Have I told you guys that I like the AJ 1s? I really want the High Black Toes but I'm not gonna shell out 250$ for them. The Chicago 1s, I can live without having since I think the Bred 1s and the Black Toes are better. The GM Royals make me sad, I really need to get me a retail pair but 400+ for that...lol yeah.
I have two "custom" shoes in there too. One pair was the 2013 Celtics that I painted the green over with black (I was going to paint the entire shoe black and leave the gold but opted for this version instead because I need more white shoes and I can live with my beat patent/black gold 1s) and my W.I.P. Jordan Tiffany's. I'm taking a stab at custom croc print (woodburning) and it hasn't been so bad. Have a few blunders here and there but whatever. I'm also to lazy to get rid of that yellow because painting the sole is temporary unless i buy a soleprotector and that's like 20$ and the yellow actually isn't too bad imo. It makes the shoe look better some how.
Gonna attempt to get the SB x AJ 1s this weekend cuz I actually bought a nice sweater to go with it. And also every other Nike Air AJ 1 that comes out just because. I'll grab the Gucci's later (they're on sale right now at a store for 79.99 I believe but idk what size) and the Knicks when they're a decent price.
Oh, and sorry for the blurry pic. My phone's auto focus is pretty bad at times.