Hah, so Sheik was unchanged but Luigi got nerfed
You know what? I'm ok with this outcome. I won't miss down throw to down B at all lol.
You know what? I'm ok with this outcome. I won't miss down throw to down B at all lol.
Pirate Ship's My Music List:
Dragon Roost Island (Wind Waker) - Original
The Great Sea / Menu Select (Wind Waker) - Sm4sh Remix
The Legend of Zelda Medley (TLOZ/OoT) - Sm4sh Remix
Dark World /Dark World Dungeon (ALttP) - Sm4sh Remix
Tal Tal Heights (Link's Awakening) - Brawl Remix
Song of Storms (OoT) - Brawl Remix
Gerudo Valley (OoT) - Original
Gerudo Valley (OoT) - Sm4sh Remix
Ocarina of Time Medley - Brawl Remix
Village of the Blue Maiden (Four Sword Adventures) - Brawl Remix
Termina Field (Majora's Mask) - Original
Ballad of the Goddess (Skyward Sword) - Original
So, guys, you know how when you use the Metal Box, the reflection shows off the actual stage?
Well, this is what I got for Mario Maker.
That's definitely not SMB3. An easter egg of some kind?
Try connecting online to a match. It should send you to the update screen.How come I never can figure out how to update a game...can't even see the DLC I bought because the game won't update.
How come I never can figure out how to update a game...can't even see the DLC I bought because the game won't update.
That's just his SF64/643D design. I imagine they went with that to differentiate it from the one they've been using in the actual character since the Command days.These guys know their audience. Star Fox Mii Fighter outfit's design seems to be based on his Melee model:
-No eyepiece
-No mic
-Headpiece is all gray, no red
-Grey gloves without open fingers, not black and red with open fingers
-Boots are grey
-Fur is brighter
-Has a holster unlike in Melee, but much less straps
-No dark grey on jacket of shoulders
Could just be a new character is already near completion and they're just getting the balancing for everyone else out of the way now.It looks that there's a ton of balance patches across the board. Every character has had at least one thing altered. This is a very comprehensive update.
Looking at it, I would argue we won't get a character for another month, maybe even until the holiday season begins. No reason to make so many changes if you are gonna update the data soon enough afterwards.
Could just be a new character is already near completion and they're just getting the balancing for everyone else out of the way now.
Really glad Pirate Ship's back since that definitely felt like one of the big omissions that was popular in Brawl that was gone here, especially after WWHD.
Are there anymore veteran stages that particularly need to come back? Personally I'd want Wario Ware Inc., Yoshi's Island (SNES version) and Corneria on the Wii U version, with Frigate Orpheon back for both. Magicant, Mute City and Pac-Man should be easy enough to port over to the Wii U version if Duck Hunt is meant to be an indication for anything.
It would make very little sense for them to send out a huge character update like this only to update it again in the vicinity of its release. Let's remember Sakurai said the 3DS is not built for this type of constant updates.Could just be a new character is already near completion and they're just getting the balancing for everyone else out of the way now.
I think Duck Hunt was only ported because they didn't have a stage on the 3DS at all. So maybe Wii Fit's stage will be added later too.Are there anymore veteran stages that particularly need to come back? Personally I'd want Wario Ware Inc., Yoshi's Island (SNES version) and Corneria on the Wii U version, with Frigate Orpheon back for both. Magicant, Mute City and Pac-Man should be easy enough to port over to the Wii U version if Duck Hunt is meant to be an indication for anything.
I think Duck Hunt was only ported because they didn't have a stage on the 3DS at all. So maybe Wii Fit's stage will be added later too.
Personally, I would like every Wii U stage to be ported to the 3DS and vice-versa, excluding certain stages that wouldn't work in the other version (Great Cafe Offensive, Palutena's Temple on 3DS and Pac-Maze on Wii U).
The mirror is already AWOL in the Wii U version when playing 8-player Smash.There'd be little point in doing the Wii Fit stage without the mirror, and having it just display the same side as the regular camera (or animate at sub-60fps) would look incredibly jarring.
DUCK HUNT ON 3DS!? Yooooooo!!!!
New trailer for Wave 4 Mii Fighters on the eShop
Business Suit
Fox Set (Starfox) (Ginner)
Captain Falcon's Outfit (brawler)
Toad (Brawler)
Viridi Set - Kid ICarus (Sword Fighter)
Hunter Set - Monster Hunter (Sword Fighter)
Rathalos Set - Monster Hunter (Sword Fighter)
Pirate ship is cool and all but
are there balance changes?
I wouldnt consider Monster Hunter a RPG honestly.....but I guess it kinda is....?
See, I told you no Wolf today!
The mirror is already AWOL in the Wii U version when playing 8-player Smash.
See, I told you no Wolf today!
Pirate Ship literally has no unique music at all, they didn't even bring back the music that was on it, but cut from Smash 4.
Rip Great Sea (Original) and Molgera
People who were expecting or anticipating Molgera returning?Who care!
My 3DS game won't update.
Pirate Ship literally has no unique music at all, they didn't even bring back the music that was on it, but cut from Smash 4.
Rip Great Sea (Original) and Molgera
I do. Molgera's Theme is really really good.Who care! At least, we got our ship stage back which is friggin awesome!
To be fair, both are a bit unrealistic. Porting stages to the Wii U would require brand new shiny HD textures to be created, etc. Who knows if Sakurai is willing to do that.Overall, porting most of the 3DS stages over to the Wii U version might be more realistic than the inverse, seeing as they wouldn't have to put work into cutting down model/texture quality, animations or dynamic elements to run; which even had to be done to the Brawl stages on the 3DS version.