The only one I've liked is the one with Alicia (is that her name? she's the one that can teleport).
This 4th season has been pretty much nothing but crap. The only one I've liked is the one with Alicia (is that her name? she's the one that can teleport).
It was just another chance to give the audience a chance to see
Lex react to learning about Clark's secret without actually dealing with the consequences. Good Lex remembers everything while all of bad Lex's memories are lost. STUPID They could have at least given bad Lex a gotee.
Lana has become increasingly annoying this season specially. Her storyline just sucks
ahmen! They had to do something to keep her character interesting. Its a shame this is what they came up with. Lana = Crouching Charmed Laura Croft
Don't even get me started on bringing in Lois. =P
Smallville is just another example of lazy writers pulling in on their subject history to supplement their lack of creativity. That said... I liked the Flash episode. =P Actually after seeing the shit they came up with for lana, I guess it couldn't hurt.